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Everything posted by ilogikal1

  1. I'm genuinely surprised magazines are still a thing at all given the current consumer trends. The website is largely standalone these days, it doesn't really rely on the presenters for content but the shows producers were still involved. It could go very easily go either way in my opinion; those producers still need jobs after all and the Top Gear name is still a draw at the moment.
  2. It’s been many years since TG was about reviews at all, in any guise. They have their own magazine & website (and YouTube channel) for anything remotely resembling a reviews.
  3. But, again, the manufacturer does not recognise any difference between them and treats the branding as interchangeable. Hence, distributers are selling them as the same thing.
  4. It’s not really like that at all. Turtle Wax treat them as interchangeable, not as separate products in any way, so why would resellers. If (if!) there are any differences, and Turtle Wax themselves heavily indicate there aren’t, so unless John works there and mixes them himself I’m not sure where he’s getting his information from, it’s more akin to ordering Coke Zero and getting Coke Zero with more bubbles in, really*. *Yeah, I have no idea what ingredients are in Coke Zero to make a better analogy.
  5. Probably because Turtle Wax think they're the same thing barring the branding...
  6. I’m honoured my opinion matters so much to you.
  7. Strap yourself in, I've been saying the 370Z headlights are ugly since 2008.
  8. If it was ugly 3 years ago, it shouldn’t surprise anyone to discover the same thing, unchanged, is still ugly 3 years later…
  9. Ridiculous suspension and tyre stretch aside, that surprisingly doesn't look any worse than the standard Z. That is not a compliment.
  10. That’s disappointing, although not all that surprising unfortunately.
  11. Anyone else find it odd that they took a picture of the front of the car having come from behind the car? @HEADPHONES There's a decent view of both of them in those videos, any interest from the police at all? That's a stretch. It could just as easuly be a Lex Autolease employee!
  12. Very well? VERY well?! Pahahahahahaahahahaha. That is all.
  13. They're Akebono 4 pots up front with 15inch rotors.
  14. Out of interest, why is about time?
  15. Just have a cold shower before you go, you'l be fine.
  16. It all depends on how you define “best”. And possibly how you define “car” if you want to be pedantic (which I usually do, admittedly). That list of Nismo trimmed cars is a fairly broad range, so the label of “best” needs to be defined. Which is isn’t.
  17. GT-R Nismo was introduced in 2014. It was a truly appalling car, as literally (literally, literally. Not figuratively literally) everyone has always said. Including Nissan. And Nismo. And GT-R... Also introduced within the last decade were: Juke Nismo March Nismo Note Nismo Sentra Nismo Others still in production within the last decade (because it doesn't actually stipulate...): 370Z Nismo Patrol Nismo Mighty fine cars, every one. It's a mightly high bar. If you exclude the GT-R, obviously.
  18. The BBC, a small TV station. From what I've seen/heard, it was Flintoff's choice to walk away, not "the bosses". There was a desire, and a concerted effort, to continue but Freddie declined.
  19. A quick scan of Auto Trader shows that all other things being equal, manual cars are still commanding a premium over autos, so the desirability point, at least generally, is clearly not "just a myth". Whilst general trends are as irrelevant as other people's personal preferences or opinions, the fact does remain that the OP should be able to save a bit on initial outlay if they opt for an auto.
  20. There are also people on here who choose tyres based on looks... so there's that.
  21. So they’ve got ~10% of total global sold cars currently for sale in the US alone… it’s going well for Nissan then.
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