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Everything posted by ilogikal1

  1. Dodo Juice is just as good as it was last time you used it. As always I'll resort to the "it depends what you're after from the wax" as to if there's anything considered to be better. I'm not a fan of Sonax BSD though, I just didn't get on with it on Nissan paint and I didn't think the finish was anything spectacular. The water behaviour was impressive though.
  2. It's eBay. People will buy a bucket of fog if it's on eBay!
  3. I use a VP Detailing Brush to apply any tyre dressing and I find it doesn't take any longer to apply to Megs (or any other gel type product) doing it this way. And there's no mess at all either. Don't blame me, it's all Downhuman's fault. All of it. ^^ Because of you last time I washed my car I ended up doing half with one product & half with another just to see the difference. Now tell me that's not your fault. Ah, but I only started doing that myself because of the vast array of Waxybox samples I have accrued. Downhuman introduced me to Waxybox, so technically...
  4. Don't blame me, it's all Downhuman's fault. All of it. To the OP; Megs Endurance (not sure why no one's mentioned it yet... ), Blackfire Total Eclipse, Autosmart High Style Swissvax Pneu Glossy (there's two varieties of Pneu, so make sure you get the Glossy one) all give a wet look outright. There are others like Dr Beasley's or EcoTouch amongst others which get glossier when layered too. It's worth noting that some tyres are more receptive to dressings than others - certain tyre brands seem to absorb dressings more than others so it doesn't really matter what you use it's never going to look really glossy.
  5. If I wanted to go fast in a straight line I can think of more appealing than anything with VX in the name, let alone the Z.
  6. the first rule of the vx club is ............. ..... hang your head in shame?
  7. Seems quite expensive, might try this: http://www.amazon.co...3SJC6BF7CG07J0F A little goes a loooong way with this stuff. And don't just do headlights, do any exposed plastic. Black plastic under wing mirrors, plastic sill plates, engine bay plastics, B-pillar plastics, etc. C4 is the same stuff as C1 and C5, so it will also do bodywork and wheels too. Basically every exterior surface on the car except glass.
  8. Have a read through this; http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/56870-guide-for-new-memberspotential-buyers/
  9. I highly recommend Atkin Motor Engineers in Malton.
  10. Supply and demand. A company will charge as much as people are willing to pay, basically. But I agree, on the face of it that seems overpriced to me too.
  11. I'll have to start paying more attention seeing as I live round the corner from there but never spotted your Z. Which one to be fair been going in the misses car since before Christmas Either.
  12. I'll have to start paying more attention seeing as I live round the corner from there but never spotted your Z.
  13. No worries, the reason I chose to share this was so people could make up their own minds on whether they want to pre-wash or not. I'm glad I've been of some use at times though. It makes a refreshing change.
  14. Citrus Power comes in a spray bottle (unless you get 5 litre sizes) but works out to be quite expensive - although there are currently a few 3 for 2 offers on Auto Finesse products at the moment. A lot of people recommend Valet Pro Citrus Pre-Wash as an efficient, cost effective alternative to Citrus Power which is applied by spray bottle and you can adjust the concentration as required with that too. You'll still get the most benefit when used in conjunction with a pressure washer though.
  15. I think it's because Richard knows I'm a sucker for a cunning marketing ploy.
  16. I saw this the other week (on Kingswood, completely forgot to put up a spotted thread though ) with the old front end on. The new look is much better! Intentionally? Why would you ever want to come here?
  17. I've only bought a couple of things from the Waxyshop, but I know of a few people who have been offered the Elite subscription just on previous box purchases alone. I've only had one more box than you so you can't be much further down the invite list. I believe Richard might be offering more of these at some point, it was limited to only 15 this time as a trial run (but it is a 6 month subscription).
  18. It's invite only, offered in order of how much you've spent with Waxybox. It seems I've spent a fair bit more than I thought I had there.
  19. That's because I'm "special". It's the Elite box, same stuff but 100ml instead of the 50ml samples.
  20. Don't use the whole bar at the same time. With the DJ bars, I tend to use 1/3rd at a time. Bin the chamois as well and get some decent microfibre cloths - the Nissan paint is so ridiculously soft it's easy to inflict marring. Detox shampoo isn't entirely necessary if you're claying (or polishing for that matter) because the clay will remove much more than the shampoo anyway. With regards to wax, any of the DJ waxes will do a good job (colour charged waxes are nothing but a gimmick), whether it's a hard wax (like Purple Haze) or a soft wax (like Blue Velvet) will make more of a difference - you can even use them together, Purple Haze with Blue Velvet layered on top.
  21. It's arrived! Just so I don't ruin anyone's surprise, contents are... er, contained (?) within
  22. It's an absolute delight to work with. It needs to be applied thinly for it to buff off with little effort, but it's so easy work it's not a problem getting thin layers. Personally I prefer to foam onto a dry car rather than pre-rinse as I find a wet panel encourages the foam to sheet off quicker which reduced the contact/cleaning time. That said, if it's a thick foam that tends not to run, it will be an advantage. The beading and dirt repellent effect will be due to the wax, if you're topping up every 2 weeks your car should be well protected.
  23. Good point, and on that note I did forget to mention that the car in question is currently very well protected with various combinations of C2v3, FK1000P and/or AW Desirable.
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