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Everything posted by cs2000

  1. Just letting you guys know I’ve ordered everything for 15 modules so I have some spares if anyone else wants one without waiting for things to come in stock. Everyone else, il update you when things are ready to move.
  2. Sent now mate, sorry I sent it to a member called alfaowner, not you who has an _ in your username, my mistake!
  3. Right guys, good news! Everything arrived today so im ready to push the button on this one. PM's should now all be sent for everyone who's on the list so far. This isn't a limited time group buy or anything, so if you still want in, just let me know in a post and il get in touch. 1. alfa_owner (2x) 2. craigmdennis - Paid In Full 3. StuZGT - Deposit Received 4. baileydom - Deposit Received 5. Kryptek49 - Deposit Received 6. Jack94 - Deposit Received 7. PabloVC - Deposit Received 8. Jcurtis - Deposit Received 9. Skate2create - Deposit Received 10.Nelly64
  4. Haha guilty, along with PCB design Happy to assist if you need help
  5. ohhhh, why do you make these beautiful tempting things....
  6. Im absolutely loving this topic. Any chance you could write up a guide and parts list once complete? I know its likely to be pretty "full on" but at literally 2k cheaper than commercial options, im willing to give it a read. As for your incentive, you could whip up a few sets of brackets on your CNC machine and sell them with the guide so people to copy your system I have the same coilovers as you and am literally fed up of smashing every speed bump in sight to the point where i barely use the car unless i 100% know theirs no speed bumps along the route!
  7. Hey guys, no news yet I’m still waiting for the parts to arrive to test. As soon as they arrive il be doing the same as Flyboy did, which will be to ask for a £5 deposit and get everything ordered and shipping info from everyone at that point. i don’t have his original install guide sadly so I’m working up a new one too which I should have done pretty quickly after the order arrives seeing as I have a module installed in my car already it’s a simple case of working backwards. Il keep you all updated when I have more info. Thanks for your patience!
  8. Just a quick update guys. I’ve received an email saying the PCB’s have been dispatched today, hopefully receive them within a week. Il make up the ones I have for the 4 guys on my list and of course I need to get Keyser his so I can get the 370 guide written. @rickdon i assume you’re ok to wait for Keyser to write the instructions first so yours will be sent later, shouldn’t be too much later as we already have most of the photos etc, just not physically installed one into a 370 yet or got proper photos of the install steps
  9. US supplier, but they do ship to the UK AFAIK Male https://www.questcomp.com/part/4/7282-8850-30/70273276?utm_source=octopart&utm_medium=industry-cpc&utm_campaign=partsearch Female https://www.questcomp.com/part/4/7283-8850-30/70273959?utm_source=octopart&utm_medium=industry-cpc&utm_campaign=partsearch
  10. Just an all in one thing in my car I have a small windows laptop (netbook style) in my car all all times with the nissan service manual PDF's, the programming software for my 2 step launch control, Consult III software and now this Nisprog and romraider software. Just thought if i could use nisprog to do any fault clearing/OBD2 reading stuff it would be cool. I know theirs other software out there that can do that of course.
  11. @rickdon - Since you asked the question, and anyone else with a 370. Keyser and i have been chatting and he has kindly been taking apart his 370 to do some research for me. Turns out this hack works in exactly the same way in the 370 and as such my module can support both 350z and 370z with no difference in the module design, hardware or coding, just a different install guide which is amazing. Il update the original post with the info and Keyser will be getting a module to fit for me so we have photos and a full guide for the 370 install too. So, 370 guys, get in on this too! New list with car models on it 1. DOOM! (350z) 2. daisyduke (350z) 3. longsho7 (350z) 4.
  12. @stirkac - In Nisprog, once you connect is says something about the command "DTC" and something else to be able to see live stats and view any trouble codes, but whenever i issue one of those commands its not recognised. Is this a missing component of the source youve compiled or am i just doing it wrong?
  13. Indeed it could. It would be something you’d have to do on your own, but your just have to pull the OEM switch out of the dash, figure out which 2 of the 3 wires are the switch contacts by using a multimeter (think theirs 3 wires) and then extend the wires from my module to the OEM switch, dead simple
  14. Hey @350Butcher. Theirs no way around the fault lights on the dashboard I’m afraid. They’re automatically displayed as soon as your fail the system like I’m doing or use ANY of the other methods out there. The only way to disable them is to re-enable the system again. Plus I think they’re a good reminder that you’re in DEFCON5 attack mode lol ! @OnlyAfro is correct. 99% of people will still want ABS. This is aimed at the amateur who tracks their car and just wants the other nanny features disabling for this short time period. Personally if you need the ABS turning off too, I’d say you’re driving at a higher level and are likely to have a full track car build where all these systems are already disabled anyway. The whole point was to allow “normal” drivers a bit of extra freedom without the fear of locking brakes too. hope that helps.
