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Dynamic Turtle

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Everything posted by Dynamic Turtle

  1. Assuming this fits the 370z Nismo (and I don't see why it wouldn't - although I'm not willing to buy something as expensive as this without checking measurements first), I'll make you an offer for the lot. Let me speak to Abbey / Cougar and get back to you... Cheers, DT Edit: It's a Mk1 if that makes any difference?
  2. Well let's hope so. It's not like the 2012 was a bad car, just very basic / retro in terms of cabin and its performance envelope. Still had loads of fun powersliding it around in a dumbass american way. Maybe Ford's "localisation" program will sharpen it up a bit for the UK?
  3. I mean, you could drop high twenties or low thirties on an LE Focus RS which would probably be as much if not more fun, and hold its value a lot better.
  4. 2012 - maybe they have totally revised into the best car in the world for the 2015 model or maybe it's being over-hyped. Who knows?
  5. someone drove a cabrio auto, because thats the same and he says it was a 2014 not a 15 Actually it was a 2012 - has it really come on that much in three years? Guess you could say the same about the C6 vs C7 corvette...
  6. Before everyone starts wetting their pants over these I hired the v8 in LA last week (along with a 2014 Stingray). While it may ostensibly appear to be good value the build quality is very poor (think proton circa 1990), the steering is servoed to death and too floaty, and the throttle response is hilariously slow. It's a big fat American GT, not a sports car. The zed feels like a scalpel in comparison with rolls royce build. Still, the Stang is a lot of fun to powerslide and can sound rorty if you keep the revs high enough.
  7. How far does this stick out the back though? Some aftetmarkets protrude rather a lot...
  8. Anyway I don't think I'd own one in the UK even at £35k - not enough car for the money at that price. Build quality is just too ropey. Incidentally LA has about a billion 350z all of which have been modified, 3 370z and only one GTR. Not quite sure what to read into those figures!!
  9. Just got back from a week in LA and rented a 2014 Stingray and Mustang V8 droptop over the weekend to explore Mulholland and Little Tajunga with. Apart from being absolutely extraordinary roads and the equal of anything you'll find in the Swiss alps, the tarmac is also in better shape, quiter and in lacking so many mountain goats. Never thought I'd see roads like that in the USA but they do exist... Anyway the mustang: Positives: Big V8 provides massive torque and thrust well beyond 100mph, which IMHO is where it operates best. Nice soft sidewalls help progressive powersliding feedback. Decent but not spectacular soundtrack. Hides its weight fairly well and the convertible schassis is surprisingly tight. Brakes held up ok. Bargain if you can handle the interior and hairshirtiness of it all. Negatives: Electric steering is the work of the devil. Not as over-servo'd as the stingray but still hateful. Very lazy throttle response. Burps on downshifts rather than pops & bangs. Terrible cabin build quality. Slushbox auto, even in semi-auto mode takes forever. Had a lot of fun with her regardless... The Stingray was a bit of a let down; so much potential ruined with electric steering, fly by wire throttle and rev response which was ridiculously lazy. High speed brake stability was questionable. Too much technology. The V8 soundtrack was monstrous though! quite a machine when it gets going into triple digits... DT
  10. Interesting factoid 're the maxima, my dad had one of those for a bit!
  11. Very true and a good point you raise. Ditto heathrows flight path...
  12. Added whitelines front and rear to to mine and its made the car more fun to drive at lower speeds as the tails steps out more regularly BUT the payback is less confidence at high speeds unless you have grip to compensate on good tarmac. Less body roll but too and no discernible increase in ride harshness. Improved turn in is less noticeable than the back end which is now very slidey :-)
  13. Heard they are notoriously tricky in the wet, according to the recovery truck fraternity that is...
  14. Should state that it should easily last 9000m service iservial driven with respect haha
  15. Could just be that the existing oil is completely degraded and needs changing. I've noticed that after 6000 miles my DE starts drinking it, 1.5l in the last 1000 miles alone. If it's still consuming that much after an oil change you either have a more serious problem or need stop changing gear at 6000rpm every single time.
  16. Having done a mere 30mph head on into tyres recently, I can't imagine how painful that must have been. Scary scary stuff.
  17. Sounds exactly like the same issue and thanks for the pointer. The only thing being that the cold fluid level has been perfectly stable for the last six months or so, not dropped a millimetre. I didn't realise this kind of fluid "aged" but I guess it could get spoiled with particulates over time? Clark - I'm on 78,000 (thrashed) miles. It might be wear & tear combined with a fluid issue and I'll get Abbey to look into it at the service next month. I think this is a legacy issue from the frontal crash I had six months ago - I knew something would ultimately rear its head! Thanks as always for the advice.
  18. £2k Tax & Insurance :ouch: Enjoy the car Bargain. And well done to both of you for having such excellent taste in cars at such a young age.
  19. Chaps my zed's steering column has starting behaving strangely. There's a lack of consistency when turning the wheel at a given speed, where the turning pressure required suddenly becomes much heavier (or lighter) mid-turn, and nor is it consistent between similar turns taken left or right. Is this likely to be a tracking issue (last done 5 months / 8k miles ago) or something to do with the fluid level (which is just above cold minimum). It is also intermittent / not consistent in its weirdness - does it from cold and two hours into a drive. I think the car is still safe to drive but it is a bit of a worry... Thanks in advance, DT
  20. The miltek exhaust sounds nothing like the Nismo. And also the fact that this was engineered for the car by the guys who built and designed the car Just a shame they reserved it for the Nismo then...
  21. Sorry what magical powers does this imbue the car with that the also very-nice-sounding Invidia/MIlltek/Cobra/Stillen zorsts do not?
  22. Or maybe I should just fuggedaboutit, get a Golf-R for £250 a month and focus on getting my pilots license instead? I'd probably earn more adoration wafting her across the South Downs in a Piper than Porsche anyway...
  23. I have it on good authority from Pork owning friends that they are phanny magnets of the highest order despite their familiarity. Their interiors could be seen as bland but I would describe them as "business like". The new 2014 cabins seem to be a big improvement but it really annoys me seeing a vast swathe of button blanks in the middle of the cabin. It's as if Porsche wants to serve a reminder that you were an options list cheapskate every time you step into the car.
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