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Everything posted by ddcboyle

  1. After ive finished the repairs and wrap, ill grab a set of rays never been a big fan, but if their black, their not gonna stand out anyway and I could do with having a bit more fun in corners. Pads and discs getting done this month, so rays should be on the christmas list Took the car out today for a spin, pushed a little bit more and tbh I think alot of it is just me worrying about the car sliding. But ill keep going until I hit a certain point then try rays and mpss Thanks for all the replies
  2. There is a bonus to this project. Atleast you shouldnt have any annoying rattly plastic In the car You going for the plastic style windows?
  3. Everyone has had a passenger that speaks like that co-driver. For me its my mum, complaining im going too fast round a roundabout at 5mph
  4. Im hoping to start going to meets more often, and hopefully get better at pushing the car. I always thought i would be awesome at driving but just have a paranoia about power to rear wheels (even though all sports cars are 4wd or rwd lol)
  5. Kept esp on, tightened strut bar and pumped up tyres, they were on 28 so put to 35. Started growing some balls and seems like it probably wasnt down to the car, but just me being paranoid about it. I always kept thinking rwd car, back end will just kick out all the time. Might go on fast driving course with the car, so I can find the limit safely
  6. How would I know if im due tax rebate? Do you just recieve it in the post?
  7. Keeping it at the moment by the looks of it. Need to wait til parents buy a new house til I can look at moving to scotland (then see if im able to get a job quickly) Ill have a look at tyres now, thats something I say im gonna do but always forget to do
  8. Lmfao. I like how everyone ignores him at the end
  9. Yeh but the japs cant live without some gucci techno gadgets wherever they go
  10. Maybe its just me being a poof and scared of throwing car round a corner. Ill try tightening the strut bars, esp off and blast round somewhere and see how it feels. Mpss are my next set of tyres to buy but vreds will last til the end of the year :/ And I like my oem wheels but may need to look at some 2nd hand rays since im wanting more from the car than just straight lines
  11. Checking strut brace, its only the front one above engine cover yeah? I took that off a while ago, to do spark plugs, might not have put it back on properly
  12. Im sure the car will take a corner fast, but it doesnt feel like it should. Feels a bit wobbly. I got verdestein tyres and everything else is oem. Not sure if maybe suspension area is just fragged and needing replaced?
  13. By grounding it, alot of dvd players u can ground by wiring it up to itself. Theres a bolt on the rear that u can wrap it round
  14. So recently ive noticed the zed doesnt seem as planted or sporty as I want it to be. I know it cant take corners like a fwd or front wheel, but I just keep feeling that when I take corners it doesnt feel like im driving a sports car. Its a bit like driving a very fast normal car. How would I go around making it feel that little bit more sporty without splashing thousands? Im presuming its suspension area and maybe eibach struts? Its not for track, just for bendy roads so not looking to break the bank. Ideally I want it to feel planted to the road
  15. I think their fake and the videos of them inside houses with noises that they just turn into words are fake. However, I would like to go with them to prove myself wrong
  16. Wouldn't that be more of a 'worm hole' as opposed to a black hole Yeah but I think black holes are the initiator that sucks light and matter into the new universe. Then theres a worm hole which gets u there. Although not sure how real worm holes could be. Supposefly can time travel forward by bending space, physics says so not sure if thats the eirm hole?
  17. Great post, and I see where you're coming from with it, but this is why it's incredibly frustrating for aetheists to argue with religious folk and vice versa: It all comes down to faith, and that's not something that's easily gaiined nor lost. Genuinely, I'd quite like there to be a god of some kind, as that would be quite comforting in one way and purely f*cking awesome in another. However, until someone can prove to me beyond all doubt that there is a god, I cannot see how any reasoned mind can believe in one. Likewise, I expect someone who goes to church every Sunday struggles to understand how I manage to go through life without the guiding hand of the book. I would hate to find out there was a god. He looked after no1. Im a firm believer that mothe nature will always create somethjng to keep the world at a comfortable rate. Too many people, invest aids and cancer. Or throw a tidal wave in. Once we cure aids and cancer something else will come out. Now, if god existed, we are his little ant nest for experiments. What happens if I make this man rape a child. What happens if I burn a country. If he was a god and cared about us, surely we could only repopulate one child per one death so it was always the same? On another note while its in my head. God created adam and eve and they created rhe population. Incest at its peak? Yes theres probably loads of incest in our dna, probably 80% of it from Inbreeding
  18. Answers: Not let out junction - their looking at your car and not thinking to stop Guys up ur tail on motorway - they want to show you their car is faster We all get it. Its the same for ferrari owners. People always try and drive behind him and race. He wont get let out of junctions brcause tbey goggle at his car
  19. One thing I still dont understand, and this is by no means racist and I speak about a minority not a majority, and we have all thought about it. All these religions, are simply someone believing in god. Christians believe in god Catholics believe in god Muslims believe in god Now, 1000 years ago catholics or christians, whatever one it was, went on a crusade and smashed through middle east trying to eradicate other religions. Okay 1000years ago we were all uninformed, and tbh 70years ago we were uninformed too with rise of nazism. But, if religion is all about peace, why did they try kill each other? Because someone believed in a black god? Or a white god? If your white your going to think hes white and vice versa. But, as for my first sentance, what is all this bull about islam faith. I dont mean those who believe in allah and pray multiple times a day, if thats how you want to live, so be it. But the "terrorists" as we call them who fight for a religion. What are they truely fighting for? Everyone to follow their god? Very simply, uneducated idiots. Uneducated in the sense that even if god is real, peoples beliefs are their own. And they firmly believe that they will burn in hellfire if they drink alcohol, because it corrupts the mind. But go out and kill 3000 christian children and its all good your getting your 72 virgins. Religion is the cause of 90% of conflicts. The conflict in israel, ww2, afghanistan, iraq, middle