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Everything posted by Clown

  1. I quite like that HDR (before sunset). It's not over the top like most people seem to do.
  2. The View from the Shard. by Clwn, on Flickr View from the Shard. by Clwn, on Flickr The View from the Shard. by Clwn, on Flickr The View from the Shard. by Clwn, on Flickr
  3. As Steve said, I have an Invidia Gemini true dual exhaust. It's not as noisy as other aftermarket exhausts but that's what I wanted, although I do go through phases of wanting to be a child and make a racket. I didn't dyno the car before but I got 282 at the wheels afterwards, if that means anything to you.
  4. 71.98 litres at 142.9p - £102.86. Apparently I have an 80 litre tank. I don't know if the point of the thread is to highlight the most fuel you've put in or how much petrol is.
  5. Hah, nice pictures. I should go to the zoo at some point this year. Here are more phone pictures. London Bridge by Clwn, on Flickr Platform 2. by Clwn, on Flickr Clapham High Street London Overground Station. by Clwn, on Flickr
  6. Could that cleaning stuff solve my jerky throttle too?
  7. This is the best detailing thread ever. You'll just have to take my word for it.
  8. Can't drop it, I have gas bonnet struts.
  9. With faux leather padding at the bottom of those said cup holders too
  10. Mine was a phone picture too You must have been there pretty recently as they only just put that spinny thing up in the last couple of weeks I work to the left of that metal shard thing! Here's a diptych taken with my phone Last year I had one photo selected. This year I have two. I'm slowly taking over the calendar at work. I consider this progress
  11. I quite like this concrete wave This one came out pretty well, no? You guys give me too much credit Have a phone picture. o2 Arena. by Clwn, on Flickr
  12. I was following for a mile or so, I didn't bother flashing because it was cold and shrivelled.
  13. They're in artist order then you can sort by year or name of album. How is that annoying?
  14. I like the new iTunes. I just don't like the way the edge of the album cover is faded into the coloured background.
  15. Is someone driving my car?
  16. I made this mistake same time last year
  17. Thank you sir! I'm glad you enjoy my pictures
  18. Ah, this is why you were replying to every thread in the world yesterday!
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