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Everything posted by cs2000

  1. Spent part of my Saturday at Sly's workshop again having my AC radiator replaced. It hasn't worked since I bought the car and so thought it about time to get it fixed. Sly managed to use the 2nd hand radiator I bought from Clark Motorsport, even though the pressure switch was damaged, luckily the one on my car was fine and the actual rad itself was fine. Total job time was something like 60-90 mins I guess, but as usual he had some GTR's lying around for me to look at! Cheers
  2. Right, both (known) issues sorted out. The courier couldn't find Wizurd's place,. so its being re-dispatched today for delivery tomorrow. @Whackywill - They're going to send you another puck, but if possible, could you email scott@sgs-engineering.co.uk pictures of the damaged box if you still have it.
  3. Yeah, the first few turns of the coil are closer together so they compress the distance to the next coil quicker, then the spacing spreads out therefore making them stiffer as more force is required to close the gap between one coil and the next.
  4. Cool, if you hear anything let us all know, ive heard nothing so far and it was ordered in your name/address so they should talk to you about the order.
  5. If they ask you are obliged to tell them , some insurance companies like Admiral are still loading policies for SAC. Yeah, that's what I said later on (few posts further down) The companies shouldn't be loading policies but 90% of them are money grabbing %$£&%*%$!". Happily when I did mine (which was mobile phone awareness) my insurers never have since asked about it, and the points are no longer valid. In fact, on my next renewal I wont even have to declare it at all as it will be 5 years
  6. This maybe? I dunno lol http://www.warsaw-chem.com/wheel_tire_cleaners.html
  7. I did this course 2 years ago, I was doing 33 in 30 zone, I know such a badass lol anyway on the end of this course I was clearly informed that I still need to inform my insurer about that. You probably won't be charged anything by your insurer but like I was told just to be on a safe site better let them know that accident like that happened. Its a discussion we have had several times on this club. In my course the instructor said several times you don't have to tell your insurers as the course is an alternative to taking the traditional points, fine and more insurance. The end result of the discussions is that you don't have to call your insurers up and tell them, but you shouldn't lie to them if they call you up (such as on renewal) and ask if you have attended a course.
  8. Correct, if they have got you its a £60 fine and 3 points. Unless you get offered the speed awareness course which is no points, no obligation to tell your insurer and roughly £80 cost to do it.
  9. Just contacted Dave about the two issues and got this back Hi Chris, I am sorry to hear that a couple of members have experienced problems; I have passed this on to our head of Customer Services; he will resolve the issues for you swiftly. Kind Regards, Dave Gordon | Gas Strut Sales
  10. once you pop you just can't stop! Until your bloody hand gets rammed down the end of the tube and you end up smashing the rest of the pringles trying to release them from their cardboard hand-trap of doom
  11. Or.... Do it nice, or do it twice
  12. On the old struts, if you use a knife, or some scissors to remove the old metal ring thing around the balle end, the rod just pops off, not a difficult job, but then again I've done these like 3 times on various cars. Wizurd, let me know if these still don't arrive Monday and il message SGS with yours & wills issue and see what we can get sorted out. They're tracked by UKmail so id assume they can find them. Maybe drop me another message confirming your address too so I can double check they sent it to the right place.
  13. If you're pushing it hard you still shouldn't be able to smell the cats, the car behind you may very we'll be able too but not you.
  14. Not worth trying just getting the bush replaced? Did both of mine due to nasty nocks and creaking noises around 8 months ago and has been fine ever since.
  15. Ahah thanks for that, I'm on the iPhone so didn't feel like searching for my own thread, but I know I made the guide very clear
  16. In the guide I wrote, which I assume you read, it does say that the brackets are marked L & R and where you had to be for this to make sense, can't remember from the top of my head though.
  17. Fitted mine after work, even in your own its only a 20 min job at most. Just need a 10mm socket, 13mm deep socket, and some scisors/something similar top remove the old metal band things around the old strut top & bottoms.
  18. cs2000


    Riiiiiiiiidge Racerrrrrrrrrrr that is all.
  19. Flex - Delivered WhackyWill - Delivered(puck missing) M13KYF - KurtB - Delivered cs2000 - Delivered (or collecting from the depot) Chippychip123 - Delivered Sarahp18 - Delivered Alanm - Delivered Randy_Baton - Delivered Wizurd - 370AD - Delivered just need to hear from wizurd again and M13KYF
  20. Correct, will almost certainly be this
  21. Just a quick list so we all know who has received theirs and who hasn't Flex - Delivered WhackyWill - Delivered(puck missing) M13KYF - KurtB - Delivered cs2000 - Chippychip123 - Delivered Sarahp18 - Delivered Alanm - Delivered Randy_Baton - Delivered Wizurd - 370AD -
  22. Doh! Probably that rabid dog that had at the box removed it for you. Will, il wait till everyone has got their stuff if that's OK to make sure there's no more issues and them il email the company on your behalf
  23. Glad they've arrived mate, looks like you're the first one!
  24. Sorry Sarah, not sure what courier SGS use, I didn't think to ask.
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