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Everything posted by ilogikal1

  1. If you're impressed by that increase in MPG from cleaning the MAF, just wait until you discover those other 5 gears...
  2. *patiently waits for this to escalate to the Stillen system*
  3. They don't get dispatched until at the end of the month.
  4. Not sure how I missed this thread, but yes there's a couple of us on here - such as me. The owner of this one is local to Hull too and a couple of other members visit Hull on the odd occasion - Nixy and Atkin666 spring to mind.
  5. You don't need to use Ferris Dueller more than a couple of times per year (and it works better on a dry car too - so wash & dry before applying Ferris Dueller). For a weekly/fortnightly maintenance wash, do the same until the towel dry then skip to the wax and/or QD (depending on whether the wax needs topping up or not).
  6. Not tried it yet myself, but the usual cause of wax smearing is over-application. Try using less and spreading it more, you want to try and get and thin a layer as possible ideally.
  7. Seeing as you asked so nicely (and any excuse...). I need to try out that 50Cal stuff from Waxybox too, so I'll try and get some comparison pictures with that too... like I said, any excuse. I actually have two lances, so if I can be a*sed, I could even do a side-by-side. I thought I was the only person on the planet with 2 lances One can never have enough lances.
  8. Getting a bit common around here these days, these Z's. Azure 350Z Roadster in Riplingham today, I ran out of hands to change gear, change direction and wave at the same time (sorry). And a silver 54 plate 350Z coupé coming off Dunswell roundabout, going up the A1174 about 3pm today.
  9. G-Techniq Panel Wipe is very good, as is CarPro Eraser - either will do what you need it for - alternatively you can buy IPA (isopropyl alcohol) from anywhere like pharmacies to Maplins, just dilute to suit.
  10. It's taken a while, but I finally got round to having a proper go at testing that tyre dressing and my final conclusion is; it's useless.
  11. Seeing as you asked so nicely (and any excuse...). I need to try out that 50Cal stuff from Waxybox too, so I'll try and get some comparison pictures with that too... like I said, any excuse. I actually have two lances, so if I can be a*sed, I could even do a side-by-side.
  12. Good to hear other's opinions. There's no wax or gloss additives in it, it just cleans better which rejuvenates your LSP's water behaviour. I've found that the three best cleaning foams (Char Chem, AF Avalanche and BH Auto Foam) are all more runny in consistency - you can make them thicker by playing with the settings on the lance though and I've found with using the Car Chem foam that using it neat in the bottle and just one turn away from full + gives about the right thickness (for me), but it's never shaving foam type of thick - I'll try to remember to get some pics for you next time I use it (it could be a while, though I've got a couple of others to try/use and no time to use them ).
  13. And you only had to spend £500 to get it too...
  14. Wasn't everyone demanding that he go buy it right this very second just a couple of pages ago?
  15. I only got 2 spray heads too, I think Richard's getting stingy with them. I found (from the blind test sample of it) the interior dressing worked better as a wipe on/wipe off product than it did as a spray on/wipe off anyway, so just hold a microfibre/applicator over the end of the open bottle and turn it upside down for a second rather than spray it on. I've still got about 70ml of the glass cleaner left from last time it was featured too (along with 6 other glass cleaner samples and a litre of G6 I won from Waxybox), so I doubt I'll be using that one any time soon. Come to think of it, I've still got some of the interior stuff left from last time too.
  16. Nice pics. I particularly like this one;
  17. I "cleaned" the rear passenger quarter. By which I mean the Z was parked a bit too close to the other car I was detailing when I snow foamed.
  18. Give it another week at that rate and you'll have covered more miles than me this year.
  19. Looks good Chris nice to see it's finally been near a road too.
  20. I'm usually too busy spending GM's money on detailing products to welcome newbies. Although did take time out of my busy day to call Grundy a liar on that thread for suggesting we're usually all normal around here. Does that count?
  21. It depends entirely on the product and the paint. But generally; Polish - depends on what correction I'm trying achieve with it, but then I rarely polish by hand these days anyway. Trim restorers - either a foam pad or a cotton make-up pads. Wax - either nothing or with a foam applicator (either a finger foam jobbie or a Megs type/circular foam jobbie).
  22. I can't recall ever having a chubby between the seats. Maybe on one of the seats, but never between them...
  23. The two mentioned above are both good choices - Chemical Guys Speed Wipe & Valet Pro Citrus Bling - Megs Last Touch & Finish Kare 425 are the other twon which spring to mind. I'm sure there's plenty more, but they're the ones I've tried and found to work well as both drying aids and QD's. If you're just looking for an outright drying aid though - Dodo Juice Time to Dry or even Demon Shine Spray on Shine works well and is relatively cheap.
  24. I don't know why I lie - it's running until 1st May; http://car-chem.com/store/group-buys.
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