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Everything posted by cs2000

  1. Sounds good, il update you once I have something to share. My last batch of boards had one tiny error so I had to order some more, they're due any day now, once I have it tested and hopefully working with Kyzak then we should be good to go.
  2. If someone sticks one of these on your car/you stick one on someones car
  3. Yep, the procedure on a 350GT in terms of screws and how things are fixed may (will) be different, but it uses the same sensor, same ECU etc etc so it will connect exactly the same. As Mazda 3 on the other hand 100% wont respond the same way if you could even install it on there! Drop me a PM if youre interested in one I currently have 4 left and likely wont be building any more.
  4. I cant help you with a recommendation, but ive had pretty much the same price quoted to my a reputable trader on the forum. Why oh why are rear arches not bolt in parts like the fronts! haha
  5. Haha thanks, like the new design with some good connectors! Am pleased youre still working away on this. Following witn interest as usual At least you can spin your own boards, i dont know how, always have to order mine from the far east. One mistake on a track means a 2 week wait for new boards
  6. Anyone teetering on the edge of wanting one of these, a winter Group Buy is now live. As mentioned in the other topic. I am creating a separate topic so i can better control the GB, theirs also less "fluff" in their so its easier for people to see whats going on!
  7. Hey guys, So hopefully you all know that Martin (Flyboy) is away from the forum at the moment and with his blessing I have been selling the mirror fold modules he started selling back in 2013(!). Details on the module and the huge thread on it are over here: I can still do the modules and plan to sell them until there is no interest, or Martin comes back and takes the reins again, but have no stock at the moment. GB has ended so the price is back to the standard price of £42.50 Plus postage and packaging of £4.95 so £47.45 I have 3 of these in stock, this will likely be the last of these available until Spring P.S Im starting a new thread (this one) so i can better manage the GB. If/When martin comes back, these module sales will move back to his original topic.
  8. Sounds like it’s a cookbot module, his used micro switches, sorry but I’ve got no idea how they used to work and cookbot no longer frequents these parts!
  9. Thanks mate, as per the PM, replacement is on the way.
  10. Hey, yeah 100% went out, guessing you’ve not got it yet? Would have been delivered the next day. Drop me a PM if you’re having issues pm’s sent to the two guys above
  11. Pm sent modules still in stock and ready to go !
  12. @reeceybeaney try tagging people with @ and typing their username, perhaps some people dont visit the forum that often. This will make them get an email notification.
  13. @Rikz2004 - Yeah as i said, people seem to bash the Bose/Clarion for some reason. It has its issues like the audio channel cutout issue, a tape deck (seriously Nissan, a tape deck in 2004...) and the relay on the sub amplifier going bad, but i never thought of it as a "bad" unit. Upgrade all the speakers (bar the sub, not worth the time, cost or effort), to a good brand and that will give you the biggest difference. That said, you are right that the specefic EQ settings in the Bluetooth module will have a small effect on quality. Its not "user customisable" (i have to use the factory programming software for the Bluetooth modules and built my own programming jig) but ive put some decent time into making it sound right for most people in terms of not too much bass, volume boost is about right etc etc The actual hardware also is important. This inst some "Won hung lo" brand Bluetooth module, its a top of the line chip from Qualcomm with Bluetooth 4.1 support, the same chip used in many decent quality bluetooth speakers on the market. Ive designed the supporting board to have a fully isolated power supply (so no power switching noise/whine) and as short as possible traces to minimise on any electrical noise. @Paul K - Glad you still like it mate V2 likely wont include any "new" features (it can, but not sure if its worth it), it will just be a MUCH simpler install as i think thats likely what put most people off. Id say out of the 15 or so that ended up selling, over half of the people had to come back to me with wiring questions. 2 i even installed myself (and one got blown up!) Il keep quiet for a bit as id like to get the actual hardware in my hands and tested before i rabbit on any further, but i see no reason why it wouldnt work, its not exactly complicated!
  14. @Rikz2004 il share some more details once I have the PCB’s in my hand and it’s all been tested aound quality is really subjective. Personally, I liked the Bose. I uograded to a pioneer car play unit purely because I wanted car play, but can’t say it gave me better sound quality. I got that when I swapped all the speakers to Vibe units instead.
  15. Hehe so v2.0 has piqued some interest! @PeteWiix this install is pretty damn easy, especially the new version. No soldering, no scotch locs, no bullet connectors, basicslly, if you can undo some screws, you can install this!
  16. 1. alfa_owner - Posted 2. craigmdennis - Posted 3. StuZGT - Posted 4. baileydom - Posted 5. Kryptek49 - Posted 6. Jack94 - Posted 7. PabloVC - Posted 8. Jcurtis - Posted 9. Skate2create - Posted 10. Nelly64 (2x) - Posted 11. Luke2208 - Posted 12. btoms350z - Posted finally managed to to get everyone sorted now got 3 of these available in stock ready to go still
  17. Hey mate, il send you a PM as I have some other plans edit: for anyone interested. Kyzak will be my willing guinea pig for the 2.0 version of this mod. If all goes well with tests il make a new topic to sell them as they’re pretty radically different.
  18. It wont work. You need to pull the fuse Before the steering lock is engaged, when the car is fully working. If yours has gone faulty like they can do, its failed in the "locked" mode so pulling the fuse now has no effect. 2 Choices are the warranty replacement (if youre still covered and the recall is still valid) or the box from Sly.
  19. Hey mate, yep these are still available, currently for 4 in Stock. Il send you a pm with all the details. Edit: added to the list as paid 1. DOOM! (350z) - Posted 2. daisyduke (350z) - Posted 3. longsho7 (350z) - Posted 4. Rickdon (370z) - PM Sent - Waiting for 370 Guide 5. Keyser (370z) - Posted 6. 350_jer (350z) - Posted
  20. Everyone should have these by now, no questions or anything? Hoping they actually have arrived!
  21. You just made me make a noise ive never made before. That honeycomb one is stunning...
  22. Thanks, hope you or someone else on the team keeps us updated
  23. I really dont understand whats proving so hard here... The forum software is Invision Power Board, definitely one of the top forum software's out there with good 1st and 3rd party support. The team rent hosting/server capacity from a proper hosting provider, they dont run their own server. Therefore both platforms are "supported" by 3rd parties... I hope this gets fixed soon as its making it difficult to do my member trading around here since people aren't getting PM and topic update notifications. If they need some help with things, they can always contact me...
  24. It would be MUCH cheaper id imagine to get your UpRev mapper to disable NATS, of course you would technically need to declare this on your insurance as your car will be insured on the understanding that it has a working alarm and immobiliser. Id dread to think what Nissan would change for a new NATS system, plus they'd want their usual diagnostic fee etc etc.
  25. Hey all, just posted everyone that's paid modules today, should be with you all tomorrow Also my buttons have come into stock so now I have another 4 modules all ready to go. Seeing as this is probably quite a small interest item, these will be the last 4, so if you want one, get them quick!
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