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Everything posted by ilogikal1

  1. Yeah, but you broke yours before you even got it home. (only joking)
  2. Glass is exceedingly hard so it's not easy to scratch but regardless of what he says wire wool is capable of inflicting swirls in glass. There's better things to use to clean glass, such as a good glass cleaner and a proper glass cloth instead of old t-shirts, old socks and wire wool. I've not tried it, and personally I'll be keeping my wire wool for polishing the exhaust rather than the glass...
  3. It might be worth mentioning that this months is a "guest wax", from what I understand they intend to still test their own wax blends "most months". Also there's murmurings that the next one might be something special as it's the anniversary box.
  4. ...hence the rumour that the wax was AutoFinesse..... Was (as in pre-release guesses) or is? I used the wax today actually, it's actually quite good. Easy to use (Dodo Juice sort of easy on/off), gives a good finish and that tin is much better than the usual pot. Durability is now in testing... I'm none-the-wiser as to whether it is just re-branded though as I've never used the other wax in question. Incidentally, the AM Details Glaze is very good too (durability test is also under way on this, being an AIO), the APC... works, much like most APC's, I've reviewed the Sonax QD on here somewhere before and I won't need to use the wheel cleaner for a while yet but all-in-all, this one was a very good box.
  5. Rumour has it that the wax is very similar to another, more recognised brand. No idea how true this is, but it wouldn't be the first case of re-branded products. I'll reserve my judgement on it until I've actually used it though. I agree with the pot, it does look much more user friendly.
  6. I agree with the G6, it's very good. I think it may actually be better than Hellshine Pain. Which Waxybox also made me buy (well, I'm blaming Waxybox for me buying it at least).
  7. This month's has landed; another decent selection again this month. Another blind test product, a good wax and I for one am glad to see they've reverted back to a proper air freshener this month too!
  8. Terrorising the local wildlife that ventures onto the tarmac is my favourite way to unwind. The Mrs will probably attest to how unbearable I was last time I was without a car for a few weeks.
  9. Ah, I remember September 2010. Bloody long month it was that year!
  10. And I concur with that largely (I haven't even tried two of them yet, but then one of them was just a pot of oily gloop...), but I have elevety million waxes (well, more than I use anyway) so I'm not too bothered if their wax is unusable. That said, I have already ordered this months. I've got a few things left over from previous boxes that I've not got round to trying (properly, at least), but I'm an absolute sucker for mysterious new things. The wax being a branded sample this time is just a bonus to me.
  11. G4 is the glass polish, I think you mean C4 which is the trim sealant. C1.5 also works well.
  12. oh, think I forgot a few letters after the 997 .......... litre You're teaching him to drive in a tanker?
  13. I've just finished reading this thread on DW. Which confused me for a while.
  14. Turn the traction control off and use the loud pedal properly.
  15. I wouldn't... I'd use a blue marker for mine.
  16. Or, gaffa tape and a black marker pen would cheaper.
  17. Firstly, you'll be limited in the finish you can get by hand because it's difficult to get any real correction without a machine, however you can still get a decent finish by hand. Start by ditching the T-Cut for some proper polish - I recommend Menz Super Finish (85RE/SF4000) which can be worked well by hand, although I'm sure others will have their own preferences. Also I'd recommend a glaze before the wax, either Poorboys Black Hole or White Diamond depending on the colour of your car (I'm assuming it's the red one in your avatar?). I'd say that's the minimum to get a decent finish, but there's a number of other steps you could add to improve on this depending on how deep your pockets are...
  18. I had assumed it's a new product line for one of the existing feature brands, or at a push a new brand yet to be announced. I also assume we'll find out what the product is later on in the month or at some point when they've gathered enough feedback.
  19. The smell only lasts for about 11 seconds anyway...
  20. It could well be. It does smell like another product I've used a while ago too, but I just can't place it. Yeah, the wax this month is still solid which is an improvement over the last one! Good job too, my laptop hasn't been waxed for weeks now.
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