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Everything posted by Joeycuz

  1. I'm hoping it is the spring as it's an excuse to get some tein lowering springs, how much is it for the shocker? Thanks
  2. Hi all, I'm hoping someone may be able to help. I've noticed the front o/s of the car seems to have developed a problem. Every time I go over a speed bump/ Raise in road I've noticed the suspension isn't absorbing the bumps. Could this be a crack in the spring or possibly a problem with the shock absorber? I've tried pushing down on the front of either side of the car and the n/s gives a little play but the o/s is solid. Sorry for the s%#t description
  3. I hate stuff like this.. I had a similar problem afew years ago. Was parked along the seafront eating some chips with the girlfriend and three drunk men Walked towards my car and started pouring beer over my bonnet and laughing. (I was only 17 at the time) not going to lie I was abit scared but I guess adrenaline kicked in and I ended up kicking the absolute pancakes out of two of them with the third making a hasty retreat! I guess I was just lucky that they were drunk and couldn't throw a straight punch otherwise things could of been a lot worse for me! People like this boil my blood, probably never had to do a days work in their life, never mind own and maintain a car!!! Rant over
  4. Spotted near Cambridge on the A14, think the reg ended in NNT or possibly NTT
  5. Was visiting a company in South Wales and spotted this beaut in the car park. Never really been to fond on the colour but after seeing this in the sunshine has changed my view
  6. I need to hear that K1 next time your about! Decent pics ðŸ‘
  7. Parked next to you this morning, can't remeber the reg. very nice
  8. Wether they work is another story, a lot of them just show current offers. Google is always my first point of reference.
  9. I ordered a new sofa from DFS on Sunday. very helpful staff and should be with me in four weeks. Hopefully il have no problems
  10. I'm ordering myself a new bike tomorrow from halfords along with afew other bits and was wondering if anyone may know a working discount code? Thought it's worth asking as every little helps Cheers
  11. I have this issue too! think il sort it Saturday as it's very annoying.
  12. Heading Westbound this morning just past reading services, very nice in Silver!
  13. I've seen this afew times too, always parked up so not sure who's it is.
  14. I design elevators for hotels, bit boring but it has it's ups & Downs..
  15. Haha brilliant Ebized, you've Caught me..
  16. just came across a great discount code offering 20% all purchases at Angling direct. I've just purchased two reels, a rod, bite alarm and some line for £366.33 and it should of been £457.91! I didn't know where to post this so apologies if it's in the wrong section but I had to share this great offer with you guys. That's if any of you are intrested in fishing of course Code is : --- Fishing4u --- Joe
  17. just came across a great discount code offering 20% all purchases at Angling direct. I've just purchased two reels, a rod, bite alarm and some line for £366.33 and it should of been £457.91! I didn't know where to post this so apologies if it's in the wrong section but I had to share this great offer with you guys. That's if any of you are intrested in fishing of course Joe
  18. Just been speaking to the chap involved and he reckons he was doing 20-25mph.. whilst talking to him I noticed a sounder of pigs flying overhead.
  19. Hit that silver car which was parked two doors up from me in the road. not sure on the speed but that's some distance to shove a car?
  20. So woke up this morning to this... The old bloke driving is fine just a little shaken. Hit a parked car afew doors up from me and pushed the car into next doors drive and damaged their car.
  21. My girlfriend got me a hubsen x4 quad copter for Christmas and it was fun while it lasted.. Took it on a field Boxing Day to have a little play and all was fine. Got abit too confident and flew it on the beach, yeah you know what's coming next... SPLASH! never to be seen again I've since bought myself a dji phantom 2 vision plus which is amazing. It's almost impossible to loose as it's got GPS and if you loose connection it will simply 'Go home' and land by itself feet away from where it took off from. I've got afew decent videos of the zed parked up alongside a river in colchester il try and upload it on here when Im Back from work.
  22. Saw a lovely looking 370z going through Ferdown this morning. Had two black stripes which really went well with the yellow paintwork.. Very nice
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