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Everything posted by OllyB

  1. Supercharger or turbos... Turbos are a bit dearer tho, you might want to think about forging as well...
  2. The thing that really pi$$s me off is the fact they have had roadworks after the m26 for widening for ages but left the road surface like a teenagers face rather than smoothing the surface off....
  3. King crimson, court of the crimson king.
  4. Most suffer from heat soak so even with a map will not perform as well as closed box and performance panel filters. Save the cash and get some high flow cats before the uprev instead...
  5. Dibs on the wheels... Depending on size..
  6. Oh, that shouldn't make more noise than standard then. Take it back to whoever fitted it.....
  7. Is it a lightened flywheel? Mine sounds a bit like that below 2000rpm
  8. Is yours in the same position Olli Yep, exactly the same place.
  9. +1 The thread above is defiantly worth a read
  10. The air filter acts as the breather so all fumes are exhausted through this, you only want the breather filter on the non pcv valve side of the breather as this needs the vacuum from the inlet manifold to work.
  11. Pete, I cleaned mine today after this post prompted me to have a look. I've only don't about 6000 miles on it from new but having run k&n before I can honestly say it was no dirtier than expected and could have done the same again before needing cleaning. I only really run mine on clear days and don't do many miles, are you driving in particularily dust conditions as it may be down to environment and you will just have to clean more frequently, a different filter is unlikely to make much difference.
  12. All fixed, dishwasher and a drift got the piston out, bit of 0000 wire wool and the bores are back smooth, reassembled with a bit of oil and now working perfectly... Pheewww
  13. Fair comment, I like a challenge tho, its only corroded, nothings broken so it will come out, just needs some gentle persuasion. And if all else fails an new one..... Kinda like to get it sorted today as well....
  14. Yea that's what I thought, just spoke to mark at abbey tho and it may be rescue able..... Just got to wait for the dishwasher cycle to Finnish.......
  15. Hi all, after Pete's recent thread about how dirty his filter was I thought it best I have a look and clean mine, I've got the same set up.... Anyway filter out and cleaned, it wasn't that dirty but hey it can't hurt. Whilst the filter is drying I thought I'd have a look at something that has been bugging me for ages, when I'm off gas at low revs I get a chuffing sound from the intake, now I've always assumed this was the blow off valve recirking air but the plumb back pipe looked a little kinked and I thought this might be restricting airflow enough to stop the valve passing all the air. Took the bov pipe off and there was some white dust which I thought odd, kept stripping bits of until I had the bov in my hand and it looks like the piston has corroded and jammed in the shut position. I've dismantled the bov and taken the spring out. Am I right in thinking the piston should now just push out and be fairly free? Its not.... Its a turbosmart plumb back bov. And advice would be good....
  16. The inlet looks quite small, think you'd need 3 inch and its going to be touch and go as to whether the box is going to fit, it's tight behind the bumper...
  17. I've done about 5000 miles and not checked the filter, I'm not getting any of the symptoms you are though. Maybe it's time to have a look....
  18. The gtroc set up is allways good, there normally next to the ctro stand, which is where I'll be hiding, if she makes it this year.........
  19. Integrated chargecooler as well which is different, don't think they make as much power as the gtm/rotrex
  20. The stilled sc uses a vortech set up with the sc in a similar place but uses a different intake http://www.dynosty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/2007-Nissan-350Z-VQ35HR-Stillen-Vortech-Supercharger-with-haltech-and-nitrous-engine-bay.png Edit: sorry, pointless now we have established it's a rev up but I'm leaving the link cos it's pretty......
  21. Yep and wouldn't the HR need twin chargers with it having two intakes? Nope but the mounting location and intercooler are different. I was thinking it might be similar to the GTM/Rotrex set up.... If it's a DE engine though but just a RevUp model then surely it's just a simple case of getting the different mount I'd have thought. Modifying the existing one may work though but I have no idea honestly. The single gtm sc is mounted on the bottom left of the engine... I guess when trying to shoehorn 2 in they had to make use of all available space. Twins look cool single looks standard...
  22. True, if it's a rev up then it's just a different bracket I believe Didn't think the rev up had different internals tho.....
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