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Everything posted by ilogikal1

  1. Yup, LC Hydrotech pads, by the way. S30+ and S20 will cover all your needs on a Z. Consider getting some spot pads (same ones) and an appropriate backing plate as well as larger pads, they make all the difference on the curves.
  2. And yet three sentences later: Awesome journalism and in no way just some thoughtless sensationalism based on absolutely nothing at all (you can't even claim that is based on supposition!).
  3. It was the brainchild of a former Lamborghini engineer, IIRC.
  4. Farmers with large families. Filthy b***ards.
  5. As an auditor, I can tell you that it is not. Yes, certain industries have high HR costs, but only in a few specific industries are the HR costs the largest spend. However, as Col more eloquently demonstrated, any cost saving of automation is not typically passed onto the end user, why would taxi services be any different?
  6. But then you will be being picked up in a brand new, cutting edge of technology vehicle, which we all knows is notoriously cheap... The cost will eventually be really cheap... just as soon as all the outlay costs are recouped, maintenance costs, wear and tear costs, cleaning costs, monitoring costs and, ultimately, the greed of businesses who want to make money suddenly disappear too then you’re onto a winner. The biggest cost of running a taxi is not the human at the wheel.
  7. Im genuinely intrigued by this notion. You mention it yourself, the problem already exists, Uber already exists as a solution; so what exactly is it about EV’s that would mean everyone switches to using taxis instead all of sudden when they haven’t done already?
  8. I think you'll be looking at decades before that becomes an issue, to be honest though. It may become more of a specialist area but if there's demand, there's money to be made after all. Parts will probably take even longer still as there will be countries still manufacturing and selling ICE for a while after the UK bans the sale of new ICE vehicles. Even in the unlikely event that, that does happen in 2030.
  9. It’s just the sale of new vehicles that use petrol/diesel engines that is being banned from 2030, not the sale (or use) of petrol/diesel itself. So yes, emergency services (and everyone else) will still run petrol for years after the cut off.
  10. Some people don't enjoy driving and do so only as a means of transport, not for fun like most people on here. Self-driving cars will appeal to those people for their commute where public transport isn't a particularly viable alternative - stick the self-drive on and spend your commute working (if you can) instead of driving, it makes more sense than volunteering your personal time to commute to and from an office each day... assuming that's ever going to be a thing again, of course - but also for those seasonal journeys such as taking the immediate family to see extended family at Christmas, for example; stick the car on auto-pilot and spend a couple of hours playing games with the kids instead of driving - I can see that in particular appealing to the masses (who don't hate their family, at least). Nail/head; this announcement is little more than vote whoring to the greenists. There's very little action to suggest that this (or the other 9 points in the 10-point Climate Change Plan) is actually being considered as a real thing.
  11. Too many old people who just use electricity to make their tea and watch Eastenders who would complain about paying more for their leccy though. Really the only solution is to charge people who use the roads for using the roads based on how much they... well, use the roads really. Of course blanket toll roads overnight would be a similar political suicide so I maintain it won’t just happen in one day. The fast charger tax is an interesting one though.
  12. A) Seems pretty inevitable given the push to force the entire nation to go electric sooner rather than at all. How else are you going to make up for that ~2% of the national income? However, 2) There's just so many reasons why it will never happen, that it won't happen. Not overnight at least.
  13. I'm jealous. Awesome choice Stu.
  14. I don’t know about the Asda checkout, but it was ideal for all the ignorant knobbers on the Tube every day with their eyes constantly glued to their phones instead of looking where they’re going. Y’know, back when we were allowed to go places that is. Niche circumstance, perhaps, but there did seem to be thousands of those f**kers around. (I’m over it. Honestly...)
  15. Check the tracking/ alignment as a first point of call - changing the wheels can easily knock things out, especially when changing wheel sizes as well. It could well be the run-flat tyres anyway, but also bear in mind that a lower profile tyre would affect the feeling too (assuming you've gone from 19" to 20" wheels with lower profile tyres).
  16. That'll be an interesting conversation to have with the insurance company... Also glad to see that social distancing was appropriately observed at all times. That's an awful lot of stupid in one video.
  17. On a sponsored race/show car; fine. Somoene paying their own money to advertise brands with no benefit; I don't get that at all. Also stickered up road cars exceptionally rarely look any good at all (unless for a weekend trip to Le Mans/ Goodwood/ similar).
  18. Isn't that what Nissan do with cars released under the Z badge though? The 350Z concept was announced in 1997 or 1998, didn't go into production until half a decade later. The 370Z took a billionty years to make it to production too
  19. I’ve suggested it before and I’ll suggest it again, if you can’t cope with me “trolling” (read, offering an alternative opinion to) you, then just block me. Please. Nice of you to tell me what I practice, but as usual your comments have very little element of accuracy to them.
  20. If the wheels are off and horizontal it’s easier to spread with a brush, but yes otherwise using a brush can be a bit messy.
  21. It depends what product I'm using, but I always go with either a detailing brush (clicky) or kitchen roll wrapped around the finger to spread it evenly (usually on lower profile tyres where the brush doesn't work so well). Sponge based aplicatiors always fall apart sooner rather than later and open cell sponges will absorb more product than they spread, so I just don't use them at all any more. I have one brush that I've used for probably close to a 500 applications (complete guesstimate) now and it's still going strong, whereas sponges tend to last no more 2-3 dozen applications at best. Kitchen roll is usually a last resort for me though.
  22. I don't know about spare leather for a smple, but I'm pretty certain Ricey will be able to point you in the right direction to get a good colour match - he's definitely done Alezan seats himself before, and I highly suspect that Buffalo et al will have something that's the right colour already, albeit named something else most likely.
  23. You might see a troll, but you missed the point. £5 of kitchen roll is a lot of kitchen roll, thus a lot of applications. Granted you're unlikely to use a single sheet more than once, but it's still a lot uses before you spend any money on more. Even the branded stff you're looking at ~400 sheets for your £5, and even assuming you use 1 sheet per wheel per application, that's still 100 applications. At least. With £2 change from the sponge linked previously. So who's trolling exactly? I maintain £5 of kitchen roll will last just as long as the £7 sponge linked above. I guarantee a brush will outlast any sponge-type applicator. 14 sponges, making at least 168 "applicators" will also outlast one cut into 2.
  24. It might be worth trying to get a hold of @Ricey of Revolve Automotive - he doesn’t come on here much anymore unfortunately but he has a lot of knowledge and experience at top quality leather repair, so worth a try. Could try him on Instagram too; revolvedetailing
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