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Everything posted by ilogikal1

  1. I am going to have to pilfer this phrase.
  2. I wave and I've got a 2 in 3 response wave. I was quite impressed when the 370Z driver waved back considering I was on foot and half a mile away from my own Zed at the time
  3. There was, at some time, some ambiguity about whether a car declared SORN constituted as untaxed or not. I can't for the life of me find it now, but there used to be something on direct.gov (I think) which stated something along the lines of SORN being a form of free tax for off-road non-usage (or something as equally nonsensical...) which meant the car had to be re-taxed for on-road actual-usage before you could drive it on the road. I think this has since been addressed by someone with an ounce of sense who just happened to be passing through VOSA one day and is no longer the case though. There is a possibility that I imagined all or some of these events of course and I reserve the right to be wrong.
  4. A real man never EVER reads a Manual Does it count if you just look at the pictures?
  5. Ooo, shiny And I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet You need some tyre dressing on there
  6. I just wanted to be a part of something
  7. I've only got a mere 500bhp in the garage.
  8. That. Or if you get the colour code, either Halfords or P4u can make you some up - the latter in various forms to suit your requirements, not sure about Halfords though.
  9. Yes, any V5 issued now will be the new red style one
  10. I feel compelled to do this. Apologies in advance... You missed a bit. Great results though
  11. I've taxed my other car twice (well, taxed once, sorn'd once but who's counting...) since the red ones came out (middle of 2010 iirc) but not got a red one for that still.
  12. Assuming it has been removed and isn't just hiding somewhere still...
  13. Ooer. Sorry, I have nothing constructive to add to this thread.
  14. But you're a Spurs fan anyway?
  15. Would you pay this price £2,100 http://www.theultimatefinish.co.uk/swis ... a-wax.aspx I know someone who uses this at £2,000+ on a couple of his cars... but then he is the sort of person who would pay £800 for an £8 pair of Primark jeans with a designer's label on it. (Not that I'm saying the Zymol stuff isn't any better/different to cheaper waxes, of course. )
  16. That's also a Spec D so holds a slight premium over an STi. As one or two may have mentioned above if it was an STi it might be worth consideration but definitely not for a WRX - despite Hawkeye wagons not exactly being common.
  17. Is it just me or is the boot being held open by a broomstick (5th picture, right hand side)?
  18. Providing that you actually use the reel... unlike me! Turns out that simply owning a reel doesn't help at all
  19. Providing that you actually use the reel... unlike me! Turns out that simply owning a reel doesn't help at all
  20. Speaking as someone who currently still owns a classic Impreza, they tend to suffer a bit from understeer in standard form, but that can be overcome with thicker ARB, ALK and decent suspension. The early classics have shocking brakes, the later ones come with 4 pots up front which are better but still not wonderful for the track - upgrades are readily available but can get very pricey (can easily match the cost of the car in certain cases). The upside is you'd be lucky to find a standard classic these days; it'd actually be easier to find one with most, if not all, the track prep done already. Unless you go for a scoob with DCCD
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