Hi all, after Pete's recent thread about how dirty his filter was I thought it best I have a look and clean mine, I've got the same set up.... Anyway filter out and cleaned, it wasn't that dirty but hey it can't hurt.
Whilst the filter is drying I thought I'd have a look at something that has been bugging me for ages, when I'm off gas at low revs I get a chuffing sound from the intake, now I've always assumed this was the blow off valve recirking air but the plumb back pipe looked a little kinked and I thought this might be restricting airflow enough to stop the valve passing all the air. Took the bov pipe off and there was some white dust which I thought odd, kept stripping bits of until I had the bov in my hand and it looks like the piston has corroded and jammed in the shut position. I've dismantled the bov and taken the spring out.
Am I right in thinking the piston should now just push out and be fairly free? Its not....
Its a turbosmart plumb back bov.
And advice would be good....