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Everything posted by Parsnip
Berks + Nismo (+piggyback ECU) - get these codes all the time when its cold - either pedal dance or OBD2 reset when I can be bothered. Rarely seen over the summer months (few and far between in Aberdeen)
To get my Nismo + Berks on took no time at all, but seeing the state of the Zorst that came off, replacing one or two bits would have been a hell of a lot harder - held together by rust really - Scottish weather had done a real number on it. That looks choppable and weldable, but personally, I would go for a sparkly new system - it is after all a major safety concern (if her indoors asks of course )
Isnt a decat a straight fail, emissions or not? Unless you get into manufacturer fitted stuff, but exery Zed made would have left Nissan with a pair of cats, no? Mine recently failed on C02 with berks and a Nismo exhaust, tried again after some enthusiastic driving, with the tester knowing that iit was going to be close and it passed.
Another vote for a heated front screen. An aux line in to the stereo would also be nice, the "tape with a 3.5mm jack" look is a bit ghetto.
Drive home last night, an A4 estate and a clapped out old Toyota in front doing 35 in a 60 - blasting past in second with the car howling put a smile on my face. Getting flashed for having the audacity to overtake made my grin even bigger. I am childish and I love my car
It's my favourite of all the roasted veg. 'Nuff said.
Quite high during the winter. Minging roads and wheels I couldn't care less about - so the car looks like a woodlouse. During the summer if you don't need sunglasses to look at the car then it isn't shiny enough
Petrol is better. You can tell your car is a diesel - it isn't "so quiet you would never guess" it sounds like a tractor and smells awful. Plus, you will start wearing questionable knitwear, develop horrific adenoids and will insist on telling people that "your car has more real world performance because torque is king" and "ooh, I haven't been to a petrol station in ages my hypermileing technique is so good" The only diesel that doesn't sound like a tractor is a diesel LM Prototype - and every incarnation of those has sounded wet in comparison to the competition burning god's own fuel.
Right result IMO. Would have probably put Mo Farah or Murray ahead of Ennis for acchievment (and probably Farah for personality too!), but the right man won, so I'm happy enough
They only work when you have spent ages cleaning the car and go to wipe the windows
Nobhead Parking awards.... Post your nominees...
Parsnip replied to manphibian's topic in Off Topic Discussion
A lot of the yplac ones aren't really bad - empty carpark, miles from the shop entrance and double parked - who cares? Would rather people on the internet thought I was parking like a c than getting any door dings. -
Ignoring the fact that pouring water all over your car when it is below freezing is a daft idea, the stuff that goes on the ground? Yeah, that freezes too Einstein... I have already had the unbridled joy of watching my neighbour pour water over her windscreen, tell me off for saying it was a bad idea and then having 2 hours of smug "I told you so" ness looking out of my bedroom window while she stayed stuck in her ice rink parking spot the next day Little victories.
The noise. Stick a set of aftermarket pipes and set of new cats on and it is eargasmicly good - no matter how bad a day I have had, leaving it in second just that little bit longer on the drive home cheers me right up.
This morning, stuck cars, me passing them in the Zed. Winter tyres work. They should be law - I do not want to do 11mph because you are on LingLong ditchfinders - if you drove a car without brakes, you would get into bother, why is driving a car with no grip not the same?
I get this a lot when its cold - even if it does decide to open on the first push, the struts dont have enough pressure to hold the lid up. Thought about a replacement, but being tall, I just rest the boot on my head
First proper test of the winter tyres this morning (Kumho KW27s) - can't fault them - car felt planted until I tested them in the work carpark (in the interests of science of course ) and you can still comfortably get the back end out. I do think I might have made myself unpopular though - was chatting to the boss and he said "if you can get in driving that, noone has an excuse"
I don't like Dysons - they seem to pick up a load of dirt you can't see and none of the stuff you can. I have been informed by her in charge that a Dyson is a prerequisite to getting a dog, so will be getting a Dyson in the New Year - she hinted at one before Christmas, but I can't help but feel that getting her a hoover for Christmas would see me in the bad books.
After a year of ownership I am out one new battery and one new passenger window motor - that pales into insignificance when compared to the modding that has been done though
First year with winter tyres on here. The Zed is my only car - unless I steal her Pug, but that still leaves one of us stranded, and Aberdeen public transport is crap. Have driven it once on the snow on summer tyres (Hankook Ventus V12s) and it was horrid - zero grip and too much stress, hoping that the winters will at least allow me to drive without getting the fear
While the whole story is a bit daft, it isn't as bad as people seem to think - the TV ad is not banned - the extended online version is. I quite like the advert, but Toyota are onto a winner on this one - as someone said on PH, these are not stupid people - free advertising for Toyota - if TVR made an ad of cars purely going sideways and spitting flames, it would get banned in seconds, but would create a huge ammount of publicity.
On the motorway 30mpg isn't too much of a challenge. Commuting to work, if I break 20 over a tank I'm happy.
Not something that really bothers me. I am happy to replace a perfectly working exhaust with a louder £1300 one, If people want to spend money on changing the bit of plastic at either end of their car, I'm hardly one to judge
Cruise control defintley helps on motorways - 6th gear at 70 can easilly become 90 without much effort if you aren't keeping an eye on the speedo. As for other roads - you take your own chances. Anyone who says they have never broken a limit is a lier, but obviously be sensible with it - 40 past a school is a no no etc.
Off most of the summer. With good tyres, unless you are driving like a complete muppet, the car won't bite. On over the winter - has caught me out a few times going for gaps and cutting the power, but better safe than sorry when the roads are covered with ming I guess.
You should have pm, website is being a bit funny on the work network...