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mikey bean

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Everything posted by mikey bean

  1. posting all tickets and passes in the next hour. 2 tickets still up for grabs if you want to come
  2. all addresses are needed now as i have recieved the tickets today. ill be posting these out wednesday):
  3. up to date list. hopefully i havent forgot anyone. 1. mikey bean 2. hollowpoint. x2 3. rob gaskin 4. artztogo 5. nncferreira 6. markderby x2 7. ceejay 8. ceejay second car 9. raven. x2 10. darren, just car pass. 11. 12. if my fugures are right i have 2 tickets with stand passes left up for grabs.
  4. its yours then. could all people who have bought tickets please pm me your address so i can post them out once i have them:)
  5. darren was the first to ask for it who still needs it. so if he still wants it then its his. i still have tickets for sale which come with stand passes all in for just $13 if your intrested?
  6. darren was the first to ask for it who still needs it. so if he still wants it then its his. i still have tickets for sale which come with stand passes all in for just $13 if your intrested?
  7. i didnt think i would need 2 extra. sorry this is going to be a pain. ill offer it to who asked first so ill just check this thread and see.
  8. just so happens i ordered 1 extra stand pass so its yours if you want it:)
  9. got 5 spare tickets so first come first served. 13each paypal to me redtopmike@hotmail.co.uk
  10. tickets are in the post to me ill let you all know once i have them. ive ordered plenty of spares and paid for them myself so let me know if you still want a ticket.
  11. ive ordered 2 extra tickets out of my own pocket incase others wanted to come. so if still intrested i can sort you both out:) let me know.
  12. ill try to find out but im sure you can just come join us on the stand if you want:). you might have to park else where to come find us then just drive over:)
  13. you should see my car right now. no interior, the engine has to come out so does the rear sub frame and its got no seats in it. you think you have problums. hahaha
  14. actually i got the dates wrong. you have until the 10th of june to put ya name down and pay. sorry thats my fault as i read their site wrong. come along we need all the numbers we can get:)
  15. he has no chance then. lol. its tested at 4000rpm. i got 98db so only just in:)
  16. sure pal. it will be an awesome day. im doing 2 track times in my 300zx. as long as i dont kill it on the first run this time. lol
  17. turns out i got my dates wrong. sorry. lol. we have a bit longer to get the numbers in so if payment could be made by the 10th of june now that would be great thx.
  18. if you have your name down or your still intrested payment is needed today please. £13 for entry plus £25 for each track time you want. payment sending here please. paypal@zxclub.net
  19. not sure if you lot are planning anything for this but we are trying to get something sorted a bit last minute after the success of japfest. i hope you dont mind me putting this up here and i hope some of you fancy coming along. taken straight from our site. only a few days left to book. get your names down now after attending japfest last weekend and having such fun i thought i would look up japfest 2. its at donington park and track time is available again. if we can get enough members together i will book us a club stand in which case we get a discount on tickets and track time. entry is £13 and track time is £25 per session. i will need numbers asap though as closing date is 25th of may. the show is on the 8th of july. so please put your names down if your a definite and i will need payment by a week wednesday which will be the 23rd. if we get enough people we can have our track time together or if you prefer we can just join others and make them look silly. lol http://www.japfest2.co.uk/ names with how much track time you would like asap please. 1) mikey bean 2 track sessions 300zx 2) The HollowPoints - 1 track session (Unless Rose wants one too if her back is fixed) 300zx 3) MarkDerby - 1 track session (Unknown tickets, will update before money is due) 300zx 4) mellowyellow 2 track sessions 300zx 5) nncferreira 350z 0 track 2 passes 6)
  20. i understand what your saying about pulling off track but i was having such fun and the car wasent dangerous just a bit smokey. lol. i did pull off track about 3 laps from the end however as i was scared of doing major damage to my engine. trying to sort out a club stand for japfest 2 now with more track time.
  21. i was on track with you lot and there was gold one that i almost hit as i overtook it. sorry to whoever you are but i missed my braking point and nearly didnt make the corner. woops lol.
  22. at japfest i went on track with you 350 lot. there was a gold one that i very almost hit. after 2 laps one of my turbos died and i only had half throttle. knowing this i really went for it in the corners to keep my speed up. sadly coming into one corner as i tried to pass a gold 350 i messed my braking up and almost smashed us both up. my arse was nipping so just thought best to say sorry on here. cant remember which car was yours though or i would of come say sorry yesterday. lol. sorry pal.
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