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Everything posted by cs2000

  1. Yep, measured it for a member before that bought some bulbs off of me. Even when the light is "off" I think theres something like 1.5v still running through the bulb, its just that a regular filament bulb wont illuminate with this, an LED being more efficient will. EDIT: found my original post explaining it http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/76521-350z-370z-led-bulb-kits/page__view__findpost__p__1236064
  2. It may If you wet and dry the inside of the Perspex it will cloud up and diffuse the LEDs the way you want It may do, but LED's are very directional compared to a regular incandescent bulb, I suspect you would still be able to see the light source. What you really need for a proper glow is these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/White-EL-Panel-in-Many-Sizes-A6-A5-A4-A3-A2-and-A1-Glow-Paper-Neon-Sheet-/151274678204?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Wall_Lights&var=&hash=item2338ac67bc The entire panel itself is luminous. Just place behind the Z, apply power and the actual panel itself lights up.
  3. Same, im glad to see you're not but assumed this was abandoned
  4. I have the same, but not quite as large as a 1p coin, im giving it a shot under the 12 year perforation warrenty. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/84709-bonnet-perforation-warranty-claim-success/page__st__20#entry1268066
  5. They do look a little tacky in the photos, but in real life, depending on the colour you get, they either compliment your other styling choices, or if you get black or silver, they just blend into the wheel.
  6. cs2000

    Tyre paint pen

    Must say, those Kuro black ones with yellow lettering look pretty
  7. Not heard of that procedure before. Ive always followed the instructions that ive seen recommended by most pad manufacturers. Somewhere between 200 and 300 mile with as gentle braking as possible, then begin bedding. 5 stops from 70-10 as hard as possible without engaging ABS done in as short a distance as possible to build heat up Drive for 30 mins without using brakes as much as possible to allow them to cool (if you stop, don't hold the pads onto the disks) Another 5 stops from 70-10 as hard as possible without engaging ABS done in as short a distance as possible to build heat up Drive again for 30 mins without using brakes as much as possible to allow them to cool. Its always served me well through several sets of pads. If doing disks at the same time I tend to increase that initial mileage to 300-400. My thoughts on the process you posted is that its generally unnecessary. Why bother with the light pressure stops? the first few hundred miles will be full of stops like that and its only purpose is to wear down the pads surface so that the surface of the pad matches to the surface of the disk, the bedding procedure transfers pad material to the disk. Totally different things.
  8. I think sea foam does essentially the same thing, but its an at-home job and costs about 20 for the can.
  9. Think ive had a "spirited drive" with you before, seeing your picture of the car anyway
  10. Hmm, I may have to make a few calls. Im falling foul of the same thing and mines a 2004... Full Nissan history too up until last year. Did you just go in/call and ask about the warranty? Ive just emailed my local dealer to find out. Also mentioned about the other common place for rust, the rear wheel arches, see what they say. EDIT: Dealers called back and want me to pop over Saturday for them to take a look. Il keep you all posted as we all know many people have this bubbling in the same area. The dealers said on the phone that the decision wasn't made at Dealer level, so any warranty claim is made by Nissan UK and not the dealer, just have to convince them to send the claim off!
  11. Yep, took me 5 mins to get it out and 30 mins to get it back in. Such a ridiculous shape/angle of attachment.
  12. Id also have gone via the insurance route. Don't care what anyones sob story is, if im paying insurance every month (as were all legally obliged to do) then il claim on it, exspecially if its going on the other persons policy. Had a rear end shunt of my celica, woman drove into the back of me when I was waiting for a space on a roundabout. I didn't budge, even a MM but she thought id gone and didn't stop. Anyway, car cost 1k to be repaired as it needed a new rear bumper from Toyota, then paint obviously, then I put in a compensation claim due to genuine whiplash (I don't advocate claiming when you aren't injured) and then it turned out that insurers has inspected her car and for some reason declared her insurance void, leaving her personally responsible for probably somewhere in the region of 3k worth of expenses when you add legal fees etc. I don't regret what I did and id do it again. She would have done the same had the roles have been reversed.
  13. Ok guys, am winding this one down. I've ran out of exterior bulbs but have a few interior sets for the 350 only. If anybody would like one I can do them at £5 off of the advertised price.
  14. Ha ha no way Im gonna tighten them with a spanner lol Im sorry to hear that, hope it won't happen to mine Throw some lube on the threads or they won't come off in a few months ! They fuse to the valves Yeah someone already told me that cheers ! I suppose that I might unscrew them from time to time and avoid them to get jammed. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk Yeah be careful with those. Took me a weeks worth of spraying bolt loosening spray into my sisters wheels to remove 3 of those things. Still had to resort to using plairs to turn them and gave up on number 4 for fear of tearing the valve out of the wheel!
  15. I seriously may have to buy that.... Was only half contemplating but now...
  16. Theres a Merc near me with gloss black AMG wheels, black bodywork and red alloy gators on the, looks mint
  17. Not seen anything technical about the 370's bonnet lifters, but I suspect that like others, they fire a small charge at the rear of the bonnet which lifts it up to reduce the angle between the bonnet and windscreen? If so, the dampers will have no effect. Each end of the damper is able to pivot on its ball joints which allows for the movement needed, also remember that the strut will expand and contract if allowed so if the bonnet lifters fired and the bonnet jumped up at the rear, the lifters I4N is selling should simply pivot and extend as needed.
  18. Looks pretty good. My night-time footage is pretty much useless so i may look at upgrading to one of these.
  19. Why did I then immediately do the same thing...
  20. isnt that still shared equity tho Nope, government help http://www.helptobuy.org.uk Yep, the scheme is laid out kinda like shared equity, but it differs legally. The cash the government give you has to be repaid starting in year 5, so its like taking a smaller mortgage and a loan, and then delaying re-paying the loan for 5 years. Kinda anyway.
  21. Help to buy scheme not an option? Im in the middle of buying a £250,000 3 bed property and the deposit (5%) was £12,500.
  22. Will send it over Lexx, but just remember that the code doesn't work for the current box that's for sale as its a branded box and not a waxybox own brand one.
  23. Must say that you're involvement with this is greatly appreciated Hah its fine mate. I don't have a 370 and likely never will due to house commitments, but I do have a long term involvement in the type of places where things like these DVD's appear, and an interest in helping the club out. Im sorry but the 300 euro Nissan charge for a single DVD is preposterous. You can buy 2-3 good quality sat nav's for the price of a single update dvd...
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