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Everything posted by remi

  1. remi


    I have done some alterations during the week with my headlights, and i have a little advice for the previous owner: "DON'T EVER ASK YOUR MATE TO DO SOME WORK ON YOUR CAR AGAIN!" The Headlights are design for H7 bulbs, D2S were attached with tape! After fitting the correct bulb type thats the outcome. I just need to go to Nissan this week to confirm that they pass the MOT. If not, my last rescue is
  2. remi


    I had the same in my mind, unfortunately I haven't got the orginal ones. Can someone give me idea where can I buy some second hand ones, just please don't send me to main dealer, the prices are horrendous! I have sent a request to 1stchoice.co.uk 2 weeks ago, and the didn't came back to me with any quote. I would like to get the 2006 model ones, my friend has got them on his 350Z and they work great.
  3. remi


    Hi I have a big problem regarding my headlights vision, the previous owner instaled some cheep replica ones and they don't work very well. Is there something i can do to improve the quality of the light, or maybe the only way is to replace them with geniue ones. They have isntaled D2R 35W HID's
  4. Hi Guys I have a major issue with my Headlights!!! The previous owner has instaled cheep replica lamps, and specially in this weather they don't work at all. Think I have to invest in new genue lights, I would like to instal the 2007 model ones, just will they fit and where I can get them from?
  5. I'm a happy 350Z owner since last month, I absolutly love this car. Can wait to post some pictures and shere some information and experience with other forum members.
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