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Everything posted by ilogikal1

  1. Don't get me wrong, I realise that would be the extreme and far from the norm, but just as an example. However it's not beyond the realms of possibility, however unlikely.
  2. But if they had reason to suspect a remap had been done, say a post on an internet forum mentioning it for example, I doubt it would be much effort for them to "consult" someone who had the software and could tell... If you're not aware, and it can't be shown that you might be aware, then it shouldn't invalidate your policy should it not be declared - it's similar to proving intent in a criminal case though, there's not definitive way of proving you were (or weren't) aware.
  3. I KNEW it!! Can you divide mine by 7 though, please? Your random number selection wasn't quite as good as another's today.
  4. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/65291-wolfs-wheel-cleaner/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/75433-sonax-total-effect-wheel-cleaner/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/71125-wheel-cleaner-for-old-baked-on-brake-crud/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/65835-wheel-cleaning-advice/ And so on...
  5. That would incur the wrath of the "have you cancelled any insurance in the last 3/5 years" question though. Best bet, I would have thought, would be to take out a limited mileage plan for 12 months. That would probably work out cheapest. Have you HAD any insurance cancelled in the last 3/5 year Not Have YOU cancelled any insurance in the last 3/years It's to check if you've been a very naughty boy and lied then been found out or if you've failed to pay premiums. Good point. Please excuse my brain fart moment.
  6. Does that mean my insurance should go down with the bhp if I DON'T get an Uprev?
  7. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/75799-whats-the-safest-and-best-way-to-clean-engine/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/68504-engine-bay-cleanup/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/66117-filthy-engine-bay/
  8. That would incur the wrath of the "have you cancelled any insurance in the last 3/5 years" question though. Best bet, I would have thought, would be to take out a limited mileage plan for 12 months. That would probably work out cheapest.
  9. Funny you should say that. Mine's due shortly so I've started the merry-go-round, the meerkats gave me Admiral as the cheapest with x amount. I did the same quote but through Admiral directly online (identical details), it came to x amount +£30. I phoned them to confirm a couple of things, nothing was actually changed on the quote yet they "confirmed" a third figure (x amount -£9, incidentally). I'll be seeing which random numbers the forum supporters can come up with in due course.
  10. It's the date they're first registered in the UK, so it's possible to be imported in February 2006 and sat around for a few months before being registered in April 2006, it'll still be the higher tax band, but the principle is still the same.
  11. If it's anything like mine it'll be filthy again by the time it gets to the end of the drive. Looks good though, impressive reflections!
  12. In about 470 miles - every 9000 miles or 12 months (whichever is sooner). See here.
  13. Plenum aside, the engine bay looks much better. Some nice beading in that first picture too.
  14. It should just rinse off, especially with a pressure washer if you've got one but even just with a hose.
  15. Yes, it's completely safe for paint, just don't let it dry out.
  16. ilogikal1

    VIP 350Z

    Engine bay looks good. That is all.
  17. As above, it's normal. Most of the fallout removers smelt similarly awful until fairly recently. There's a few on the market now that don't smell as strong (but still not particularly pleasant if you stick your nose in the bottle and get a good whiff), and Iron-X is also now available with a "lemon scent" which is supposed to be a neutral scent rather than eggy (or lemon!) but with the same performance of the original - I say "supposed to be" because I've not tried it myself yet.
  18. Try a decent wax instead. I love the finish that both White Diamond and Black Hole give, but being a glaze if there's not a wax or sealant over it, it'll just wash off instantly. To the OP; That. The finish will only be as good as the prep. Depends on your budget and how much work you're willing to put into it?
  19. Taking into account the whole black and gold colour scheme, I'd say closer to £3...
  20. Only way to be absolutely sure would be to take the seat in question with you when you test drive a Z.
  21. 5 minutes with a hair dryer before setting off should do it...
  22. A maintenance wash, anything up to about 4 hours for me (not including the interior). A full detail though... Ahem... er, yeah, I might have done that before too...
  23. As above, EX-P is a decent enough sealant for the price but does need to be layered to get any real durability out of it. I find it works better when applied by machine and it's one of the easier sealants of it's type to use being a Poorboys product, but compared to modern WOWO/A products that are abundantly available it is a lot more effort for no gain. Oh, and it doesn't last very long on wheels either, by the way.
  24. There's just no pleasing some people...
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