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Everything posted by andybp

  1. Excellent work as always sir (other than your signature blurry photo's )
  2. So the setups been up and running for a couple of months now had a few issues with the scavenge pump not keeping up at high engine revs after fitting a 2mm restrictor in the oil feed and a small ally sump on the turbo drain that was all sorted it made 5psi from 2500 rpm up to the redline Achieved everything I set out to do but now I'm bored I did it , it works it wasn't about the power I can't use it around here anyway I just like a challenge. So it's all coming back off and going back to an N/A setup (maybe DIY individual throttle bodys ) some people may think i'm mad but why pay the extra insurance on something i'm not using I've had great fun doing it but it's time to put this project to bed Thanks to everyone for their interest in this project and putting up with my ramblings
  3. since thats a supercharged engine may be pressure/vaccume reference for fuel pressure regulator just guessing
  4. As much as you joke about the cardboard and sticky tape you're very good at making a professional looking job from basic materials excellent job as always
  5. Also Admiral will only cover certain mods nothing that makes any real power turbo ,superchargers or nitros
  6. Yea I'm in southend too but don't speak too loud or we'll be stoned for not owning corsa's.
  7. Well I was playing doom up to about 30 minutes ago when my pc overheated and crashed again! I love amd for value for money but they run too bloody hot so I've deserted and gone to intel and just bought an i7 6700k, asus motherboard and 32 GB of ddr4 ram from ebuyer (may of got a bit carried away)
  8. i'd be really happy with what most of you guys get i only get 12
  9. yea the owner's not here bitching about a bit of light hearted Pi!! taking it's just banter so why get so stressed
  10. Great work Mr K some excellent fabrication going on I'm so impressed I'm not even going to be sarcastic regarding the earlier photo's
  11. I think that might be bigger than Dan's on his BM.
  12. Engine could be okay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350z-GT-Complete-Engine-VQ35DE-3-5-V6-U-K-RHD-/142163651258?hash=item21199d2aba:g:STAAAOSwMVdYE-Z1
  13. fitted mine last year no complaints so far http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/99693-christine-gets-bc-coilovers/#entry1502159
  14. Seems do-able for your budget even allowing for all the other unrelated mods you need clutch/flywheel uprated discs/pads, oil cooler and all of the other stuff you don't allow for that costs more than you think
  15. Happy birthday Gareth don't worry you don't look a day over 50
  16. Here you go fella http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/REV9-T3-60-1-TURBO-CHARGER-KIT-COMPLETE-BOLT-ON-FOR-Nissan-03-06-350Z-Z33-/142046487794?hash=item2112a164f2:g:rysAAOSwXeJXfDbo you will almost definitely have to modify this pipework to get around the steering change the turbo as it's probably a Chinese knock off (Ok on a rear mount as it has a much easier life) bigger injectors,fuel return system and whatever tuning option you go for
  17. Do you plan on doing the work yourself or getting someone else to do it if you plan on someone else doing the work it won't be cheap
  18. As has already been said front mount kits are pretty much all for the lhd cars so even after the import duty you will be looking at pipework mods at least pretty high engine bay temps and I don't hold out much hope for the paint work on the bonnet directly above i.t I have seen a mid-mount setup but don't know if it's available commercially I did a mid-mount setup on a capri many years ago and it was like having underfloor heating unbearable in the summer not practical in my opinion. A rear-mount setup is Diy-able and pretty cheap there was someone selling an STS setup not too long ago on here At the end of the day turbocharging is not going to be a few hundred Quid but it is the cheapest way to decent power inreases
  19. andybp

    quad tip exhaust

  20. Had several xtron head units over the years the early ones had lots of features but were poor quality the last one i had a few years back was much better quality wise certainly very good for the money
  21. have to say I like Dan good sense of humor , tells it like it is But WTF was that all about ?? :wacko:
  22. as inspiral said in an earlier post a dead battery causing high load on the alternator or just high load on the alternator for any reason can make this worse probably shouldn't happen if the belts are in good condition and tensioned correctly but it does
  23. here's a link to my post http://www.350z-uk.c.../102023-car-pc/ still need to get around to matching the colour, the screen has hdmi/vga/composite inputs etc
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