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About kershaw-350z

  • Birthday 14/05/1988

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  1. Yer I think there is a moto to this story ,, just don't go to quick fit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. hi have seen thees online and since the install of my lightend fly i was thinking that it might be benificial if was to have one, as i somtimes get extra vibration when giving it some but are theese even available for the hr engin or would a de one fit a hr engin any reply would be much appreciated Many thanx Alex
  3. was there not a pipe to a breather box left over tho what did u do with that could anyone post a pic would be very helpfull
  4. surly removing them would create better air flow would it not or ive herd of exhausts with this type of thing and apparentlyit aids airflow having them in because a vacume develops in the chamber almost sucking air threw i know thats how the motordrome exhausts where developed or are they just there to muffle intake noise?
  5. the hr engin under the engin cover i belive has a small hose on both intake pipes previously on here i did see a tread about removing this but i can't find it now but the main qusetion is. will there be much benifit in removing this because ive had a look and it doesnt look easyas removal of the strut brase and engin cover is required what will i gain from removing it also is it not plumbed in with the oil breathers aswell any replys would be much appreciated thanx Alex
  6. will try and get a vid up once thins weather sorts itself out
  7. it doesnt sound anything like that vid the noise goes away on idel if i put the clutch pedal down not the other way round and i only realy get a noise when i go to pull away i doo get a chatering a idol sometime but not when i start it up normaly after some driving when stationary
  8. i have driven a couple of hundred miles now but the noiser it self seams to have quietend down its still there below 1500rpm but only in 2nd 3rd or 4th etc its quiet annoing intrafic but with a little change in driving style ive got over it.. i think like you guys have said it was just clattery because of the new fly and io thinkn it was louder for a lil bit becasue of the brand new clutch i had just put it. but now i hardley notice it when driving normal it is quite loud tho if you try to pull away i 2nd from about 1200 rpm and somtimes it chatters on idel but somtime it doesnt i will leave it another couple of weeeks and report back again then and i will get a vid up i do find that my hr box wines in 1st and in 2nd a lil bit it has done on both of my cars
  9. i wouldnt say the noise im geting is normal it just seams too loud to be normal. it shouldnt sound like a missfiring tracor when i rev it on idol tho should it
  10. i had my light weight fly (from zman) clutch and salve cylinder fitted on tuesday and when picking the car up the garage that did the work mentioned to me that my gearbox was noisey and they thouht it was my bearings i thought nothing of it and asumed they ment the wiening noise that hr gearboxes do make but they have a point i dont know what they did but it sounds like they have droped the gearbox of the ramp or sumin obv with i lighted fly you expect some extra noise but not like this below 1500 rpm the hole thing sounds like crap like a missfireing tractor, even when i rev it on idol somtimes not all the time i get a noise like someone has chucked a bag of bolts down the stairs or your engageing the clutch with a brick i doess this everytime i try to pull away aswell and even in second gear when gon round corners its embaressing tbh i bought the fly thinking it would improve the driveability as my fly was nackerd but it seams to have done the opposit.. what do u guys think the problem could be?? it drives fline tho tecnicaly its just the noises it makes and i know it isnt the bottem end because if i rev the car with the clutch down its silky smooth and sounds just as sexy as it always does any ideas ?? many thanx alex
  11. thats awsome thanx guys
  12. so from the cats back it will be fine??
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