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Everything posted by Lucasdemoley

  1. I'm very fortunate, in a job I enjoy and get decentish money for it. That being said, I can earn significantly more (25-50%) working further afield or in a different position (150% more abroad), but I wouldn't do it. My commute is 20 mins, I work on interesting projects, I have a brilliant view from my desk and my colleagues are awesome. Having a family having home time is important to me. I do sometimes have to travel further afield for work, or do very long days, but I enjoy those days, weirdly! If I was single however, I'd take the opportunity to get ahead in life, beast it for 10 years then enjoy life. I did this with the kids, we had them young, got them out of the way and fine it's dented the fun of our 20's and I had to sell my cars, but i'll be 40ish when they are all leaving home and I'm still young to enjoy life.
  2. Ah see, thats what I don't have lol! Nose height depends at what point your measuring it really, and I guess what kit your running etc. Just never sure if they will scrape, I guess i'm just thinking cars are always scraping on trailers. Zeus - Any idea what gradient your driveway may be? Reason for question ultimately is if I can get away with it, I can negotiate myself a better deal as opposed to them providing me with alternative adjacent land. Its difficult to weigh up.
  3. Hi Guys, Hope you can help me on this one. I did find an old thread but I didn't want to re-open it! I'm in discussions for a bit of a land deal (2 years in lol). The result of this will likely lead to me forming a driveway to my property. The only problem is my house is quite close to the road, so the angle is going to be quite a bit, like 1 in 7 or 1 in 6. (so the ground rises 1 meter over 6meters). The Driveway would then go into a garage next to the house. I cant really go shallower, as I will then be undermining the house. Do you think this would cause an issue? What do you think you can get away with without massive issues? There may be other options, but this is the fall back position that I need to get my head around if it is feasible (Its all part of the final negotiations). Help really appreciated on this, and if all goes to plan I'll be on here a bit more as looking to get a 350Z for drift use before too long. Cheers.
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