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Everything posted by Clown

  1. Why not get it done after the winter because you can imagine the stone chips after all the salters have been out.
  2. Would love that. It's cool how you're getting back into photography again
  3. I might come if it's tomorrow. I'll text you.
  4. Can you get more tan ones for £53?
  5. Anyone else up for this or is it too cold for you old people?
  6. You got a google maps link to it? I want to scope it out for a photoshoot
  7. Where are you taking those abandoned petrol station shots?
  8. Royal Docks Panorama. by Clwn, on Flickr Royal Docks Footbridge. by Clwn, on Flickr
  9. 1. John Tarantula (Michael) JDM DE 2. The Bounty Bar Kid 3. 4RE :-) 4. Soimafreak 5. Clown (Andrew)
  10. I don't need to run, but I will to make up numbers. I'll come for the meet though!
  11. 1 is 25 seconds. 2 is 15 seconds. 3 is 30 seconds. 4 is 15 seconds. 5 is multiple exposure HDR.
  12. Thank you Me and Bounty Bar Kid went for a minor wander yesterday. I'm going to put down the camera for a bit after September. I'm turning into a photo saddo. City Panorama. by Clwn, on Flickr Tower Bridge Panorama. by Clwn, on Flickr Tower Bridge. by Clwn, on Flickr Tower Bridge, City Hall Panorama. by Clwn, on Flickr Towards The Shard. by Clwn, on Flickr
  13. Speak to Redline Steve350z, he might have a set.
  14. Touching up pictures has been done since the film days! As you can see in the first and third pictures, there wasn't an awful lot done with them anyway It's pretty difficult to shoot RAW mode and not have to edit them. If you shoot in JPG mode, the camera does some built-in processing. Bare in mind, I only learnt how to process pictures within the last year too It's just a hobby, it gets me out of the house and wastes a bit of time. I'm just really honoured that people like what I do. Very amazing.
  15. 100% touched. The first two are layers of pictures to blend the exposures. It wasn't really needed in the first one but I wanted to get some detail in the path on the second. The third picture is a composite of about 20 pictures stitched together! For a little bit behind the scenes info for you here are the untouched ones: Right hand segment of the panorama. This is the least touched. 120 second exposure. Only really did a lens correction and corrected the horizon and pushed the contrast again. Increased contrast to back the lighter which also brought out the colours. Notice how the left side is black and the water is not as bright.
  16. Haha, thanks guys I dunno, I just make pictures that look good to me and hope other people like them. I only posted those three because I took them yesterday!
  17. Cheers Have some more! Canary Wharf. by Clwn, on Flickr Albert Bridge. by Clwn, on Flickr Battersea Park Embankment. by Clwn, on Flickr
  18. I've only been taking pictures for about a year. Not had any lessons; most of my knowledge is self taught. The one time I went on a course, I didn't even pay attention as I was there with a friend.
  19. Do you still get that weird blur with a really small aperture (large f/stop)?
  20. Well, I'm not skilful enough to do a shot like this! I just wanted to see if I could pull out more detail in the car and see what it looked like without the blue tinge on the whites
  21. Lovely photo. I wish it was dark enough in London to do that! Do you mind uploading the original file somewhere so I can play with it?
  22. Sorry guys, I've kind of neglected this thread for a while. I guess I need to change the title of this thread now... Could do with a wash, huh?
  23. What the hell, I didn't see that when I saw you drive past Ace yesterday!
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