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Everything posted by andybp

  1. soon I promise only have my phone I can record on and no phone holder in car
  2. The wideband sensor issue I had is now sorted I now have the same sensors and controllers in both banks and I have designed and made new velocity stacks which are angled to avoid the bonnet and have a flat side to allow for fitting of proper filters consisting of shaped aluminium mesh and RAM AIR dual layer filter foam.
  3. Got to say I'm not a big fan of soft top convertibles but with the roof down it looks bloody fantastic.
  4. andybp

    MOT pass.

    All it takes is some self righteous tree hugger to see that and you'll be needing a new MOT tester for next year as Dan said lose the picture ffs.
  5. It's a modified 350z throttle body with a lighter return spring also the outer throttle bodies have had the return springs removed I did consider the link can lambda setup but I already had a new wideband lsu 4.9 sensor and controller so it was easier and £200+ cheaper to buy another of these and since this car is only a toy and a test bed for my Mad ideas as Keyser calls them I like to keep what I spend under control
  6. I'm using the link g4+ plugin ecu very flexible unlike my old turboxs utec
  7. the cars running fine sounds great lot of work still needs doing though one of the velocity stacks is just hitting the bonnet so i'm making new ones now that I've built my new 3d printer VID_20170809_201656.mp4 also had some problems with one of my wideband sensors so I've got to fit a new one which arrived today once I get the new velocity stacks printed and the new sensor in I can get on with tuning I also need to finish the strut brace and finish the crankcase ventilation setup
  8. Nope thats the narrow band mine has the wideband sensors even though it's an 03 plate thanks anyway as it happens I found it now it comes under the 04.5 manual just need to check it now to make sure the color codes match
  9. come on guy's nobody ? Don't make me open up all of the loom to trace it back that'll be a real PITA
  10. Hi has anyone got a wiring diagram that shows the stock 350 wideband sensors all I can find is the one with the narrowband sensors thx
  11. rose gold ? they're pink just embrace your feminine side dan accept it it's like my missus keeps telling me she's strawberry blonde
  12. have started on the strut brace took ages to get the bends right Now that bits in the rest should go a lot quicker also I've put fine mesh stainless filters over the velocity stacks and coated the stacks with resin to make them more heat resistant I've not been too fussy with this as I'll be changing the velocity stacks due to clearance issues that is once my new 3d printer arrives as I had a major meltdown with my old one and it's not worth repairing I've also been tuning the car on the road with the help of my wideband sensors the fuel map's getting better all of the time once I get it a bit better and some of the bugs sorted out I'll take it and get it mapped hopefully by the end of next month.
  13. Can't believe I've only just seen this the build is friggin awesome and I have such bad garage envy it hurts.
  14. easy to change just a bit awkward to get to, get a proper o2 sensor socket it will make it a lot easier as they tend to be a bit tight
  15. patience is a virtue but i'll get there soon (ish)
  16. sorry for my lack of updates but it's all been a bit slow I couldn't get the new velocity stacks made due to a problem with my 3d printer (awaiting spares) . I have managed to get my other wideband o2 sensor in so now have one in each manifold which will help me with the tuning, which is getting there slowly but surely it gets more driveable and smooth every day The strut brace is on hold until I get my gas refilled (tomorrow hopefully) but the big news is that I might have to rename my Z from Christine (after she tried to kill me) to Snarling beast as the sound the exhaust now makes is so f****** awesome
  17. That's truly quite disgusting.
  18. The new linkages are all sorted now so the throttle bodies are all balanced now and it's made a massive improvement to the idle also I've been stuck in front of my computer for the last hour redesigning some new velocity stacks as I had a few clearance issues with the front ones just touching the bonnet will get one of these printed tomorrow hopefully also my new wideband controller arrived so I can get an O2 sensor in the other downpipe
  19. As per the previous post I'm waiting for stuff to arrive so I can get on (AGAIN) so I thought I'd look at the strut brace, I was hoping that I could modify the brace a little to fit but there just isn't the clearance above so it's going to have to be more major than I had hoped (luckily I know where there's some stainless looking for a new home
  20. Great minds think alike already tried bending the rod slightly yesterday wasn't working well and have ordered my left hand tap and die (already have standard right hand ones) and 2 left hand rose joints so will hopefully get this sorted next week.
  21. Isophthalic is a real word ? I was just making that up
  22. Minor update I've been having trouble getting a stable idle speed I believe due to the servo hunting trying to maintain a particular idle rpm I now have it at a fixed throttle position this is working much better also the MAP signal is jumping around a lot so I fitted a 1mm restrictor in the line to the map sensor this helped but it was still too unstable so I have now put a Tee into the line and connected it to an old catch can which I have sealed up this is acting as a damper and seems to have solved the problem the only issue I can see with this is that it will reduce the accuracy and potentially cause a lag in the pulse getting to the sensor I did try a smaller vessel as a damper but it was having minimal effect. The other issue I'm having is balancing the throttle bodies between the left and right banks this is because I don't have accurate enough adjustment as I used standard threaded rod for the linkages so my smallest adjustment is a 180 Deg turn on one of the M4 rose joints which equates to about a third of a mm seems like a tiny amount but with itb's that's a lot
  23. The red prototype was in PLA but the final ones in yellow are in abs due to it's higher temperature resistance and higher melting point also I printed them in low quality leaving a rough surface finish as I was intending to coat them in an Isophthalic resin to protect them
  24. Yea that was my fault the way I had it setup but you live and learn at least this time around
  25. had some time to play again today having some problems with getting the idle stable something I need to investigate further Had a bit of a scare earlier I had to disconnect one of the Throttle position sensors to refit the velocity stacks but apparently I didn't reconnect it properly which resulted in the engine going full throttle after startup luckily the engine was fully warmed up but the noise it made was out of this world absolutely awesome I had to make sure there was no one about when I got out of the Z due to my aroused state took me an hour to discover what the problem was as it was saying there was a problem with the servo power not the sensors turns out it disconnects the servo power when it detects a sensor fault never mind all fixed now just need to sort out the idle issue and then I can get on with tuning.
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