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Everything posted by squit

  1. Wow, bet they need a new pair of trousers after that trip.
  2. My local one in bury st edmunds, suffolk
  3. I went on euro car parts website to look for a new battery, as my one was dying too quickly after charging it. I noticed the one I bought from them 2 and bit and years ago came with a 3 year warranty, as I hadn't kept the receipt and don't have account with euro parts I still thought I'd have to spend some money. I went in with old battery and asked about the warranty and they'd said they'd normally wouldn't swap it without a receipt but they'd let me off this time and gave me a new one for for free and didn't even bother testing the old one.
  4. Loving the yellow calipers, mate
  5. wow, thats gunna be fun to try and get out
  6. Lol more like it was crashed or the engine blow up so they swapped it out .
  7. Don't think it would be the connector as haven't touched it really but thanks for the help and I shall give them a try
  8. Is this a new season or repeat of last years as I haven't seen it advertised anywhere.
  9. I think it should rollback the version of sage,if you choose a restore date before you installed it.
  10. Hi guys, I had a flat battery the other day and now the airbag light is flashing. Is there a procedure to get it to go off or do I just need to disconnect the battery for a bit.
  11. Some times its the ram if it doesn't boot up, remove the ram and try a spare stick or if you it has two sticks of ram in the laptop take one out, see if it boots if not swap them and try again. The most likely thing is something has crashed and corrupted windows so it will need reinstalling. If you need to recover anything do what someone has already suggested and buy a usb to laptop harddrive connector and plug the harddrive in another pc to copy the files off before the installing windows on it.
  12. Seems to soon but spose they have to start somewhere
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