ages crusades. All because they want to eliminate something that nobody even knoes if it exists. I am looking at making my religion "jedi" just simply for the fact religion is a waste of time. Followig a book that was written 2000years or more ago, for ssomeone to misread or misinterpret, simple mistake we do it everyday of out lives, but our misinterpret is a parking metre, not a boieing 747 and trade tower. And hellfire? Really? What does god want? If I have sex with a 10 year old, and im christian, will I go to hell? Christians were having sex at that age thousands of years ago, its just that now, the law made it illegal. Prophet mohammed had a wife that was like 8years old and raped her, surely that sinable? Bring on hellfire, ive went over the speed limit, ate plenty of rubbish junk and beer. I watch porn and have sex before marraige. Ill go meet their devil and probably turn out to be hugh hefner. On another note, with the universe. Were obviously not the centre of the jniverse, well, I dont believe that for 1second. Just out limit of exploitation. However, something crazy to know. If we look through a telescope at a planet 10,000 light years away, were looking at light thats 10,000 years old. If I was looking at a little mmanwaving at me, and hes human, im watching him wave but he would have died 9,900 years ago. Thats if, im interpreting the science videos ive watched correctly Apologies for spelling, on my phone
  20. Yep, they had the front bumper for around 2 weeks, and when I came to see how it was coming along, a few days before I had to collect the car, it hadn't even been started. My guess is, they sprayed the centre with a tin of black spraypaint, let it dry then threw some vinyl over it as a bodge job thinking that, because I wrapped a whole car, ill just redo the bumper and forget about the money... as if... they have multiple photos of Ferraris and lambo's they have done, but every photo is from a distance, like my car. at a distance in photos it looks perfect, but anyone at AceCafe would have seen the state of the front bumper in real life. Goes to show, photos on a website mean nothing. Peoples reviews (they removed my review) mean everything. From what I believe, I went to a garage which is called, Tint My car, so they probably only tinted and maybe done occasional car when the boss was in. But, maybe the boss wasn't in, they thought theyd give it a go. Fit a bumper?? my mate fit one to his saxo, ill go give him a ring. yep wood screws, that will do. Spraypaint a bumper? ive spraypainted my bottle of evian water before, ill give this a go. 1 layer? looks black enough to me.
  21. Recently I've been watching hours upon hours of YouTube videos and became slightly addicted to it. As stated in the title, its about God (if there is such a thing), the universe (how it works) and death (an afterlife?). God After watching multiple videos including arguments between Muslim professor and atheist professor (I am atheist myself), along with every possible question about god, which is as usual, "If god created us, who created god", I've still not came to my own personal opinion on this. I am atheist, so I shouldn't really believe in a God, which I don't. But, I do believe there must have been something to cause all of this. The theory I stick by most is the BigBang Theory (not the tv show) since this is the closest that scientists can get to explain the start of the universe. I 100% doubt that the prophet Mohammed, Allah, Christian and Catholic "God" truly exists. Sure thing is, it cant be human form. If it was, someone would have had to create god himself or come from another world which had created ours. A bit like the marbles scene at the end of "Men in Black" film. Personally, I just don't understand why people can believe in religion. I'd understand if we were back in the stone age when religion was basically, invented. But so many "facts" of religion go against our well known physics. This was invented when the world was flat, the stars were the sky and earth was the only thing in existence. Now its round, stars are suns with various rotating planets inside 1 of millions of galaxies and we have multiple planets next door that we are looking at travelling to. I just cant justify in religious beliefs still being here, other than the fact someone needs something, anything, to comfort themselves with, instead of facing the fact that religion is outdated. The Universe I have a theory that Black holes are a way into other universes. I know there's things that go against this, but we don't fully understand black holes enough to put in plain fact that this cant happen. My belief is that a black hole is a gateway to another universe. When a blackhole forms, it sucks in light and matter, to transfer it.... nowhere. I have it in my head that, a black hole forming was "the big bang" and all the light and matter being sucked in, is what forms all the planets, stars etc in the new universe. Death Another theory I have is, now this is quite tricky to explain so bear with me. The big bang happened, and the universe started to increase. Every particle and molecule, atom etc was going to move in a certain direction because that's the direction it was going to go. Not due to fate, but just due to it being a controlled explosion. If I put c4 explosive on a door, if I tried it 10times, the fragments would move different places due to .01g more of c4, or the door having a certain splint different inside the door. However, there was nothing, and it blew up, it had to have been the most controlled explosion. So, just keep that in your head about each atom etc going to follow an exact path. The universe constantly expands, more and more every second. Eventually I believe the universe will become so large, that it isn't stable and implodes in on itself. Thus sucking back all the light and matter, to explode again. Thus, creating another big bang. But everything would go exactly the same way as the first big bang. Every atom etc goes into the exact same place, so earth is formed the exact same way in the exact same place in the solar system. The stage of evolution is exactly the same, because every molecule is the same, if that bacteria was going to grow at 24doubles a second, its going to do it the same the next big bang because it had to. If Bill was going to cross the road but forgot his wallet, and he crossed the road 1minute later, he was always going to forget his wallet. So yes in a way its fate. So I believe, that in death, the world and universe will carry on for however many millions of years, before the universe implodes, destroys it all to reignite itself and life happens again. And in however many millions of years I will be writing this exact same thread on the 350z forum at the same time. Anyone have any different views on any of the above? or anything that fights against my arguments?
  22. Hmm.. ill see how this turns out for 100quid, atm anything is better than my current alloys.
  23. If you spray it, surely it wont match because they will be alot fresher look??
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