I got my renewal letter from Elephant last week as the policy runs out on the 11th June. Bearing in mind my insurance was around £1400 this last year, my renewal quote was £1688...how the hell does that work out for saying that I'm a year older and have an additional years no claims?!?
Anyway I decided to hunt around for a cheaper quote, all the comparison sites are shite with the cheapest one being MORE expensive than that of the Elephant renewal. So I decided to go direct to the companies and surprisingly Admiral came out cheapest with £1298 with all mods declared.
I know Elephant is part of the Admiral group so I rang them up today and said my current renewal quote you sent is extorsionate and Admiral your sister company are much cheaper what can you do? The lady on the line said she can match it which I thought was brilliant as it would save me messing about changing companies. Coming to end of the call as she finished taking card details she said 'oh we can actually beat Admiral quote and get your renewal down to £1112'
Fantastic Elephant well chuffed with that quote! But just proves how much they try to rip you off for being loyal to them and staying with them. Makes you wonder how many people out there are content at just carrying on with the company they're with and getting ripped off.