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Everything posted by andybp

  1. Not much of an update as I've spent my day off stuck in front of the computer writing the software for my boost/oil system controller all seems to work on the bench at least. hope to try it in the real world tomorrow as I need to calibrate all of the inputs and outputs and then think about where I'm going to mount it in the dash And here's a sample of my software for the nerds god what a really exiting life I lead
  2. sorry to tell you this last time I took one off it was a real pig since they're put on with a sealant not gaskets it was hard to remove without damaging the upper ally part of the sump
  3. let me know how that goes can't see any issues but you never know
  4. Thanks for the vote of confidence much appreciated my missus has been calling me nerd all day and asking me if i shouldn't be wearing sandals and a tank top
  5. thought I'd stop moping (that's what my wife calls it) over the stuff I cant do and get on with what I can having tried several different electronic speed controllers for the oil feed and scavenge pumps I've decided not to waste any more money on them as they won't do exactly what I want them to do so I'm going to build an all singing all dancing one with a few added extra's this controller will be dash mounted and will 1) control the speed of the oil feed and scavenge pumps so maintain steady oil pressure 2) raise the oil pressure if the turbo temperature gets too hot to increase cooling 3) give a warning if oil temp or pressure are not normal 4) display oil pressure and temperature 5) allow easy adjustment of all of the above 6) display and allow adjustment of boost pressure Yes I know I'm very demanding. this shows most of the stuff I will be using to achieve this and my progress to date (I did only start today) also purchased a little gift for the Z to help with the engine oil temp when the turbo's fitted
  6. Thanks it is a bit of a labour of love otherwise i would have given up by now was hoping to have it all ready to go by now but life threw a couple of spanners in the worksbut hopefully as long as no more spanners come my way i'll be back on track by the end of February
  7. i looked into this when i blew the engine in my z but just don't have the space for such a big job if I wasn't still feeling rough i'd blow a wallet full of fuel in the z and come see you guys this weekend just remember lots and lots of pictures or maybe you could sort out a webcam it'd be better than the crap on the telly
  8. You've got me all exited now
  9. sorry haven't been keeping up with my own thread only just seen your post some one offered me a gt35 rebuild kit really cheap £15 since i ran it dry a couple of times while trying to get the oil system to work properly seemed like a good idea having stripped down the old turbo today other than the compressor O ring getting damaged when i removed the cover it's good as new but lots of oil has been getting past the seals so I've decided 100% to go with a scavenge pump and separate pump to supply oil to the new turbo
  10. i'm in the same boat pretty sure i'm gonna go gunmetal same as car
  11. i'm gonna get mine done this year so i'm glad i saw your post i thought about either black or body colour (gunmetal grey) having seen yours they do look smart but they stand out too much for me think i'll go gunmetal
  12. Same here - they quoted me in the region of £1700 for the zed, more than double what I paid with admiral last year! insurers dont seem to follow any logic that i can see i got a really good quote from them with the rear mount turbo so will be going with them at renewall in may
  13. down to a combination of things one of the biggest one's that may lead to premature engine problems that's out of your control is how it was driven / maintained before you bought it apparently every car has had 1 careful lady owner including mine i bought it with 70k on it seemed perfect untill i blew the engine at 74k a friend of mine has had his from new serviced regular and has 150,00 miles on it
  14. I was going to apply a liberal portion of sarcasm here but I'm trying to stick to my new years resolution (but it's so hard not to it actually hurts)
  15. andybp


    as you can see from the posts above opinion over the cheap ebay stuff is divided which is the actual problem as quality varies wildly so you may get good or bad it's pot luck i've had both good and bad if you can afford it pay a little more and get proven quality if not take a chance you might be lucky its not all bad just unpredictable
  16. whats on my mind ? not much too little space

  17. I agree with the sentiment but "burn it with fire" what else wound you use a hot cup of teaDamn sorry was supposed to be one of my new year resolutions less sarcasm failed again
  18. cant see that sort of pressure causing damage, unless they are already worn i reckon cleaning out the oil you forced past the seals should do the trick
  19. Happy New Year to all on the friendliest forum
  20. yea but she's still an old bag
  21. cant believe it one of the neighbours collared the missus when she came home and squealed on me for having a little play in the garage today " I don't think he should be doing that dear he's still not well " She says interfering old biddy I got a right ear full, god it was only a bit of spanner-ing no grinding no welding Any way that's my little rant
  22. Well my day just keeps getting better had lots of comms via email when i ordered my new turbo from the manufacturer in Hong Kong was trying to get a turbo with the correct turbine and compressor the extremely poor English didn't help (theirs not mine) so in the end they were just going to send me the .48 A/R turbine and i was going to put my compressor housing and wheel from the GT35 on to it so i open the box and it's got a complete turbo in it my first thought was they've got it completely wrong but as it happens they got it 100% right even the right anti surge compressor housing and wheel they said they couldn't do. the compressor housing A/R is .70 same as the gt35 the wheel is slightly smaller but the GT35 is capable of 600+hp this slightly smaller wheel wont have a big impact still more than enough for my requirements i'm sure you can guess from how shiny it is which one is new you can see the big differance in exhaust housing size here the turbo came with an internal wastegate and v band fitting already removed so will require some mods to fit dual pump speed controller ready to fit to control the oil feed and scavenge pumps
  23. Glad to hear my ramblings don't bore you all to tears i shall try to keep you entertained i think the plumbing on the mid mount is harder due to the lack of space i did a mid mount many years ago on a 2.8 capri the heat inside in the summer was unbearable plenty of space no heat problems on rear mount also has the novelty/rarity factor which was the decider in this case since i'm just playing Yes this is what i do for fun
  24. Can't wait to see this build start progressing again, ...my mate had a similar thing with his Impreza re; the turbo. Bought a turbo that was just way to big for what he needed so ended up selling it and getting a smaller one which generated power much lower down & is still good for silly horse power. Yea i should have looked into it in depth before i started but there just isn't the information out there to allow you to choose a turbo for a rear mount setup because it's not what the manufacturers thought we were going to do with them as i said before if you do the math the turbine has less than half the gas volume you would expect with a standard setup so you'd spec the turbine to suit an 1800cc and the compressor to suit a 3500cc which says you need somewhere between a gt22 to gt28 for the turbine and gt30 to gt37 for the compressor which makes an ideal hybrid even more difficult as the gt22-28's are t25 and the gt30 to 37's are t3's so you can't just swap over the compressor housing and wheel like i'm going to with my gt35just had to go and answer the door my turbo's here already 5 days from Hong Kong ok enough rambling gotta go open the Z's Christmas prezzi
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