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Everything posted by andybp

  1. Only just caught up with this thread Dan sorry to hear about the accident but I'm sure it will all be sorted soon as for the missus, money and mods I feel sorry for you guys my wife encourages me to spend money
  2. The most fun was the capri i put a 4.5l v8 in but i couldn't go back to a car without all the mod cons so the 350z wins
  3. My advice would be don'tIt's there for a reason well several really to prevent damage to the turbo especially if it has ceramic blades as some Celica's and Mr2's had from the factory to stop the turbo stalling, which will increase lag and stop over-pressure in the system between the turbo and the throttle body causing potential damage this was caused when the vacuum hose came off my BOV if you really want this sound then get an adjustable BOV so you still have some protection Turbos only have ceramic blades on the exhaust turbine, not the compressor, these are always metal or nylon, neither will be damaged by having no BOV. well since i'm obviously dumb i lifted this straight off Garrett's site but what do they know Q. What is compressor surge? A. The surge region, located on the left-hand side of the compressor map (known as the surge line), is an area of flow instability typically caused by compressor inducer stall. The turbo should be sized so that the engine does not operate in the surge range. When turbochargers operate in surge for long periods of time, bearing failures may occur. When referencing a compressor map, the surge line is the line bordering the islands on their far left side. Compressor surge is when the air pressure after the compressor is actually higher than what the compressor itself can physically maintain. This condition causes the airflow in the compressor wheel to back up, build pressure, and sometimes stall. In cases of extreme surge, the thrust bearings of the turbo can be destroyed, and will sometimes even lead to mechanical failure of the compressor wheel itself. Common conditions that result in compressor surge on turbocharger gasoline engines are: -A compressor bypass valve is not integrated into the intake plumbing between the compressor outlet and throttle body (BOV) -The outlet plumbing for the bypass valve is too small or restrictive -The turbo is too big for the application I'll add one more thing, compressor surge is not compressor stall they are two different things.. I think your missing the point but whatever (yes I did just whatever you )
  4. My advice would be don'tIt's there for a reason well several really to prevent damage to the turbo especially if it has ceramic blades as some Celica's and Mr2's had from the factory to stop the turbo stalling, which will increase lag and stop over-pressure in the system between the turbo and the throttle body causing potential damage this was caused when the vacuum hose came off my BOV if you really want this sound then get an adjustable BOV so you still have some protection Turbos only have ceramic blades on the exhaust turbine, not the compressor, these are always metal or nylon, neither will be damaged by having no BOV. well since i'm obviously dumb i lifted this straight off Garrett's site but what do they know Q. What is compressor surge? A. The surge region, located on the left-hand side of the compressor map (known as the surge line), is an area of flow instability typically caused by compressor inducer stall. The turbo should be sized so that the engine does not operate in the surge range. When turbochargers operate in surge for long periods of time, bearing failures may occur. When referencing a compressor map, the surge line is the line bordering the islands on their far left side. Compressor surge is when the air pressure after the compressor is actually higher than what the compressor itself can physically maintain. This condition causes the airflow in the compressor wheel to back up, build pressure, and sometimes stall. In cases of extreme surge, the thrust bearings of the turbo can be destroyed, and will sometimes even lead to mechanical failure of the compressor wheel itself. Common conditions that result in compressor surge on turbocharger gasoline engines are: -A compressor bypass valve is not integrated into the intake plumbing between the compressor outlet and throttle body (BOV) -The outlet plumbing for the bypass valve is too small or restrictive -The turbo is too big for the application
  5. My advice would be don'tIt's there for a reason well several really to prevent damage to the turbo especially if it has ceramic blades as some Celica's and Mr2's had from the factory to stop the turbo stalling, which will increase lag and stop over-pressure in the system between the turbo and the throttle body causing potential damage this was caused when the vacuum hose came off my BOV if you really want this sound then get an adjustable BOV so you still have some protection
