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Everything posted by ilogikal1

  1. Nice results, it looks great.
  2. I only bought mine because I just wanted to be cool.
  3. I got that the from someone the first time I parked my 10 year old, classic shape Impreza in the works car park. It was worth about £4.60 then! You should have seen his expression the day I pulled up in the Z. This, incidentally, was a guy who's never owned a car more than 3 years old, and at the time was driving a brand new Audi A8.
  4. That's bound to be the result of a conversation that started with the words, "I've got this cunning idea to get around paying for image rights...".
  5. Of course. It's spelt "apprentice". Oh and try Alex or Clark Motorsport for the cup holder.
  6. That was done by some scum just walking past with something sharp in his hand.. Dont think anybody fell on it with a zip or button.... :scare: You seem to know an awful lot about how this occurred, Will.... just where were you at the time of the incident? Just playing devil's advocate a bit (more) here, that appears to be roughly at handbag-on-elbow height...
  7. http://www.polishedbliss.co.uk/acatalog/pb-soft-paint-polishing-kit-cat1.html Can't go wrong with that, any of the machines listed are fairly foolproof - got the DAS-6 myself.
  8. Heat (not too much otherwise you'll burn the paint), Tardis and a lot of patience!
  9. They appear to bare a remarkable resemblance to my nuts. They look like 350Z wheel nuts too...
  10. http://www.paints4u.com/ if you give them the paint code, you can have it in just about form that paint comes in.
  11. Yeah, I spotted that one back when he started it... I've been resisting the urge to try Bouncer's for a while now, at least until I've used some of the other waxes I've got first. It's interesting that he's been using Car-Chem Luxury shampoo to wash, I'll be moving over to Car-Chem Bespoke to see if that any similar effects on either BSD or Reload as G-Wash did with a view to using that for the duration of the test when I restart it. Although as I type that I'm now thinking of a new test - shampoos that claim to add protection....
  12. I see so many on the roads! Must not be forum members Or just too embarrassed to admit it.
  13. Kind of defeated by having the High Court Seal on both front doors though.
  14. It rained. So that must mean it's time for some beading pics; WetCoat; HyrdO2 And Bathe+ on the roof The pictures of the doors didn't come out very well - one door has got WetCoat on, the other has HydrO2 on - so here's the best I can do for a side-by-side comparison between the two (WetCoat at the top, HydrO2 at the bottom); And this is just Bathe+ on the roof. The glass has Bathe+ topped with WetCoat on the right and Bathe+ topped with HydrO2 on the left; And just some general shots. A bit of flake pop anyone? Now you might notice the lack of C2/Reload/BSD shots... that'll be because I'm not happy that they are behaving normally after the last (first!) wash, so when I get chance I'm going to re-apply them and start again from scratch, so that one's on hold for the time being.
  15. The secret wax is... ... not so secret. The manufacturer posted a picture on Instagram of them pouring out the wax. Waxybox then posted the very same picture themselves. It is
  16. Reload lives! No idea what did it, nor what caused it in the first place yet (and I don't have any more G-Wash to find out) but all I've done to it since the G-Wash was pat dry with a microfibre waffle weave towel, left it untouched over night and just flood rinsed it today and both Reload and BSD are now behaving normally (C2 and FK already were) so the test continues. I'll see what happens next time I wash the car with a different shampoo. In the mean time, is it wrong that I want it to rain during the week so that I can get a HydrO2, WetCoat, Bathe+, BSD, Reload, C2v3 and FK2685 beading picture (or two)?
  17. The car wasn't checked as such, rather the data supplied (in this case) by an FIA sensor. One that had, by all accounts, been giving "inconsistent" readings all weekend (apparently "up and down the pits" not just Red Bull's), barring Saturday when Red Bull ran their own sensor before the stewards told them to change it back. It was a known issue during the race though and the stewards apparently mentioned it to Red Bull who chose not to do anything about it. As for tinkering with the cars afterwards, that's what parc ferme is there to prevent.
  18. South facing drive + hard water area = ilogikal1 hates washing his car in this weather. So I just sat and drank beer in the sun today instead.
  19. Yes, a very interesting start to the season. Some very promising performances by the newbies too.
  20. I agree, that's why I'm hoping it's an Australian thing so that it stops there.
  21. That doesn't change what he meant.
  22. I'm not sure it wasn't more to do with the Multi 21 incident and Ricciardo being the local out qualifying him more than because he's been winning everything since forever. I'm hoping it was just a Australian thing, to be honest.
  23. Seeing as someone else brought it up first. No you don't. You meant 'where does she see you?'.
  24. I was quite surprised that G-Wash had any effect on the LSP at all to be honest. The whole point of choosing that was that it's supposed to be LSP safe and has no wax or gloss enhancers, so I'm at a loss to explain it.
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