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Everything posted by andybp

  1. Why custom plenty of good systems out there for the Z ? just for the record I find just because I want to a perfectly good reply I'm just curious
  2. this is unbranded http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-STAINLESS-STEEL-EXHAUST-Y-PIPE-FLEXI-DOWNPIPE-FITS-NISSAN-350Z-3-5-/182337486426?hash=item2a74293e5a:g:zVQAAOSwHMJYHFic but lots of different ones out there try one of the traders on here they're very helpful
  3. fed a piece of wire down from the top and used it to pull the pipe through
  4. no this is not a quest for power or perfection I'm just playing ,doing it because I think it will be cool
  5. Had an early arrival won't get much done with them yet but just having them and being able to take a few measurements is helping to solidify my plans. also now i've taken a few measurements I was concerned about and all is ok I can order the other three
  6. My 350Z throttle body showed up today this is what i'll be using to control my individual throttle bodies once it's been on a diet this is it with the butterfly removed the shaft also needs removing before machining so if you havn't seen inside a throttle body before Enjoy four rivets holding the main cover on are drilled out and the cover just pulls off no wires to disconnect as most of the pins on the connector go to the twin throttle position sensor which is in the cover and just two wires for the motor which are on an internal connector on the cover and this is whats inside the gear ratio appears to be approx 9:1 if you're interested not that it matters the end of the throttle shaft locates in the throttle position sensor in the cover shown here behind this cover is the bearing locating the other end of the shaft cover removed showing the shaft in the bearing Shaft, return springs gears all removed I will probably remove the motor before machining this piece of paper shows roughly what i will be removing from the body I will then have to add another bearing to support the shaft to make up for the one i'm removing I also need to change the return spring for a lighter one ok enough for now might get a bit more done tomorrow.
  7. And good looking too Subjective lol. Everyone thinks I'm ugly. I don't see it. your pictures blurry but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt
  8. Anything North Face, if you're not actually on the North Face of anything. No socks, except with flip flops. Any trouser cut which displays mankle. Belt and shoes which don't match. Top button done up with no tie. PS - You can't moan about any brand at all being chav, if you're prepared to wear a baseball cap under any circumstances! And this is soooo not about the Ferrari badge on my Oakleys ok?? They were just the best sunnies in my optician goddammit! Did you just say it's ok to wear flip flops ? I wore flip flops for a whole year in South America, there's nothing so practical or fashionable! And there goes my respect for you out the window.
  9. Norfolk,Norwich what do you expect it's all six toe country
  10. Sorry dan I like superdry got loads it;s soft and good quality like me.
  11. I used a cheap sensor when one of mine was playing up it's still in there 3 years later no probs also the error code for the other sensor came in a month later this was the angled sensor not the straight one when i took it out to have a look at it i noticed their was some corrosion on the contacts 5 minutes with some switch cleaner and a cotton wool bud and it's worked ever since must be 3 yrs now but that's just my experiance with them.
  12. Excellent work as always Mr K, your photography skill are also improving 10/10 for the radical 8/10 for the photo's
  13. And good looking too You forgot modest when you're this handsome there's no point in modesty
  14. got the other side of the lower plenum machined today this is all that's left of it. how it goes from here depends upon what clearance I have
  15. my plans are somewhat fluid at the moment until I get the other side machined which is happening right now, and my throttle bodies arrive next week and I can get the much slimmed down lower plenum on my Z to check clearances it's all a bit up in the air also I have a standard Z throttle body on the way which will also be going on a major diet.
  16. on plan B already the port shapes and spacings are too uneven where i originally cut off the lower plenum so had to go a bit more extreme Much more even My throttle bodies should arrive next week and i can get on
  17. I had the same issue with mine minor miss fire unplugging the coil packs one at a time didn't help I just changed mine one at a time for a known good one until I found the right one the other problem with testing modern coil packs (not sure about the 350) is lots of them have a transistor driver in them so you can't just measure the resistance of the windings at best you only have access to the secondary coil (the one connected to the spark plug)
  18. So I popped into halfords earlier to get a brake light bulb for my Z got the irritating perky assistant as soon as I walked in "What brought you here today sir ?" (so tempted to say my car) "Anything I can help you with ?" so I stuck with polite no thanks but he wasn't having that and follows me over to the bulbs "I can probably find that quicker " he says well it's been a long day and I was tempted to go with "just pi** off and leave me alone" but I resisted and smiled and said "actually could you go and get me a pollen filter for a 350Z has to be for a uk car as the imports different " it was great fun watching him walk up and down, look through the little look up chart things they have then he looked up and caught my eye and I said "have you found it yet I'm in a bit of a hurry here " so he runs to the end of the aisle a bit flustered to the parts department bit and starts having a conversation with the parts guy "any time today mate " I say then their conversation gets a little heated and finishes with the parts guy gesturing at his screen and I'm guessing informing mr helpful that they don't have one as the both then turn and just stare at me by which time I'm giggling like a girl oh what fun. so I payed for my bulb and left
  19. charge cooler for the Radical ? one day i'll get down there but for now I expect a decent writeup and some good pictures well blurry pictures in your case Oi you I got a new camera for Christmas my pics are much better now .... well more of them are less blurry I'll keep mine coming you keep your mad projects coming What do you mean MAD projects I could be offended if it wasn't so close to the truth
  20. this is the best performance option also looks best but throws up a few fabrication issues I can't be arsed to deal with but who knows how it will evolve ?
  21. if it doesn't it will be coming back off.
  22. charge cooler for the Radical ? one day i'll get down there but for now I expect a decent writeup and some good pictures well blurry pictures in your case
  23. So in preparation for this new project of mine I've removed all of my rear mount turbo set up the only things left are the utec ecu which I will need and the fuel return system which is easier to leave than remove and will make no difference anyway. as far as manifolds go I'm considering three options 1) make manifolds to mount straight to the heads like the obx/jenvey ones 2) make a manifold to fit to where the plenum does now like these 3) or what I'm going to try first if you happen to have a spare plenum and a milling machine is this the throttle bodies I'm going to be using are from a triumph 675 well two sets actually since it's a three cylinder engine the throttle bodies are 44mm I'm keeping the Drive by wire either driven by a custom made throttle servo or a machined down version of the standard 350z one and will use both the throttle position sensors ie the ones already on each set of throttle bodies. I doubt I'll get much more done before the weather improves but you never know.
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