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Everything posted by ddcboyle

  1. How long do you think that will last?? I am into my Army pension now mate Im looking at holding Zeditis anonymous classes every thursday
  2. How long do you think that will last?? Well i was meant to spend 100 a month on car since last new year, but... That didnt work decided to turn it into a green machine, although need to waitbtil after afghan for the machine part (supercharger)
  3. Excellant, youll get a pm with carbon order next month. Ill make my new years resolution to stop spending my payday money on zed kit
  4. Unfortunate;y I don't stock the boot struts, but bonnet struts are available in either: Plain Black £70.00 delivered (in stock) viewtopic.php?f=180&t=62517 Carbon Fibre £80.00 delivered (due in stock this week) viewtopic.php?f=180&t=61163 Carbon look evil, is it an easy install? Or garage work?
  5. Regreasing them, is that just adding grease to extrerior pipe or take it apart?
  6. Wing mirrors are easily the hardest bit of that car. Because of the shape and with it being a full circle meet. But ey shall be done next weekend The video ive taken isnt the best, as half the time im stood infront of the camera. Ill edit a bit and upload link. But when i come round to doing fender, ill get a proper camera and tripod, so you can see exactly what im doing. Me and mate are looking into going semi-pro as an on the side business for friends. But i have to teach him how to vinyl wrap on his own first, so he can do doors, fenders, roof etc himself. If anyone is wanting to learn how to vinyl wrap, can get some people round on a weekend and show how i do it. (although i dnt have a qualification like all these awesome garages i seem to end up finding...... )
  7. Im guessing their called hydraulic struts, first thing that came into my mind. Anyway, getting after market struts for bonnet, will that raise the bonnet higher so i can actually see under the bonnet without holding it up? Will new struts stop the boot falling on my head, or do you somehow clean them? And whats the counter weight all about? Ive seen where its located, but is it actually heavy and worth taking out?
  8. Uploading a pic of front of vehicle and rear of vehicle, the boot is now green, looks alot more evil IMO Also took a video of how to remove the rear window wiper, ive not seen a video of it being done, so ill put link up here, and on seperate topic (if theres already one out there, let me know. Nothing came up in searches.) Got a video on us vinyl wrapping the boot, but only about half the job as camera ran outta battery but ill shorten the 30min clip to about 8minutes and upload, so you can see roughly how im doing it. I wrap alot differently to garages, most heat it and stretch it over where as i use squeegee more as stretching the vinyl can make it more difficult later on.
  9. if you end up needing more vinyl to finish the job yourself, i'm happy to do it at a heavily discounted rate for you to help you out. Dont worry about that mate, im gunning for either money back or them to gt it revinyled and fitted properly. Although id rather money as theyll end up pissing on the seats having to redo the car lol. If i do get more vinyl ill pay the usual price nearly done now
  10. So ive evtually got the front of the car looking how it should, and it looks smart. From a distance it looks good but if you start examining the front bumper knowing its vinyl, theres alot of flaws. The vinyl company which i wont name and shame... Yet... Done a job thats worse than my first ever go at it. Didnt recognize it at first but some faults ive picked up. Bumper fitted to car £60... Its been screwed on to the plastic, literally with screws. Theres ****ing holes on the bumper for a reason, they aint even lined up. And the screws aint covered, again, i only recognised this once i got to ace and done full inspection. Not to mention the bonnet goes over the bumper instead of lining up. The vinyl job, because they most likely couldnt be arsed doing what their job entitles, instead of removing the headlights, theyve vinyled the bumper, then added a little bit extra onto where it didnt cover. Not pushed in properly where it meets the fender, a second bit of vinyl added under the bonnet, where the top part of bumper is. So 60 to fit, and 150 to vinyl (along with me providing my own hexis) was a rip off. I can do 100% better and i wouldnt charge that much. Simple job. ****ers. So ill be calling them on monday, and if i dont get the bumper fitted properly, and vinyl done properly (which i wont be providing extra), @*!# will hit the fan along with name and shame that will be getting posted with various pictures. On the plus side, its only recognisable because i can vinyl, hard to tell unless you point it out, so heres some pics.
  11. Ive found a flaw... If you have wet feet or wearing socks around the house... Your gonna be sliding all over the damn place
  12. Easiest thing to do mate, get some fishing wire for few quid, and remove th badge to see if it has the holes. My car has holes and its coupe, cant confirm about roadster but seems mixed opinions. If u got holes, get some double sided sticky nd put back on. You can try dental floss, but these guys must be using horse dental floss as my human stuff just snapped under any tension.
  13. Alot of people fill the, and get it sprayed. I took mine off so i could vinyl
  14. dental floss dudnt work for me but seems popular with others. i just bought cheap fishing wire, poured water and done a sawing effect through badge. once the badge is off, youll be left with oads of the glue and 2 holes where badge was. easiest way is to pick the glue off or let it dry, and keep rubbing with ur finger, itll eventually lose stickyness and fall off (be aware u will get burny finger syndrome)
  15. So do wider rims and socks. Wheels are definetly what present the car the most. Unless you got a saxo 1litre vvt electric supercharger with a mahoosive spoiler. That might stand out more than his 15" chrome hubcaps
  16. You wouldnt recognize it unless you looked carefully enough, but standard wheels are inside the wheel arch massively. spacers just bring them out to look a bit more beefed up. a bit more manly. a little bit of a steroid junkie.
  17. so autosol/mehuires silencers, but the actual back box all i can do is spray or buy new one. ah well spray it is
  18. Tried having look, but are you able to clean back box to near same standard as exhaust tips on standard exhaust? Tried autosol on it but goes a bit white. Not sure if im polishing mud or if its just not gonna go shiny
  19. Jvc requires doubledin fascia, iso lead (make sure you get correct one if you have bose amp) and steering wheel control wire.
  20. Jvc 640 is just under 200, double din with usb, ipod etc
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