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Everything posted by theheff

  1. Think i may have a look at getting myself one then.
  2. Hey all, just wondered what peoples views are on personalised plates. if i was to get one id be looking at getting one along the lines of P?? HEF, as in my name, they cost around £189 so quite reasonable in terms of personalised plates. I've always been unsure about personalised plates as they seem to have a stigma attached to them and people seem to have negative views on them and drivers with them. just after peoples opinions really Paul
  3. theheff


    I got my tens from Camskill mate, They were for a coupe but were the cheapest i could find.
  4. There are pics of mine before and after in here. 20mm and 25mm as your after. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=56035
  5. Gave it a wash today, beautiful winters day. Some better pictures of the spacers.
  6. Fitted this today. I think it looks smart, not sure if it goes with the orange leather, maybe a matching gator or a new handbrake to match the shifter. Whats peoples thoughts?
  7. Drove 70 odd miles to clacton last night. Spacers havent had any adverse affects onthe car at all, if anything it seems a bit more confident in corners than before. If anyone is after spacers might i suggest larkspeed, came in at just over £200 posted iirc, cheapest place i could find.
  8. abbey isn't far to travel from those places. between junctions 5/6 of m25. I've never been with my car but lots of people rate them very highly, read this thread. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=56400
  9. Ive only moved it around onthe drive so far, it did feel like it was slightly less responsive. Im gonna take it out tonight when the traffic dies down and have a drive. I will update with what i think.
  10. fitted some spacers, 20mm front and 25mm back. got some twin s tech springs coming today aswell.
  11. If its in real good condition ill have it, pm sent.
  12. If its In real good condition i will have it.
  13. Im looking at lowering my car at some point. Been looking at these springs. What would coilovers offer over these springs, would only be looking for a 30mm drop. I take it the springs have no adverse affects on the shocks, ie bottoming out.
  14. pmd and paypal'd re cargo net, overtime fairy is a bitch. didn't come up with the goods. Credit card, hmmmm????
  15. Gonna be ordering one of these tomorrow. Hopefully the overtime fairy eill be good to me so i can get some berks aswell. Fingers crossed
  16. cheers, it can't be heard with the bonnet shut, its just a bit of caranoia, from having the bonnet open the other day.
  17. yeah, i think so mate, would that explain the ticking noise in the engine bay aswell then?
  18. hey guys, i was having a look around the car the other day whilst sorting out squeaky pulleys. i noticed a tick tick tick noise which appeared to be coming from the rear of the engine, almost underneath the plenum whilst idling, it seems to go away when the engine is revved. my first thoughts were it sounded like a pump working or could be the injectors. any ideas, the noise could be heard from underneath swell, it appeared slightly louder but not sure if this was just caused by the enclosed nature of being under a car? when i looked under the car i could here an infrequent hissing noise coming from towards the back of the car, could this be from the exhaust or maybe the fuel tank which may explain the injectors, if it is them? cheers
  19. right, had a look at this yesterday, the noise seemed to be coming from the left most pulley, i squirted a bit of wd40 onto the spindle part and this seemed to sort the matter. is this something i need to have looked at, i.e. could the spindle be slightly out of line, the pulley doesn't seem to be wobbling at all.
  20. thats a lot more than i need. that carbon looks neat, is it real or a wrap. and are they blue lights i can see in the heater controls, how have you done that, is it in all the lights being the dash/dials. i want.
  21. The woman ordered me a milltek system for xmas, intake is all velocity stacked up so the berks would be next, then plenum spacer and then a remap so thats my thinking behind the berks. Im just getting fed up with cds and the skipping. I like to have a choice of music at my fingertips.
  22. before i start i am a complete ICE novice. i am looking to treat myself to either some Berk HFCs or a new headunit. if i go for the head unit I am after one with a rear usb so i can run an iPhone/ipod cable to the little compartment between the seats where the handsfree used to live. not interested in a front usb as i can't be dealing with plugging wires in and out all the time. i would prefer a single din but would consider double din, only issue with double din is what to do with the fascia when i take it out if I'm out shopping etc. I'm not overly fussed about satnav, and i can take or leave handsfree. want something that fits in with the car though i.e. something that looks nice and not cheap. i have a budget of around £400, which needs to include cables and all fittings. its a 04 GT pack with bose system BTW. cheers Paul
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