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Everything posted by HARMLU

  1. The guy didn't allow me to look at it. Plus number plate isn't recognised on DVLA, could be a little dodgy?
  2. Does it sound like an air leak whine if that makes sense?
  3. Good choice on the zed. You won't regret it!

    Oil light?

    +1.Got to hate that darn dipstick though. Worst designed thing on the Zed and probably any other car, period. I keep getting oil splatters on my shiny hard pipe A lot of blown engines recently, highlights the importance of checking oil levels regularly
  5. without going , there are plenty of specific oil threads recommending 5w30. For that reason and for the reason I do not have oil issues, I would not put anything else in. I believe that if you have a revup model, you should just accept the oil loss as a trait of the car and top up accordingly. That's my opinion. Bringing it back on topic now (and coming away from the Dblock shlong measuring competition), I would say that the OP needs to get some seperate opinions on the tapping, perhaps from a few different garages. By putting a thicker oil in, you are not curing the problem. My car has just hit 90k, doesn't lose a drop between services (maybe that's because I only do 4k a year). It also is a very quiet engine without any suspect tapping. My advice would be to follow Alex's advice and check valve clearances and wear on the cam lobes. Changing the cams is a pretty hefty job, but cross that bridge if needed. Good luck and let us all know how you get one
  6. Tell me where it isn't the right oil? I'm not going to argue the toss. You have your opinion, I have mine.
  7. Good news! Love the feeling of relief when these things happen!
  8. why... because it's not the correct oil for the engine. I cannot comment on the revup engine and what owners do to overcome their oil 'issues' as mine is not. Just wondering if the OP's is a revup and they know what oil is in the car at the moment? Always a good start to know what fluids you have
  9. You shouldn't be putting anything else other that 5w30 in it!
  10. yeh it does actually. Doesn't look like it's fitted properly though! lol. Am hoping to see what it looks like with no lowering and gt rays!
  11. So, my front end has a few undesired stone chips and will need a body shop respray to get it to the standard of which I will be happy with. I really like the look of the Nismo V2 front bumper, but want to keep the oem feel of the car. I have got a quote from RT Performance for the work and supply of the bumper which I am more than happy with and know they will do an outstanding job! Only thing is that I want to know what the (standard GT, no coilovers) will look like with just the front bumper on as I don't want to do the whole car. I am thinking smoothed badge and black insert on a blade silver car. I am yet to decide on keeping or not keeping the canards. I am also unsure of the colour for the skirt (I am thinking black to go with the insert). Has anyone done just the bumper on their car? Also what are people's opinions, remembering that I want to keep an oem feel to the car.
  12. 58 mph is more than 57 mph, yes! I think what you mean is the speedo probably read more? Sorry just in one of those annoying moods tonight On another note, this is bad luck and I think there are occasions which require you to go faster than the traffic to be safe. For a van to be parked just after a slip road is bang out of order! These are occasions when it's clear it is about money rather than safety
  13. Just fyi; "Fisherking" was last active on here: Aug 22 2013 09:54 So you might not get a response from him HARMLU. Let's hope they sorted the issue for him either way. Cheers, I was only interested as I got my z from the same place and have nothing but good things to say about them
  14. Volvo's (and other cars) have a steady orange light on the side, so I wouldn't say it could be confusing. However, if anything I would want to take the reflectors out if it was possible (or invest in facelift lights, but cannot justify the price)
  15. Gotcha I could be wrong, but it looks like it might be a reflection from a light
  16. Looks nice. Tried plugging number plate in to DVLA, and it cannot find the details. Maybe a legitimate reason for this? Anyone know?
  17. Not quite sure what you are getting at here, but edit: always wanted to add this
  18. Id literally cut the clip off and chuck the wheel I'll pass, because it would be a waste of the wheel and I wouldn't want to pay you the money you deserve Thanks for the offer though No problem, hope you get the bit you need quickly. If you don't have any luck, let me know.
  19. ... I have a spare steering wheel...?
  20. This is normal as long as it's just surface rust. I leave my car under a cover 3 weeks at a time. After cleaning it, I take it to the end of the road and back making sure there's a bit of braking to clear water from the surface of discs. Generally does the job, otherwise you get an initial bind when you first start off and they're quite noisy for the first 5 or 10 minutes
  21. I believe it is in the engine bay.. couldn't tell you which fuse, but check them all.
  22. Ok, so the technical - brakes section isn't exactly ideal, so if there's a more appropriate place could somebody with a magic wand move it please I just want to know how the two relate to each other and a little knowledge of the system as in general. When I turn the Electronic Stability Program (so that I don't get a clever sod telling me what it stands for ) off, there is no hold back of the revs if I get any slip. But will the slip light flash? When this happens, my eyes aren't looking down at the dash funnily enough! What triggers the traction control? (when you boot it a bit too much coming out the corner with ESP enabled and get thrown forward, we all must know that feeling!)
  23. was looking at these and 38k new... second hand GTR territory
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