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Everything posted by ilogikal1

  1. Polished Bliss are doing a 3 for 2 offer on Auto Finesse at the moment, so it's the perfect excuse to try it.
  2. It depends how deep the scratches are, if you can feel them with your finger nail then it's too deep to polish out. However, if it's anything like my previous car which is quite common with frameless windows, they're caused by the winding mechanism (the brushes get clogged up with crap and scratch the glass every time you wind the window up or down - I'm assuming it's pretty much the height of the window, from the very bottom to a couple of inches from the top and about an inch or so wide?) so the scratches unlikely to be that deep, but they will come back if you don't clean the brushes too, which is a door card off job). To polish them out you'll ideally need a machine polisher, rayon or felt pads and cerium oxide. It's quite a messy process, so cover any trim/paintwork. Work in small areas and keep the area wet otherwise you'll do more damage. Be warned though, it'll take a fair bit of time. There are some kits designed specifically for this - CarPro Ceri Glass comes to mind but I've never used that but there's a very good review here; http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=243434
  3. Put some fairy lights in with it. And the spoon for good measure.
  4. Cheap option would be APC sprayed on, agitated (call it some names or something) then wipe down/rinse. Any APC will do, Tesco's is 69p from memory.
  5. Curses, I was out when the postman came today so I have to wait until tomorrow before I can pick it up. I did wonder what the RM card was for though, I thought I'd forgotten about something that I had bought.
  6. Worst case scenario is that the wax won't last quite as long once on the car and you're possibly wasting a bit of cleanser - but as mentioned it depends on what polish you're using and how you're using it. It seems to be fairly popular over on Detailing World so people do use it. I've found that it varies massively depending on which formula it is (which can be difficult to determine from the bottle) that I just can't rely on it to do what I want/expect it to from one bottle to the next. I do still have a bottle of it knocking around but I now only use it as a last resort when everything else has run out.
  7. There's often a massive blind spot that close to a cab that's high up. There's a fair chance the truck driver wouldn't have known anything about the car being there until the contact.
  8. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Atkin-Motor-Engineers/189791511118691?group_id=0
  9. Cleanse after the polish - I would add in a decon. stage though. AG Cleanse will remove the oils left by the polish ready for the wax, you'll see no benefit of using it before the polish which would remove the base left by the cleanse. I tend to; snow foam, rinse, wash, rinse, clay, decontaminate (Wolfs Decon/Iron X/etc), rinse, dry, polish, cleanse, wax.
  10. No. Buy it. Buy it now. Right now. This very instant. Buy it. Buy it. Buy it. Have you bought it yet? Then buy it now.
  11. Or, ignore me altogether and take Dodo Juice's advice from here http://www.detailingworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=260081
  12. I wouldn't melt it myself, mainly because it's a hybrid wax. Most waxes require a specific cooling routine to get the correct texture and consistency too. Certainly don't microwave it, hot solvents in a confined space is likely to end badly! A hot, dry spoon or knife should do the trick though. The best way would be when you next plan to use it, scrape it out and re-mould it with your hands using the excess on the car when you're done (thus no wastage).
  13. You, sir, are a true gent.
  14. Only three more weeks to wait... http://www.webcountd...=54kOEY2&k=ubyx :lol:
  15. As Ekona and Downhuman have said, I can't add much more to that. Trial and error on what works best for you really, I don't even dare think about how much I've spent on detailing products though. I've not tried Ultima but I've found Tough Coat and Werkstat Acrylic to be very similar. I was using EX-P on my Azure this winter but that was replaced with the Werkstat at the weekend as I had some left over from when I had my silver Impreza. I tend to favour a wax over the summer months on the Zed though so may look into Ultima for next winter.
  16. I was just about to suggest Hard Body and Auto Finesse Tough Coat as alternatives to Werkstat.
  17. Sealants tend to give better shine on colours like grey and silver than a wax will. I recommend having a look at the Werkstat Acrylic kit, it'll give a great shine and incredible flake pop and is easy to use even for a weekly wash, it won't give you the beading a good wax will though and doesn't give quite as rich a finish as a wax either.
  18. Good work. Nice reflection shots too.
  19. As others have said, thanks for sorting this out Rob (whether I'm one of the 25 or not ).
  20. NO I DIDNT STEAL IT "TBBK" I PAID HIM FOR IT...!!! :snack: If you want to be pedantic, he didn't accuse you of stealing it.
  21. Some people have no sense of adventure.
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