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Everything posted by cs2000

  1. Definitely no heat shielding on a zeds bonnet. The heat 'damage' is worrying...
  2. cs2000

    no limiter

    Yeah, I thought this too, thought someone worked it out using the gearing information
  3. Drove a 2007 Audi a4 diesel automatic back from Brighton to Suffolk the other day. The laziness of havin n auto and the power of a turbo was good fun, but still didn't sounds nice, diesels just don't and for me that's part of the appeal of a nice car. Diesel technology has come. Long way in recent years thanks to Audi in the Le Mans and the world is better for it, they're just not the cars for me, no matter how fast they may be.
  4. As far as I know, the flywheel cannot be inspected without removal of the clutch. The clutch wear can be estimated by looking at the position of the clutch engagement fork but not the flywheel. This is to the best of my knowledge on a DE zed however.
  5. There where I go, and im in Suffolk. Nobody else touches my car except for the local tyre jockeys.
  6. I decided this too. The Zed is my DD and not a race car, but I find she already makes enough agricultural sounds that a little more wont harm. Yet to have it fitted but I plan to do videos of before/after both inside/outside and pull-aways as it was a long decision for me to choose one the other and I think the noise issue is what disturbs most people.
  7. A problem I have too. I am aware that Clark sell the parts, but ive found a Nissan dealer on eBay selling the full set for 227.69 http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1423.l2649 Obviously you will have to pay import tax so I've no idea which works out cheaper, just showing you an option. @Clark Motorsport - It is reassuring to know that it wont develop into any worse problems however so thanks for that! Just wish Nissan made the o-ring seal things independently replaceble! I just keep checking and topping up the oil
  8. Yep, quick-ish easy-ish fix. Did mine about a year ago and helped BulletMagnet do his about a week ago, been clicky free since then
  9. @Niko - Yes, the board usuall does look fine, its something to do with dry solder joints. Its possible ofcourse that the board is faulty in your case. @mc - Yes, the cutting out is because the relay disconnects which cuts power to the sub. This over time can worsen so the relay is never connected so the sub never works, but replacing the relay should fix it.
  10. Yes mate just that. Helps if you have a friend because when you remove the iron, the solder sets again immediately. You need someone to pop the leg out whilst you have the solder in its liquid state, or do as I did on the guide and get it done by snapping the relay off and use some pliars to pull put the legs.
  11. Haha yep, as I said in my guide, eventually even the cardboard 'fix' will fail. For the cost of the 3.00 relay its worth doing the job properly!
  12. If you don't feel comfortable I can do it for you, just ask if you need.
  13. If you have any question just ask mate.
  14. As above. Not a lot scares me mechanically but there's so much electrical wire in the way that doesn't really flex or move much. Took me 2.5 hrs and gave me sore legs and back for 2 days from bending over the engine
  15. People seem to have different views on it. Some people have killed one in under 20,000 miles, others have lasted above 80,000. You can tell if it's really going because it will slip if you put it in a high gear and plant the throttle whilst going up a hill. You can always also look under the car at the position if the clutch engagement fork and see how far it is extended to roughly gauge wear.
  16. Sounds like this. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/85821-how-to-bose-subwoofer-cutout-fix-amp/page__view__getnewpost
  17. Sucks when they just suddenly let go like that. Total for clutch flywheel and the labour is heading on for £1000, it's something im going through at the moment too but luckily caught mine before it let go.
  18. The later cars and I believe the convertibles have illuminated controls. Scully, could you perhaps post up where you got your leds from and the type you had to buy?
  19. Plus import tax when they land in the country! If you are interested I can supply you personally with some photos of mine, just drop me a PM.
  20. Oi, you will be getting me into trouble with the OH! Lord knows I have enough of that already. Probably cant as im having to buy boring stuff like a Flywheel so no nice new exterior parts this time round 1. RJF - Pre Facelift - Nismo 2. bc1987 - Pre Facelift - King 3. Hell presidente - Pre Facelift - Nismo 4. evilscorp - Pre Facelift - GT 5. grahamc - Pre Facelift - Nismo 6 briggsybriggs face lift GT (don't tell the wife) 7. AndyZ33HR facelift GT
  21. Haha, from ZLEDS? Make sure you're sitting down when he replies, the price of his stuff is incredible! The quality is brilliant, but its hundreds of dollars usually for anything ZLEDS. If anybody wants a set from me drop me a PM. I have a SINGLE set ready and it will be sent out as a test unit. I already have one of these 'in the wild' so to speak, sold a set to another member a little while ago, but want to get another one out there to ensure thay all works as expected. Was going to fit them to my car, but hey-ho. First come first served, as I say its only a single set at the moment, these aren't for sale to everyone yet, need to make sure they last and work as expected.
  22. Guys, il have a check to see what ive got left, but the interest in these kits slowed, meaning it wasn't worth my while keeping all the parts in stock. No good having 70-80 worth of bulbs sat on my shelf when nobody may ever want them again.
  23. Im still undecided, im trying to convince myself I need the GT lip, looks lovely, but since im bored ive done the list anyway Only wasn't sure on evilscorp, whether this was pre or post facelift so left it blank for now 1. RJF - Pre Facelift - Nismo 2. bc1987 - Pre Facelift - King 3. Hell presidente - Pre Facelift - Nismo 4. evilscorp - ?????? - GT 5. grahamc - Pre Facelift - Nismo
  24. Business is business in my view mate. No post from OP since the initial one in March, id say the GB was basically dead anyway. Just my 2p.
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