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Everything posted by jam87ie

  1. ↠Major yearly events 350Z & 370Z UK » Japfest 2016 - Silverstone - Sunday 24th A... Reply « PrevNext » Like This Mikey Thompson's PhotoMikey Thompson Today, 18:44 1. 370Ad - Stand Pass + Track Time - PAID 2. MrsNiki - Stand Pass only - PAID 3. Rickdon - Stand Pass - PAID 4. Stuggerz - Stand Pass only PAID 5. Valy - Stand Pass - PAID 6. glrnet -Stand Pass - PAID 7. octet - Stand Pass - PAID 8. Chippychip123- Stand Pass PAID 9. Ozzy225 - Stand Pass + Track time - PAID 10. Shezza - Stand Pass - PAID 11. Roobies8 - Stand Pass only PAID 12. AdamTSmith350 - Stand Pass only 13. Garygranite - Stand Pass 14. Chizzz - Stand Pass - PAID 15. Tea and Wax - Stand pass 16. SherlockH -Stand Pass & Track Time 17. Paul K - Stand Pass - PAID 18. Dean_m Stand Pass PAID 19. SYY - stand pass and track time PAID 20. Wendy - Stand Pass- PAID 21. WINKJ - Stand Pass PAID 22. Lloydshaw - Stand Pass PAID 23. Condor109 - Stand Pass 24. harryjackson - Stand Pass & (maybe) Track Time - PAID 25. Beagle - Stand Pass & (maybe) track time 26. 27. crute/higgins350z - stand - PAID 28. GreenLandy - stand + track - PAID 29. choptop - Stand Pass 30. Rich260- stand pass - PAID 31. Shire350z - stand pass 32. Justthejedi - stand pass 33. AmyZed - stand pass 34. Kraziekatz1 - stand pass & Track (whaa hoo.....get ready everyone ) 35. Jakeswheelbarrow - stand pass PAID 36. Flex - Stand (Maybe) 37. Bobby D - stand pass - PAID 38. ZeppoJeff - Stand Pass (work depending) 39. zzzeady -stand pass 40. davey83 - Stand Pass & Track Time PAID 41. Mikey Thompson - Stand Pass PAID 42. Aaronc350z - Stand Pass 43. Durk - Stand Pass PAID 44. jhobbs90- Stand Pass PAID 45. mattbrettell- Stand Pass PAID 46. Ryanbatch - stand pass - PAID 47. Smc1992 (Scott) - Stand pass - PAID 48. Jam87ie - stand pass- PAID
  2. hi. if there is any space i would like to be put down for this one
  3. i got a ticket if someone wants it. i cant make it now due to work. let me know ASAP
  4. jam87ie


    i had it fitted to my car in jaurary. its a great peice of kit. its full adjustable dampers and on max hight i have no troubles clearing speed humps. in my eyes it rides well on the current setup.
  5. 1. 370Ad - 1x Ticket + 1x Track Session 2. chippychip123 - 1x Ticket 3. greenlandy - 1 x ticket + 1x track 4.andy James-1x ticket + 3x track 5. Jam87ie - 1x ticket
  6. saw the 350z in cheam village about 8:30pm ish
  7. i have spotted this car several times on my travels
  8. jam87ie

    Help Please

    Hi Im looking to get Rota GTR-D wheels on my 04 350z. At the moment i have standard wheels with 20mm and 25mm spacers Im looking to get Front - Rota GTR-D 18" 9.5" 5x114mm ET12 or ET25 or Rota GTR-D 18" 10 5x114mm ET12 or ET25 Rear - Rota GTR-D 18" 10 5x114mm ET35 or Rota GTR-D 18" 12 5x114mm ET20 With the spacers i have will i need to change them or will i need to have the arch rolled and if so would that damage any paint work. Im sorry if this type of question has been put up but i had a look and couldnt find much infomation
  9. I changed mine from silver to pearl white with a blue twinge and also kitted the car at the same time
  10. Of it was white it's more likely to be me
  11. Spotted a silver and black modded 350z in north cheam about 3:30pm
  12. I work as a leisure centre manager and personal trainer on the side.
  13. jam87ie

    Looking HOT!

    what is the rear wing on the top car
  14. I have found out that it is a cam sensor fault. as for the roof when I operate it windows will go down, chair move forward and the boot will unlock for the roof to fold away. it sounds like something trying to happen but nothing does. I'm not that mechanically minded so I think I will need someone to look at it. can anyone recommend or know a garage that is competent in working on them
  15. Cheers for the help guys I will try and get the fault code As for the roof. Windows go down as usual and chair moves forward but the roof then doesn't move Thanks
  16. 1st issue I have is that I was reversing just after starting the car as I stopped it cut out. it then struggled to start up again. I left it 10 mins and attempted and it started. once I got it started I had the check engine light come on along with the traction control and the slip light. it has started every time so far since. any one have an idea. also dose anyone know who is good working with a convertible roof. mine has stopped working thanks jamie
  17. Well the amount of people that go near and through sutton. We should all catch up some time
  18. I live in Worcester park but work in carshalton. Thanks. How about you.
  19. Woop woop that was me. I'm not that often on here. I try when I can
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