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Everything posted by andybp

  1. See I told you one careless post and your tough man image is shot We need to get you a new name like shnookum or fluffy
  2. Sorry Dan but your reputations shotThe only way back will be for you to bite the head off a live puppy.
  3. Despite your reputation your just a big soft fluffy bunny aren't you
  4. I don't do Thrillers ,Horror or anything depressing reading for me is pure escapism
  5. A guy i work with is in his forties and hasn't read a book since he was at school
  6. Thanks just had a quick look might give it a try
  7. as per the title I read a lot usually a couple of books a week I started when I was in the MOD we had a lot of free time on our hands only actually worked about 3 months of the year but I've been addicted ever since I have 3 kindles one goes to work with me , one in the house the last stays in my gym I only read Fantasy/Sci Fi not interested in the real world I read to escape it been reading a lot of military Sci Fi and Steampunk lately I tend to read Authors as opposed to types of book it used to be older Sci-Fi Asimov, Heinlein ,Herbert,Edgar Rice Burroughs luckily I've found new stuff to read as they're all dead any new suggestions welcome
  8. pot holes and speed humps is what they should rename Southend the amount of speed humps I hit is ridiculous and that's not speeding and to answer you're question I'm ancient "50" in March. 21 I wouldn't want to pay your insurance
  9. I'm in Southend but i hardly see any Zs around here
  10. it's a rear mount with a standalone oil system so no where near the engine the oil temp is controlled by a fan in front of the cooler and it's easier to change the 2L of oil in the tank to remove contaminants than replace the pump because it got cooked
  11. no i don't have a scavenge tank not enough room really as for frothing you will get this with or without a cooler unless you have some kind of level monitor on the sump to control the scavenge pump but my frothing has been reduced since i put in the cooler as the air bubbles seem to separate out from the oil in the cooler from what i have seen in the clear return pipe from the scavenge pump i get relatively clear oil then pockets of air returning to the tank i measure my oil temp at the oil filter housing just before the feed pipe to the turbo and i see 60-90 Deg C when hot i find it hard to believe that over cooling the oil returning from the turbo's alone will have any detrimental effect on the system but what do i know
  12. I dont know what scavenge pump your using but i have my cooler between the turbo drain and the scavenge pump to protect the pump from hi temps as the pump seems to be a weak point in low mount/rear mount setups also since you are cooling after the turbo's you don't need to worry about thermostatic control as it's returning to the sump or am i getting confused here ?
  13. well Mr K the new z shed looks so amazing and the ramps are just so god damned sexy that I'm torn between wanting to touch myself and sitting in a corner sulking because I'm jealous (Sorry may have shared too much there)
  14. i'm using the BC coil overs at the minute and yes they are at the cheap end of the market but they are good for the money i had a few fitting issues nothing major but not @*!# as they were described but make your own decision
  15. 3 weeks since last post whats happening no more problems i hope.
  16. My missus lived in Australia until she was 6 we got married over there as we were considering emigrating The idea of starting over again (with the Z ) is always appealing all of those things you'd do differently but as you say it's not a done deal let's see what happens as for my build i have too many irons in the fire I have managed to get my CNC lathe back together which i need to do the CNC conversion on my new milling machine so i can make the parts for the fuel system upgrade I'm stuck at the moment waiting for my Z Axis ballscrew to arrive most of the rest of the conversion is done just need to build a PC and throw it in a box with the controller and a PSU and I can get on
  17. Chris the last update was august whats going on I need my Nerd fix
  18. with older sensors position was important but as far as i'm aware modern heated sensors don't have this problem so you should be able to put it in the end of the y pipe the tip of the sensor should be pointed down so moisture doesn't collect in it personally i just put mine in the passenger side cat seems to read just fine.
  19. with the cost of these rails i can't see why you would bother altering the original I'm all for diy but by the time you've bought the an6 fittings just doesn't seem worth all of the messing about but each to his own http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Aluminum-High-Flow-Fuel-Injector-Inject-Rail-FOR-350z-G35-VQ35-VQ35de-Z33-V35-BL-/271882320085?hash=item3f4d72f8d5:g:xcEAAOSwl8NVZWHD
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