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Everything posted by twilight

  1. it was the fuse box that had the water in and yes unless alex can help me with the ecu it is going to be mega expensive
  2. i'm in lowestoft, but the car is in a nissan garage in halesworth hence why they can charge so much lol
  3. thank u i will get the jist of this
  4. hi sam, it started with water in the fuse box got that fixed to then be told the 'brain' of the car wasnt responding and i needed a new one
  5. ok so new to this what is a sprinkle?
  6. haha got to be cheaper than the quote from the garage on the import
  7. Martin thanks fixing isnt the prob getting one is lol
  8. thanks neil, this has been a nightmare i feel i have been going round in circles
  9. thanks chris being i'm a lady finding this whole thing a nightmare
  10. Hi i'm new to this site and need some help. My baby girl needs an ecu, i have looked on many sites but with no luck. Can anyone help before the garage fleece me and i have to have one imported Thanks
  11. please help, im new to this site. My baby girl needs an ecu, i have looked all over the uk with no luck can anyone help before the garage fleece me into getting an import
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