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Everything posted by andybp

  1. I think you may be right there, I blame Dan but then again I blame him for global warming and famine in africa too
  2. Yea if I was your boss we'd be having words
  3. As phil said I don't think there's a differance same software and hardware I think it's just a case of branding I actually ran Phil's map on my link g4 plug in ecu for a while
  4. Oh and glad you found a use for the turbo, I have three on my garage floor
  5. WOW bloody brilliant wish I had the space to do this to my suspension, keep up the good work
  6. I thought I knew what you were talking about untill I saw the size are we talking about extensions for adjusting the shock because these are the ones I used as the top of the rear shock is enclosed this is where I brought mine out or are you talking about something else and I'm being dense(not unheard of)
  7. ok you were right I couldn't leave it like that so this is the actual final version I've fitted a small small amplifier with a bluetooth reciever built in and connected it to the bose amp thats all working fine I now just need to get on with installing the tablet and connecting the steering wheel controls for which I need to build a small decoder as they use the standard resistor type setup which means there are only 3 wires for effectivly 6 switches
  8. I might end up leaving it that colour for now and get the rest of the installation done as I want to get my car back together
  9. this is also not the final color far too glossy
  10. It's just primer not the final colour
  11. Fantastic .at last something worth reading keep up the good work.
  12. filling is pretty much done I have machined a recess in the back for the tablet to sit into just finishing and painting to do now
  13. I know how hard it can be with a project like this when something goes wrong and you just feel like giving up but I hope you find the enthusiasm to finish this project I like to see people doing real mods to cars far too many people think that a few stickers and a fake carbon fiber air filter count
  14. I don't have a dream job I just want to give up work and play with / build stuff all day the last thing I'd want to do would be anything car related because it's what I love doing and if it was work I might stop enjoying it.
  15. been on standby so haven't got too much done on this but here's a few pictures for you.
  16. A couple of things I forgot the tablet is a windows 10 10 inch with a dual core processor nothing special and I'm hoping to use the steering wheel controls for volume and power button and obviously I lied about the ironing, I'm a man god damn it..
  17. Actually yes I can cook and i love ironing
  18. So I've been planning this for some time but have been keeping my eye out for a cheap centre console rather than butcher mine but I'm just not willing to pay stupid money for a bit of plastic but being a bit bored today because of the rain I decided to just get on with it. so what do you get if you mix these items with fibreglass and body filler ? hopefully something not too embarassing to show. as you can see I've already removed the back cover to gain access to the power and volume buttons so I can put in external ones only started this an hour ago so I haven't achieved an awful lot yet.
  19. Don't say things like that I just want to be like a real boy
  20. Another minor update this is the old catch can I was using to stabilise the vacuum signal which was very unstable (I got my thumb in the picture to make Keyser feel better about his picture taking ) turns out a couple of the hoses had collapsed so now that's sorted I'm gettting the same results with this Which is actually an inline fuel filter this is making tuning much easier as there was too much smoothing of the signal due to the vessel size
  21. it's like the glass half full or half empty thing I'm not usually like this with my work I'm usually pretty confident it's probably because there is so much that could go wrong but I gain more confidence with it every time I drive it
  22. if it wasn't for the fact that I don't trust my Z 100% due to the recent mods I'd come along
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