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Everything posted by ilogikal1

  1. Oh well that's okay then. So long as it's been on the telebox, it's not all ridiculous after all...
  2. Yes. The spoiler. The panel gap between the hideous bumper and the bonnet doesn't look even to me either but it could just be the angles of the pictures. Other than that, just the spoiler. Did I mention the spoiler?
  3. Although I've not tried it myself, the general consensus on Detailing World is that topping C1 with EXO will give you both the protection of C1 and much more slickness and gloss along with greater dirt repellency from the EXO. Like I say, I've not tried either myself so I don't know what the finish is like over a wax but it might be something worth investigating if durability is an issue. ETA; Two coats of C1 topped with two coats of EXO looks like this http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=291777
  4. Sorry, I misread the page that loaded. They're from £45... the ones that fit the Zed are indeed £70 (http://www.autosockdirect.co.uk/).
  5. Sorry, went somewhat off topic. I was just saying that above a certain speed it's more fuel efficient to use the A/C than it is to have the windows open - to expand on what S1 HNK had posted.
  6. If you're lucky they can be had for about £30 on occasion, but they're priced at £45 on their website.
  7. The illegal spacing would annoy me more...
  8. Not just during summer... But you're right in as much that above a certain speed (differs from car to car, but on average around 40mph) due to the increased drag it's more efficient to run the A/C. At lower speeds it's more efficient to open the windows instead. Of course, on the occasional summer's day that it's obscenely hot, having the windows open doesn't do much to reduce the temperature anyway.
  9. "Your wee smells like a scared bear" Really? Oh. Severe disappointment there. That's what she said...
  10. Leave it in the airing cupboard over night. Should only take a few hours to dry out.
  11. http://bit.ly/10YKAiV However; http://www.thegrocer.co.uk/fmcg/household-goods/bar-keepers-friend-back-to-clean-up-uk/234614.article. So it may have undergone a name change, if it is indeed "available" again yet.
  12. No experience myself, but this may give you an indication; http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews123840.html
  13. From the pictures it looks to be right in the centre of each wiper, is that right? If so, I suspect the wiper isn't applying equal pressure along either of the blades. If none of the above works, and easy way to eliminate this would be to remove the blade form the arm, manually drag it across the windscreen when it's wet (use it as a squeegee as such - be careful not to scratch the glass though) - also if you do it in a different direction to the usual wiper motion, and you still get smears in the same places then it's definitely the windscreen. If, however, you're left with a clear windscreen then it's got to be the arms.
  14. ilogikal1


    And there's members' discount to be had too.
  15. Just a word of warning, Chris, I would amend your above post on here to remove your address, postcode and reg. number what with this being a public forum.
  16. Personally, I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole but if you do chose to view it then Ricey's advice is good. I would advise ensuring the car is 100% perfect before handing any money over to them, they have an exceedingly poor reputation for a reason. You might be lucky and the car might be okay, but be under no illusion, if there is the slightest issue with it, that Keighley will do anything for you once they've got your money. Make sure you check it for accident damage as well, they have a reputation for selling on poorly repaired cars (amongst other things).
  17. I know, that's why I said my car is 60% Granada. Lol I knew that and hadn't really forgotten in the 20 minutes since I read it... honest...
  18. They did, it expired a few years ago now so a number of cars now use them - such as the XKR, for example. Mine was built in 2000 so its had it for at least 13 years Jag was part of Ford until 2007. :wink: But it has been the better part of a decade, if not longer.
  19. They did, it expired a few years ago now so a number of cars now use them - such as the XKR, for example.
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