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Everything posted by andybp

  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201275194097?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  2. it's a standard 4 wire resistive
  3. the whole display including the controller and touchscreen interface £33 including delivery from china which took 10 days
  4. there is a usb interface and cable that connects to the touchscreen digitiser and another interface/controller for the actual display which has vga, hdmi and composite inputs.
  5. didn't think you could run windows on a PI ? too late now I had to change my plan to locate it all behind the dash just not enough space so it's in the cubby behind the passenger seat motherboard and ssd mounted just need to run the cables to it . switched live for the power, vga for the monitor, serial to the ecu, usb for the touch screen and a cable to the 2nd serial port for shutdown
  6. and i thought the 14 Ton i put under my gym was a lot You know Carbon fiber and carbon footprint are 2 different things right
  7. i've not got much done on this as i've been on standby all week but i am on my fourth operating system win XP wouldn't run for some reason kept crashing so i installed Vsta but had a few problems with drivers so i then went to Win 7 this didn't like the touchscreen now i'm on Win 8 and all working ok also i've got the fascia rubbed down and painted i'm off Friday so hope to get some more done then
  8. now where would be the fun in that
  9. linux would have been my first choice but the software wont work with it
  10. the other factor is i don't have a spare copy of win 7
  11. ok this is related to this project but really belonged elsewhere so here's the link http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/102023-car-pc/
  12. since putting the rear mount turbo on my Z i've been driving around with a laptop balanced on my passenger seat connected to the utec ecu while i've been setting things up the uti software i've been using allows me to monitor pretty much most things controlled by the ecu the plan is to mount a low power itx motherboard behind the cubby (where the sat nav goes if you have one) this is connected to the ecu via a serial cable the input and output is via a 7" touch screen mounted in front also i've been considering using it as a pc based media player but for now i just want easy access to the ecu without a laptop balanced on the seat. I already have all of the parts i need 12v dc dual core itx motherboard 4gb ram 30gb ssd 140mm fan for cooling operating system is windows Vista not my first choice but for some reason XP SP3 wont run on the board just keeps crashing and it's not really powerful enough for windows 7 and the software will only run on windows so Linux is out i've already installed the software including all of the drivers required this is the 7" touchscreen these can be had very cheaply if you don't mind waiting for it from china so that was the easy bit. fitting the display in the cubby front was a bit more challenging I was going to fit it into the original cubby front but the button to open it is in the way so i decided to make a new one i made a mold from the old one by pulling cling film over it and pushing it into a container of plaster when the plaster started to set i removed the front leaving the cling film behind in the mold after the plaster had set i removed the cling film and finished the mold sanding and filling any problem areas and removing the outline from the opening button on the original once smooth i waxed the mold next i poured fiberglass resin into the mold coating the whole thing with a thin layer once this had set (about 10 min) i mixed up some more resin and built up several layers of resin and fiberglass mat in the mold to add strength once done i left this to cure properly the next day i removed the new front from the mold this is the mold after i removed it and this is the new front it actually came out nearly perfect the photo's don't do it justice next i filled the back of it with body filler to give me something to machine a recess into for the display then it was just a case of machining the recess using my CNC mill this is the display fitted rear view and front view i've only primed it so far, it needs a little bit of sanding and painting and then i need to get it fitted so lots to do yet but so far so good.
  13. andybp

    300c hemi

    a friend of mine has been looking at them apparently there is a problem when they shut off four cylinders for economy sometimes something goes wrong and it breaks the timing chain tensioner which stuffs 4 pistons and assossiated valves
  14. Yes. Got to have mushy peas with fish and chips. I still can't get my head around chippies down south not doing gravy!! Gravy on chips? what is wrong with you northerners you're all sick
  15. i bought a cheap one works with everything so far including the z with torque
  16. It's OK, it's only what the voices in my head tell me to write I was going to write about the detail of data collection and interpretation, but I didn't want to send any readers to sleep (even more than normal) UpRev Tuning Guide pdf is a good starter for basic tuning (with UpRev) if you fancy it http://uprev.com/Upd...uning Guide.pdf Edit: linky ^^ Thx Chris just dropped that onto my kindle for a bit of light reading
  17. Chris your knowledge and nerdiness and attention to detail never cease to amaze me I have to read some of your posts 3 or 4 times before I have any idea what you're talking about but usually I come away somewhat wiser
  18. Regarding the PM. thanks for all the advice Chris always prefer advice from people with first hand experience as opposed to read or heard somewhere the lack of dampers in the cheaper rails is an issue I'm undecided weather to stick with the standard rails or cough up the money for ones with dampers or maybe add dampers to the cheaper rails you know how i like to play also what O ring did you have trouble with the smaller or larger I remember from your post you said it was a really tight fit maybe they were damaged during fitting due to being too tight
  19. thanks for the info Chris I'll post my results on the thread once i put my lathe back together
  20. a bit of a nothing post this but i just wanted to keep the thread up to date. driving hard the oil temp is still coming up so i've changed the supply of the oil cooler fan over to the scavenge pump feed as it runs approx 50% faster than the feed pump that it was connected to if this still doesn't keep it cool enough i'll have to put in a bigger cooler also i'm looking into a fuel return system and uprated fuel rails i already have a 255 LPH pump to fit and in case you didn't guess of course i'm going to build it not buy it so i may be hitting up some of you guys for some info specifically the exact dimensions of the fuel pressure regulator (or the part they put in to replace it ) in the tank (Chris ? )
  21. I'm 50 next year i've been training at gyms since i was 18 not in my best shape right now as i've been ill for 8 months even though i havent used the gym since before christmas i'm still in better condition than most people my age i,m just starting to use the gym again this week measured my self this week to see how bad it's got i,m 5ft 7" 44" chest 30" waist arms have got a bit spindly though (i'm not telling you what ) not too bad considering i want to get my chest up to 45" and waist back down to 28"
  22. Killing Floor 2 a bit of mindless zombie killing
  23. You really are a nerd, you make me feel quite normal thanks Chris good work lots of good info for us nerds
  24. Good to see you're still around even though you've gone over to the dark side (FWD)
  25. High praise from the master himself i see myself as Luke Skywalker to you're Obi Wan Kenobi or maybe you're more of a Yoda couldn't say we haven't met (yet)But one day I shall be the master
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