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Posts posted by ilogikal1

  1. Lol bbk well can anyone confirm that he would of had to of pulled me over? It was basically I got you on camera doing 110 you will have a letter and get disqualified goodbye and off he drove lol


    No. Otherwise speed cameras wouldn't be worth what they are.


    However, anything over 100mph is a court appearance, not any sort of fixed penalty that the guy alluded to. IF he does follow through with it, they've got 14 days to issue a Notice of Intended Prosecution, but my instinct says you'll be bloody lucky and get away with it and you'll hear no more about it.

  2. Using the DA killed my quads and lower back yesterday and today my thumb feels like its got some form of RSI.


    I know the feeling, I've killed my lower back a few times polishing the car - it always feels fine until I try to stand up straight. :lol:


    Great results though, well worth the time and effort (and pain).

  3. It amended the price but upon paying it charged £15.99 for some reason. Then I had the pop up on my iPhone from PayPal saying you have paid so & so £15.99 so :shrug:


    Here we go


    I know you're sorted now, but the discount hasn't been applied on that screenshot. There should be another line at the bottom under 'Shipping & Handling' labelled 'Discount (code)' and amount deducted. Just letting you know so you (and anyone else) can keep an eye out for that in future.


    When I ordered mine, it added a three month subscription option at the last stage of the checkout process. Luckily I noticed before I clicked the last button, took me a moment to work out why it'd gone from £12.50 to £60 though. :lol:

  4. I also use a DAS-6, but with these pads & polishes on my Z. The pads and polishes you choose will typically be determined by the paint (Nissan paint is typically soft, whereas BMW paint is typically hard and you always want to use the least cut possible that will get the job done) you're going to be using it on and personal preference.


    There's a good guide to polishing here and here that's worth a read too.

  5. I don't run them because I'm a tight arse I run them because I like them I don't see a problem with them in the wet or cold, obviously there is going to be less grip in wet or cold conditions but you should drive accordingly anyway. Even driving the cat very fast they have never let me down I think that other brands of tyres are just overpriced just because of the name stamped on them.


    To be fair, I thought the same about the 452's; I never had a problem with them and thought they were more than adequate. I recently needed some new front tyres and would have gone for 452's again had they not been discontinued, however when I failed to find any in the right size I opted for MPSS and they are noticeably soooooo much better (just don't tell Ekona I'm running mixed tyres, albeit temporarily :p) . That's not to say the 452's are now $hite in my opinion, but I'm certainly converted to the MPSS from now on.

  6. Richard informs me the code may not work again until the 1st April.... The last of the initial 25 was just used so he needs to reset it and has upped to 35 this time around


    I was going to say that may have been me ordering the next one, but...


    Works for me, I'm definitely in again, thanks for sorting :thumbs:


    So I'll just blame Ekona instead. :stir:



  7. I read the back order thing too & obviously came away thinking how to back order lol. Ill just give the current one a go then :thumbs:


    I've had a quick nose about the interweb and can't find anything, anywhere, about how to back order, just that you "can". :shrug: If you really wanted this month's, the only thing I can suggest is to use the 'Contact Us' bit on the website and ask them.

  8. I've just tried a few of this month's offering on my mum's Leon; the Pain Glass Cleaner is very good, the Slick Mist is okay but found it a bit grabby at first but eventually got to grips with it - much preferred the Angel Wax QED though. I also tried the Mint Wheels which I quite liked but the wheels have about an inch worth of Poorboys Wheels Sealant on them from last time I did her car so they weren't particularly dirty after a quick rinse.

  9. If I order off their site today with them shipping end of each month would I get the same as you guys?


    No, if you order now you'll get next months. You can "back order" according the FAQ on their website, but I can't see anywhere to do this on the website (I may have missed it though) so you may have to contact them directly to do that - it'll be sent out within 24 hours if you back order so you won't need to wait until the end of April for it.

  10. So, my box arrived today... and reckon it is a blinder! What do you guys think?


    I'm initially impressed, especially for the price. And just in time for the long weekend too, so I'll be trying most (if not all) of it out in the next few days.


    Cheers for bringing this to my attention. :thumbs:

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  11. i got that demon spray on shine in my cupboard never used, does it actually work ?


    As an LSP, not really - it's like any wash & wax in one and ends up really streaky. However it does make a great drying aid and/or clay lube.

  12. And mine. :yahoo:


    Annnnd... what's in the box?!?


    Chemical Guys Grime Reaper, Lucas Oil Slick Mist, Juicy Details Mint Wheels, AutoBrite Hellshine Pain Glass Cleaner, Waxybox Clay & Lube, Smartwax Rimwax, Carnauba Wax #006, glass cloth, air freshener and a Creme Egg.

  13. According to their Facebook updates, they only had limited numbers of the Angel Wax QED which ran out the same day they announced it, so if you ordered after the 7th March you were too slow for that. Don't know about the Eco Touch Dashboard Protect though.

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