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Everything posted by Dannyg

  1. Dannyg


    Think u need a replacement bulb kit too in France and obviously the GB number plate stickers
  2. Dannyg


    Haha was wondering when someone would comment on that lol U questioned the dildos but not the gag ball??
  3. It only starts to crack when the filler starts to sink I had that happen on my FTO but they fixed FOC for me These guys are cheap but they do a top job
  4. If prob be looking closer to 1k but it depends what sort of full respect ur after, u can have it done properly, under the bonnet engine bay and all the bits u don't really see or just a surface respray I also know smartcar will do it cheaper in winter time as they are much quieter in the colder months
  5. This place is in Swindon so not too far and they do a awesome job, they are called smartcaruk, they also do out Ferrari dealerships stuff too so u know they are the mutts!
  6. Where u based the guys I always use do it for approx 150 a panel, my rear charge speed cost me 250 to have it prepped, painted and fitted
  7. Dannyg


    Oh and the headlight deflectors tell u where they need to go on the packet
  8. Dannyg


    They say u need all this crap when u go over there but I took my zed to the south of france last year and no one checks! I never got pulled over so maybe they do it then but I spent a fortune getting a hi viz, first aid kit, triangle, dildos and a gag ball and no f**Ker ever checked
  9. So black was a bad idea! Ha her run continues! Ok thanks guys I knew I could count on u lot
  10. Hmm interesting! That could work
  11. Hi all So I will be doing the brembo upgrade this weekend (thanks to the guys at GDUK) but before I fit I'll be painting the calipers, I had it in my head for the past week to do the usual red with white writing my the whilst walking the dog this evening the misses said Sumat clever (doesn't happen alot) "why not black with red writing?" for some reason I had never thought of that! What you all think would look better? Your Thoughts are always appreciated Wheels/brakesas they are today And for those of u who don't know the look I already have Thanks
  12. Wttc Think there's a guide in the FAQ section about what to look out for And I know bose is a well respected make but not in a zed! Half the members hate it and have ripped it out
  13. Nope ur all wrong! I swear I see him cruising about in this
  14. I had the Bose still got standard bose speakers and sub.. For now Read up on some threads on here there's loads ull need to do the bypass when fitting a new HU or the sound will be crap, buster has a thread
  15. I have this unit but mirror link will only work with certain models I have a Sony Xperia T and it don't work! Sony phone and Sony HU and they ain't compatable!! Other than that it's a good unit just doesn't have satnav
  16. That story turned out to be false, the kid punked them
  17. Sorry to Jack the thread but i would also be interested in the answer to this, my carriers f*cked on the rear and unless i get a whole new set of rear Calipers i cant fix it, so i will also be considering the brembo upgrade any ideas on where We can get the complete kjit from at a reasonable price? found some on Z1s web page for $580 but they include everything needed except the calipers
  18. Dannyg


    Done that already and keyser as I know he was breaking one was thinking if I posted it on here too I'd have more of a chance lol Oh and it's for non brembos
  19. Dannyg


    Anybody know where I can get these from
  20. No, it does give ur Car a more deeper noise thou,
  21. Thanks, not to bad actually I plasti dipped them so all I have to do is spray back to black on them and there clean again lol
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