The same thing you do with all the other boxes that the postman brings you; build yourself a fort.
Depends on the neighbour but in my case, probably rinse the blood splatter off my stuff...
Yep, applying FK as thinly as possible is the trick, once it's applied thinly it's very easy to remove almost regardless of how long you leave it. That said, even when it's over applied, it's still quite easy to remove once it's hazed fully but can be a bit uncooperative if you try to buff off too soon.
It is great stuff though.
... On Saturday, I returned to my car (Azure 350Z) to find a much cleaner and much shinier '70 with a personalised plate had been parked up next to mine. Anyone on here?
Yep, mine's done it a few times now. The light will invariably come on just as I pull onto my drive (rather than when I'm approaching the petrol station), it'll still be on next time I start the car (obviously) but 5 minutes of sensible driving later it decides it's found some more petrol in the tank, the light does out and the DTE goes up. Usually come back on again at some point though, unfortunately I occasionally have to put more petrol in to get the light to go out...
Strictly true about the vents, but it won't necessarily decrease under-bonnet temperatures.
Air like water always flows downhill. Downhill in terms of air is from a high pressure area to a low pressure area. The area above the bonnet vent is low pressure and this pulls air out of the engine bay. This is not necessarily good. Air is pulled out of the engine bay, no cold air is pulled in through the same gap, and pulling the air out of the engine bay in this area interrupts the air flow as Nissan designed it in through the front/underside of the car.
Vents (unless designed specially and very precisely), as with raisers, will stifle the airflow efficiency and actually increase under-bonnet temps.
Also but there's no actual testing in this one though.
No, no, no. You've completely missed the point.
You need to buy a kit which moves the hinge away from the rest of the car, not the latch. It'll look "well mint, innit, blud". And aid with cabin cooling. Possibly. Panel gaps FTW, yo!
I think you're thinking of the relatively recent to the change in law that states if it's taxed, it must be insured.
If it's SORN, there's no requirement other than it must be kept off public roads.
If you also tell them you're actually 42 and really you have 20 years NCB, it'll be even cheaper still whilst also being no more illegal than your current fraud.
It depends on if the OP means bonnet dampers or adding a couple of washers to the hinge to make it look like the bonnet doesn't fit properly...
Fallen foul of getting distracted mid-reply again, curses!