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Everything posted by Dannyg

  1. 1. DoogyRev x2 2. SuperStu 3.Paddy78 4.Darren-B 5.ChrisS 6. Sam McGoo 7. blindbandit 8. AK350Z 9. glrnet x 2 10.Whacky Will. 11. Rodgeevans 12. evilscorp 13. martinmac x 5 - BLOODY HELL! They get sent to other places around the world. 14. Lmc 15. Octet 16. KyleR 17. richard.hezlett 18. briggsybriggs1 19. Jp606 20.Vansman66 21. GMballistic 22. crb 23. Rothers x 2 24. atkin666 25. Keyser 26. Ebized 27. Stoker11 28. Buster and Netti x 1 29. 14N 30. davedutch 31. Clark Motorsport 32.Jumping350 33.wizurd 34.CrustyCrab 35.Vlad 36. Jaz 350z 37.Kev T 38. jjt 39. Harmlu 40. 350zedd 41. Humpy 42. Good at crashing 43. Dannyg
  2. Got any more left mate, will it Work in an import?
  3. That mileage has blatenly been fiddled its not even straight!
  4. I'd honestly never buy anything from Hong Kong.. Tried it once on a headunit, Screen quality was rubbish, ended up sending it back
  5. Ok thanks, was hoping it just needed to learn the idle speed, but wanted some advice before I book it in for a diagnostic
  6. Hi all Recently replaced the battery and now I'm having idle issues, could be coincidence or related, sometimes it starts up and almost stalls then idles normal or stalls all together, only happens when I start the ignition it's fine when driving, any ideas? Ecu reset maybe
  7. 1. Marzman (1x Ticket + 1x Track Session) 2. Grundy225 (1x Ticket + Possible Track time) 3. 350Ad (1x Ticket + 1x Track Session) 4. Firemansim [ 1x Ticket] PAID 5. Mike46 (1x Ticket) 6. HAMLNJ (1x Ticket) 7. Buster (1 x Ticket and one track please) 9. Keyser (1 x Tickets and one track please) 10.Mr Hollowpoint (1x ticket +1xtrack session) PAID 11.Mrs Hollowpoint (1x ticket +1xtrack session) PAID 12. Will370z (1 x Ticket) 13. andy james ( 1 x tickets and 2 track sessions ) 14. Ian ( 1 x tickets ) 15. A9H-RX (1 x Ticket - Possible Track) 16. AmyZed (1 x Ticket - x1 track session) 17. sheepworrier (1 x Ticket) 18. z32bolt (1 x Ticket) 19. sdriver73 (1 x Ticket) 20. glrnet (1 x Ticket) paid 21. Humpmeister ( 1 x Ticket ) 22. OV53 (1 x Ticket - 2 x Track) 23. Dannyg (1x ticket)
  8. Just staring to plan a similar trip like this for next year with the misses, gunna get an rv and drive it then end up having a mustang (if the misses gets her way or a a 67 GTO if I have mine) for the last day and finish in Vegas, so this thread may be of some help
  9. Haha ^.. It's not moisture Thanks I'll give it a good clean and see how it goes
  10. Wheel goes all sticky in cold mornings and I end up with bits of leather in my hand! Not a lot but enough for it to be annoying I'll get a pic up later So it's just me then lol
  11. Does anybody Else's steering wheel seem to flake apart in cold weather!!
  12. Wow good job polishing that exhaust up
  13. Your car looked f@#king awesome
  14. I like the splitter mate I wonder if my misses would notice if I robbed hers
  15. If he does it probably has eye lashes on it, he has obviously got a lot of taste and knows his stuff!
  16. U can't blame us for that it's the best looking bumper for the zed! Lol
  17. So that's a yes then! Spoilerless on a RWD sports car.........words escape me, lol Spoilers are pointless enless u do over 90 so unless it's tracked there useless
  18. Are you mad? sent from my Samsung Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk No are u blind? Its horrible, May look better with a chargespeed rear, Go spoilerless and smooth mate that's the best way, especially with a CS ass
  19. 21k it has 24000 miles on it FSH and it's the 2.5 ltr I'll try and get a pic of it for u mate Apparently it's the same 0-60 as the 3ltr but cheaper on tax and insurance
  20. In Swindon mate I'll ask him in the morning what he is looking for if ur interested, his as also been up for ages
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