  15. Thanks guys! 1. DOOM! 2. daisyduke 3. longsho7
  16. Evening all, so I am confirm my module disables traction control and vehicle dynamic control Without having any negative effect on the cars ABS system. ABS brakes still function even when all other stability aids are disabled. il update the original post tomorrow but at least that’s now laid to bed !
  17. Ok cool, check back in a week or two when i have some boards and photos ready to share
  18. After all this discussion, i assume youre interested if ABS is confirmed as working?!? lol
  19. @Daisyduke - It will allow burnouts as in the traction control is disabled, but (my current understanding is that) ABS is 100% unaffected so its likely the car wont let you hold the throttle and the brake, its not a system i want to interfere with. I could indeed add a second relay set and more pins and intercept the signal going to the ECU (effectively hold a second relay open for the whole time the VDC/TCS stuff is disabled). Its not a LOT of extra work or coding, but its NOT the aim of this module. Maybe in the future, but not soon, i already have 3 electronics projects on the go, thats enough on my plate for now It will be somewhere around 7-10 days until i have everything (if the slow boat from china sails fast), but stick your name on the list and il hold you a module as long as youre sure. @Keyser - Appreciate it mate, drop me a PM when you have some info and we will go from there. Be amazing if this works in both generations of car! @Ekona - Haha thanks mate. Dont take this the wrong way, but when i saw you had posted i was wondering what your reaction would be. Lets say youre not afraid of expressing your opinion, means a lot! I think its one of those things that you couldn't really declare. I doubt any insurer would be happy with you messing with OEM safety features. But thats up-to whoever buys these things to figure out and declare of they choose to or not. @OnlyAfro & @longsh07- Thanks for confirming. I have been checking the service manuals and referencing my dashboard lights and im now 99% sure that ABS isnt affected, i will still test this tonight and confirm with real life experience however. Pulling the fuse 100% disables ABS as they share a fuse, but in not faulting over the entire ABS/TCS/VDC computer. By doing what im doing, im triggering a fault in the yaw sensor. The ABS/TCS/VDC computer detects this and disables the stability aids but leaves ABS enabled. Lets leave it at that for now , dont want to cause any heated discussions and i do actually want this thread to be aimed at selling these things
  20. @Keyser Appreciate the comments, Bournemouth's a little far for you to come though haha! If theirs any chance you could dig around and try and see if the 370 has a Yaw sensor, find out where this is (likely to be in a similar location TBH as it needs to be mounted flat and central to the car usually. Also if you could probe the pins with a multi meter and find out which is ground and which is 12v. Last, if you unplug the module connector does it disable VDC & TCS until you turn the car back on. If it all checks out, id be happy to send you a module if you wanna try installing it and send me some pics back so i can do a 370 guide. The Yaw sensor in our Z's is funnily enough used in other vehicles (some Volvo's use the same sensor) so its an off the shelf part and i suspect they'd use the same or a very similar version in the 370. @longsh07 I havnt actually tested this yet. I took a quick drive with the module fitted yesterday but it was absolutely throwing it down yesterday and i had my fiance in the car so couldn't really test anything, but i do aim to check that. I need to get fuel tonight so will hopefully test it if the weather plays ball. I dont fancy locking up 4 wheels in the rain! Im hoping that because my switch is momentary (the relay only removed ground from the yaw sensor for 1 second) that once it releases it will allow ABS to function again, but we will see and il update you. If it does do this, il make it clear in the original post. I know its a bit sparse on detail at the moment, but thats because i haven't has chance to 100% test everything or take photos of a "production" PCB, these will all come as soon as i have them ready. I believe the fuse pull method does disable ABS as its a multi fuse which serves several systems, so mine shouldnt affect this. Il confirm later and update the original post
  21. @Daisyduke - in the original post I touched on it. You need basic tools. You’re temoving the plastic where the handbrake lever is, tapping into one wire and splitting another one in half. All described with PIN numbers in case the colours are different, very very simple! @rickdon if they use the same module, It would work, but I’ve got absolutely no idea on that. Not even got a mate with a 370 I could tinker on.
