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Everything posted by ilogikal1

  1. The Megs Quick clay is fairly fool proof and a good place to start, you get the lube and clay together. As for how long it'll last, it depends entirely on how much contamination it picks up from your car.
  2. This is a fairly good beginners package for the Zed's paint; http://www.polishedbliss.co.uk/acatalog/pb-soft-paint-polishing-kit-cat1.html. The above forum traders may be able to offer discounted price on something similar though
  3. I'm pretty sure that the quote is from red dwarf directed at Kryten. So, what do I win? It is indeed, from series seven. Epideme, if I'm not mistaken. [/geek]
  4. That falls between manganesey and cobalty...
  5. Offsets explained; http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=59028 And the rest is correct, yes; diameter/width/offset.
  6. Envy Valeting, a trader on here; http://www.envyvaleting.co.uk/ I also like Polished Bliss, both for products and there's some very good guides on there too; http://www.polishedbliss.co.uk/ And Clean Your Car for anything neither of the above have; http://www.cleanyourcar.co.uk/ I'm sure others can/will recommend others too.
  7. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=64317
  8. Failing that, just check the topic at the top of this very section... the one cunning disguised under the title Clicking Axle Noise Solved - Try this first!!!!!
  9. http://www.polishedbliss.co.uk/acatalog/werkstat-acrylic-kit-cat1.html works very well on silver.
  10. Bah, minor details. I knew I should have checked rather than relying on my (obviously poor) memory.
  11. You fill out section 11 rather section 10 - permanent export notification. Instructions are on the back of that section of the V5.
  12. http://www.polishedbliss.co.uk/acatalog/autosmart-tardis-cat6.html
  13. Pre-March 2006 is the lower tax, that one will be £475 by a matter of 2 months (virtually to the day).
  14. That is a ridiculous price for a 2002 import! Even if it is mint and well maintained. No leather either but it does have brembos so whoever has had it has possibly looked after it and spent time thinking about improvements I wouldnt say ridiculous, its only got 30K on it, FSH and is clearly mint - you could probably talk him down to £6K, I dont think thats bad at all. Cloth seats wear a lot better than leather as well Aside from the clear wear on the upright bolster in the last pic, you mean?
  15. Mine's the same and I'm up in Hull! No hail stones though and it's nothing a wash can't fix.
  16. I think I recall reading on here that it's about a litre, but I'm sure someone will be along shortly to correct me.
  17. You don't need an antenna for that, you need a glowing finger...
  18. Have you checked the fuses?
  19. This kit is ideal for the novice; http://www.polishedbliss.co.uk/acatalog/pb-soft-paint-polishing-kit-cat1.html all you need on top of that is a clay bar and a decent wash beforehand and a wax or sealant after really. As above, Detailing World has more information than you could ever possibly digest. There's also some good guides here too Polished Bliss.
  20. Blackfire is a must on a black car, it gives brilliant results.
  21. That is shiny, looks great.
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