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  1. I had a very loud sound coming from the rear of the passenger side. It's sound like this which I found on utube :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_zHPsQcg70 Anyone knows what is the problem? Is it because of the brake?
  2. hey guys, can anyone give a suggestion of this system: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-I ... 483b8a2ac9 is it worth it and what does it sounds like? thank you
  3. Thank you very much guys for all your answers. It helps alot.
  4. I am planning to change my exhuast system for my 2002 350z which i juz bought, i had been looking on ebay and google for that system, but mostly its was for 2003+ 350z. i had been looking at the NISSAN 350Z & INFINTY G35 EXHAUST SYSTEM, may i know whether will in fit on my car, as on the web it say its for 2003-.
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