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Everything posted by ilogikal1

  1. Fixed that for you.
  2. I usually have sealant on mine, but I do occasionally add a layer of wax too.
  3. SRP doesn't have much cut to it so I wouldn't expect that to do much at all. I'd give Plastx or Ultimate Compound a go.
  4. As Ekona says, polishing them out with a DA would be the best way - Megs Plastx might be worth a try (I've never used it so I've no idea what it's actually like). You might have some luck by hand but it'll be a fair bit of work I would have thought. The other options being something with a lot of fillers (Black Hole, for example) to mask it but that would be a very short term solution and would need re-doing regularly or, as already mentioned, wrapping/replacing them.
  5. Yep, use it sparingly - the aim is to get a thin, even layer rather than just slapping it on. As a conservative guestimate I think I could get 4 full applications out of the pot. For reference, this is what I had left of the last pot after I did the bonnet and on a front wing; Plenty left to do the rest of the car.
  6. Judging by the last pot which was the same size, the wax will be sufficient to do a full car numerous times over.
  7. Cheers. I've just been reading up on it here which suggests a damp microfibre should fix any smears. It shouldn't matter, as it's usually laid on C1, but I intend to try it out this weekend, so I'll try it in top of the existing wax (Natty's White, Red and Blue - I couldn't decide which use so layered them all ), I'll also strip a panel or two and apply straight to the paint and report back in due course.
  8. Is that the GTechniq? Out of interest, did you spray onto the panel then wipe (as the bottle suggests) or spray onto a microfibre and wipe? I was looking forward to trying that until I read this.
  9. No, if you ordered the monthly box you'll get the one. You need to re-order each month that you want one.
  10. Here you go (hidden in case anyone still waiting doesn't want to know what's in it yet).
  11. I did, ph 7, but it doesn't mention the applicators (I'll get a pic of it up later for you). The black applicator is for tyre dressing though and they're also available from the Waxyshop.
  12. Mine arrived today and very impressed with the contents I am, too.
  13. Or simply get any one of the multitude of in-line filters available and use that for the final rinse.
  14. Mine didn't arrive today (I knew I shouldn't have been to tight to pay for postage ), so hopefully tomorrow. If not, I'm going to sulk!
  15. That. Try claying first, depending on which clay you've got (and how aggressive it is) it should shift overspray.
  16. Peanut butter works for removing stains from plastic trim. GTechniq C4 for the trim. As for cleaning, an IPA wipe-down will suffice before C4. The rubber will benefit from being "fed" periodically to keep it at it's best, so Einszett Gummi Pfledge for the rubber a couple of times a year.
  17. To be fair, these two would be more accurate so far this season given the thread title;
  18. Didn't occur to you to try another insurer then?
  19. I wonder if they're planning a sequel They're bringing out a prequel soon, the X4. I just wonder how pointless they'll make that one. Apparently the X5 is too big but the X3 is too small... Edit; Curses, beaten to it!
  20. Vauxhall Zafira's - everyone who drives a Zafira is a ****. Fact. BMW X5 - pointless status symbol used almost exclusively for the for the school run. And the BMW X6 because the X5 just wasn't pointless enough.
  21. If all else fails, activated carbon should absorb pretty much any odour.
  22. Bin the AG stuff and buy some Tardis. Job, jobbed. Is this the same one the Doctor uses? Sadly, it's not bigger on the inside. But it does come in a blue box (well, tin, but it is blue.)
  23. Bin the AG stuff and buy some Tardis. Job, jobbed.
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