frogspeed int
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Z Hopeful (2/7)
If it wasnt for the ggo of others i could of wasted 1200 quid and a week by his piis recommendation, Also if he has the supercharger he says then i judge on how i find but as i said earlier , never stop assessing people . If he has been there done that then why take the **** and posibly cost people time and money, sounds like he has a lot of troll in him , Id done a serch b4 posting seen the pics on the kit post, even prest the relevant contact links got nowhere .
Thats why i have a unimog on 44 inch wheels and transit tipper cab check out transit unimog on u tebe they were the early days So any chance of a bit of svitzer sponsorship or just hand to take her green fur jacket off next tome the fire punps need testing? Need more Likes on the Tuxedo royale -sos face book site please.
Take ya a long time to drive over there ,seen more power in an Anadin than that thing Can imagine your car looking like some thing that has had a RTA with Halfwhits store Judging by your recomendations
the one in corner of stus mv pic is my old 55 plate red one custom sold several yrs ago, had mvf4,and 1200 buell fire bolt same time ..oh theirs a 03 one in the garage with one of the zds if i remember Now have 2x old z1300s one mint 3500 miles other is under mods and part built turbo gixer/duke/honda fighter pluss lots of other junk Currently refreshing gxr 1000 ,2x ex hanspree ,Ten Kate cbr 6 race bikes (aprox 150 horses), while the lads have just been oz racing and are now in Malaysia at Sepang, Im here Hissing about trying to put things together for the ship and 350z ds
Easy enough to id Switzer boat, saw the drawings for the new bow fair lead cant remember which x it is for ,at mi mates engineering co, You got any influance in Svitzer?
TuxedoRoyale the ship on face book then see friends stuart nicholls his wall will have pics of drift bros (franko in milan) his my old mv agusta now his , my z 1000, and the 350 thats getting kitted , francos perswasion. The Vanquish in the photo i sent to Falcon is mine got mi name on it, i can also be found under CREW on the teesmouth life boat page... Do u have any influence on me being tugged to the dissused dry dock? once we refloat? Please any one intrested in tux ask to be a friend on face book or tick like on the group page tuxedo royale -sos Chears John
You dont even need to bring that tub up, better still just use ormsby and pheonix, they put my new toy where it is now , could even give us a wash down with phoenixes hoses . http://i715.photobucket.com/albums/ww15 ... -11108.jpg posting.php?mode=reply&f=26&t=58062#
dont blame ya keep it private. I realy must be finding a kit here guys but try to find some picies youd just say i pinched em from ternet?
And what do I get in return ? off some one that wouldnt want to be even a virtual friend Super charging sounds cool I shall look Thank you Ps i have a mate whose supercharger takes 800hp just to turn it, a chevy pick up can be hung off the belt and still not turn it over Andy that painted for Falcon (and crofts toyota/merc knows me)
Shame i was going to send you to a page with Some pics and info inc Italian drift bross and russian friend with pics of 350,and some of my bike build onit. That ties it back to my home town of redcar
People that recommend and say some thing is quality when its sheeite are the kind that want banning from forums. You never know who people realy are and can never stop assessing them never mind do it in a couple of posts, I have many friends that surprise a lot of people, AH thats what i was looking for , Dont have custard and cars are at 2 locations, Nore do i customise for a living, I JUST PLAY, Cars bikes planes and boats/ships See what i can do Any one have face book?
Have to have a read of posts, Sorry about text speech thought when moderators use things like WTF text speak and foul was allowed..Didn't criticise meetings just making suggestions like it asked for in every post by lexx? No offence was ment just the way it was taken. Has any one any experience with the VEELSIDE KIT thats on flea gay at the moment they want 1200 for it? I need to sort things soon, can delay painting a week if I send one of the other 350s for paint first but then need to sorce engine mods / Twin Turboes or what ever you gods know works and doo this work pre paint (as it should be ) Thank you guys that PM (oops is this classed as text speak or not) .
would be good to postpone paint but this kid paints well is booked months in advance , we learnt together 30 yrs ago and he fits me in short notice, cos he likes to give my sporty / new stuff pre prept a good lick and im a fussy bastard when it comes to paint and prep I dont mess people like him about if i say i ll have it i will , This car is to be driven to Russia for a client deadlines are deadlines deals are deals .. Just their friend that drifts in Milan ,(and this car has spent a lot of time there and various other countries) has planted the seed so i have a change in direction a wide kit and kellyfandangos to be fitted. I looked for a forum because i wanted to speak to people who know more about this model than i do. Not a pack of i mature kids that probily dont mod there own cars so cant pass quality advice, But guess thats the mentality of some Nissan owners.. SORRY TO THE 350 GODS OUT THERE and those that mean well , Thank you for advice on UV , **** takers and trolls are usualy the kind of people that begrudge others having some thing they dont ,they never know who they are talking to and pass judgement quickly..(probily dont even own a 350z ) I have 3 to play with they really don't float my boat but each to there own,(they dont fire on enough cylinders if you ask me ) drove this one home from milan and will drive and deliver to Russia over a month, Thanks to those who offer sound advice, Still looking for some one to recomend a decent UK supplier and wide arch kit Hoped for a list with prices and tell numbers I tried to contact a co throughthe list provided in the kit thread link bot they obviously dont need the custom or are use being peed off by the type of people they deal with.. over Back soon
Painter was booked , when kit was not an option but now it has been decided to modify, you know what girls are like cant make their minds up.. Just re looked @ some kits on the above post open to suggestions, on wide kits. whats the black one with vented wings on the wheels page no 4? the vents look agresive. Prefur a reasonable fit rather than a low std piece of jelly that has more ripples than the north sea, i know these cars are banger status not my kettle of fish but i do like a good standard of Finnish. Would like to see Ians car std Not a troll .. Cant beleive forums have traffic jams too, going for a look for Aerokit and others named, Are there any "BUILD PROJECTS "on here? Thanks so far bk soon PS how do i post pics?
come on BORO hope the moderators dont drive as slow as it takes em to post this , will try search, didnt realise they made kits. ILL do b4 and dafter pics if thats what ya want, might even bring one to the Falkum meet Im only down the road Oh any where for the side transfers, pics tell a thousand words