  6. I beg to differ have you never heard a rear mount turbocheck this link out
  7. Hey Bradders it's looking good glad you did the engine bay while you had the chance I've been keeping an eye on this thread it's nice to see some real work being done not just the same old exhaust ,air filter and a few shiny bits
  8. I've just ordered 2 pairs of 15mm H&R ones from Germany came in at about £160 delivered the 15mm are ok as long as your wheels have the recess between the mounting holes for the studs to go into but I wouldn't buy used with 15MM spacers due to their thickness it wouldn't take a lot for someone to have damaged them in the past over-tightening them but it's your call
  9. I only went up to 255 to fill the rims better. with the wheel offsets and the spacers I'm using the track should be 40mm wider overall on the rear and 20mm on the front axle this will give me +5mm extra scrub radius per wheel on the front so not too bad
  10. 18x8 and 18x9 225's front 255 rear
  11. So onto the fuel system at last since I want to make it easy to return the car back to standard easily I'm keeping the damper on the end of the fuel line where it comes into the engine bay so this plate that the damper fits into will be replaced with this one I've machined from ally which has an AN6 fitting fitted to it to allow it to connect straight to the new fuel rails I also drilled a hole through it and fitted connectors on each end so that the pipes for the evaporative fuel emission system could be kept standard luckily I have a spare plenum which made measuring up easier just waiting for some AN6 hose and fittings and i can fit the new fuel rails the fuel return system will be next on the list after that Oh and just because they're shiney these are my new wheels i will fitting next week when the spacers arrive.
  12. Sorry Dan I shouldn't take the P*** especially when you're being charitable but I cant help myself it's like tourettes but instead of swearing i take the P***
  13. The sun was in your eyes ? i thought you were gurning
  14. best option is to fit a mechanical oil pressure gauge into the port the sender is plugged into (if you have one that is) this will tell you if you actually have low oil pressure if the oil pressure is good then its more likely to be the sender than the gauge
  15. This post is for mr K to encourage him to drag his Bridgport kicking and screaming into the modern world as i said in previous posts on this thread I'm upgrading the fuel system for this diy turbo setup and as is my way doing/making as much as possible myself to this end I've upgraded my CNC milling machine obviously i didn't just buy one that would be expensive and where would be the fun in that. This is how it came out of the box. And by the end of the day it looked like this I'm sticking with the lead screws on the x and y Axis for now but have adjusted them up to take out the backlash but have had to redesign and replace the z axis with a 20 mm ballscrew I've had to go for a 2 : 1 pulley system on all axis as the stepper motors and drivers i had laying around (as you do ) were not powerful enough This is one of the axis with the hand wheel removed and adapter for the stepper motor and pulley fitted this is the part i made to take the z axis ballnut z axis top mount being machined finished z axis top mount also showing proximity limit switch y axis nearly ready to go The machine is actually usable now just need to tidy up the wiring and finish a few other bits and i can get on with the fuel system for the Z
  16. Dan 400 miles on a tank on a 4.4 V8 you've already been renamed fluffy do you want to lose your petrol head status as well ?
  17. Dan I am genuinely sorry but only because i just spat coffee on my keyboard when i saw your new avatar Don't be sorry . . no one else is Ive got to be careful as i'm not too far away and he might come down here in his fiat 500 and a pink Onesie and get me
  18. Dan I am genuinely sorry but only because i just spat coffee on my keyboard when i saw your new avatar Don't be sorry . . no one else is Ive got to be careful as i'm not too far away and he might come down here in his fiat 500 and a pink Onesie and get me
  19. Dan I am genuinely sorry but only because i just spat coffee on my keyboard when i saw your new avatar
  20. Dan I mean FLUFFY if your new name sticks I'd just like you to know that I will feel very very very slightly guilty
  21. Yea i read The Martian before i heard they were making the film really enjoyed it but i did like the film they didn't butcher it too much
  22. Who hasn't Not me. Don't get the love for his stuff at all. are you just disagreeing because i've re named you fluffy
  23. I've tried can't get into his books at all
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