  22. Hi all, Our Z's have Traction control as standard, this can be temporarily disabled by pressing the TCS button under the steering wheel, but it comes back on again next time you start the car. They also have what Nissan call Vehicle Dynamic Control. The VDC system controls the brakes to help prevent wheels from slipping. Whilst for road use this is all well and good, it means for things like track days or drift events, or even just some "spirited driving" that if you're really pushing the limits, the car can apply brakes on individual wheels to correct what it perceives to be an upcoming spin or loss of traction. This is not what you want if you're hooning around and wanting to have some fun. Sadly this cannot be disabled with the button under the steering wheel. Various methods exist for doing this such as pulling fuses, but they're all a but lacking in my opinion, they all disable your brake lights and also some disable your ABS which you don’t want, so i've designed this. This is a custom PCB and circuit which automatically disables BOTH the TCS and VDC features on the car at the simple press of a button but leaves your ABS system alone. The clever part is it remembers if you disabled them and will automatically disable them for you next time you start the car. Great if you're doing a track day and have a few sessions booked! It doesn't trigger any check engine lights and doesn't interfere with any other features on the car. As a bonus, the 370z will still start in key-less mode which also doesn't work if you just pull the fuse like other guides will tell you to do. How Does It Work? Start up the car and you will see the LED button light up. Notice your TC and Slip lights go out on the dashboard as normal after a few seconds. Briefly press and release the button (no need to hold it, just a quick press), a relay will click and the button's LED will turn off. You will now have the TCS and Slip lights illuminated on your dashboard, meaning the Traction Control and Vehicle Dynamic Control stability aids are fully disabled. If you now turn the car off, wait a second and turn it back on again you’ll notice the relay clicks again and automatically disables the stability features for you! To re-enable them simply press and release the button again and the button LED will once again illuminate. Now turn the ignition off and on again and the TC and Slip lights will turn off on your dash. Traction and Vehicle Dynamic Control are now re-enabled just like normal. How Do I Know What's Going On? If the button is illuminated AND you have NO TSC/Slip lights on your dashboard, then the TCS & VDC systems are enabled (Like standard). If the button is not illuminated you DO have TSC/Slip lights on your dashboard, then the TCS & VDC systems are disabled. If the button is illuminated but you STILL have TSC/Slip lights on your dashboard, then the TCS & VDC systems have been previously disabled and you have pushed the button to enable them again, you need to re-start the car to enable them and get back to Standard mode. Theirs nothing else like this out there, definitely worth having if you like to drive hard or track your Z. As mentioned, it leaves the factory ABS system functional so you get the best of both worlds, ABS isn’t something you retain when you just pull the fuse. Custom Button & LED Colours As for the button, you can mount it wherever you want, theirs plenty of slack on the wires for you to do this. The decision is left to you. The supplied button is a solid metal silver switch with a red indicator LED. However! If the button isn't to your taste, you can easily replace it with your own button and LED. Full detail on this is included in the installation guide. I have a full colour guide written for the 350z and Keyser has helped write the 370z one, you need no special tools, literally a screwdriver, some pliers, a bit of insulation tape, a drill (for the button hole) and about 30 mins of time. If you want one, hop onto my website https://www.cs2000-z-tech.co.uk/collections/350z-compatible-modules/products/full-tcs-vdc-disable-with-memory and get your order placed! You can use discount code "350zuk" for 10% off of any item! Happy to answer any questions! Price is £55.00 + £4.95 postage (First Class signed for) In the package: 1x Assembled VDC/TSC Disable Board 1x Colour Installation Guide (Please specify if you have a 350z or a 370z) (This is provided by a PDF link to save on paper) 1x Metal Switch with Red LED
  23. Mine also has the throttle restrictions removed (part of the tune process), so i guess youd need a base ROM too so you can read the changes made between the two versions, but i dont have an unmodified copy.
  24. Only 350's im afraid, Flyboy did try to get this working on the 370's but the comms is done by the canbus not just standard voltages on wires
  25. There are some throttle tables, so (if you understood what you were looking at) it should be pretty easy. I dont have my ROM on me ATM as im it work, but i could upload mine when im home and i remember. Its not a base map though as i have an UpRev tune on which i assume is listed/set on those tables too.
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