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Everything posted by theheff

  1. i would say kim kardashian has a god body size, women I've dated seem to have this thing about there bums, its one of the first things i look at on a woman, bums and legs. there is nothing worse imo than a skinny woman with no bum. Tulisa is another, most blokes dream women are shapely i would say.
  2. Ive been looking at the smart covers cause they can be used as a stand aswell, anyone have any experience with those? Ive got a star app on my iphone and didnt get on with that to well. Think films and games will be my main usage of it, and 3g internet.
  3. Hey all, Ive ordered a new ipad which im expecting tomorrow at some point. Can anyone recomend any accessories or apps that are worth me buying please. Ta
  4. I spend a fair bit of time in clacton aswell if thts any good to you.
  5. Where you based mate. Im sure someone with teins would bring you there car to have a look at.. If your Nywhere near london ill volunteer.
  6. And a drive by, not at full chat cause its a public road but you get the idea. Had the girlfriend filming. Excuse her comments lol http://i802.photobucket.com/albums/yy307/The-heff/6e8dbcc7.mp4
  7. Standing video http://i802.photobucket.com/albums/yy307/The-heff/1c9b612a.mp4
  8. From what ive read doesnt a filter have to be submerged before water ingress becomes an issue? Its from a company called b-line motorsport in the states. Got a video tonight. Public road so not at full chat. Ill get it uploaded when i can.
  9. firstly, my car is a 2004 GT model bought in november 2011. this is how i bought it as you can see in need of wheel spacers lowering and a stubby aerial firstly the aerial then the spacers and a nismo shift nob i picked up from a member on here after a wash got some tein S-tech springs, which i fitted myself, a rewarding job. this is a week later after allowing them to settle down and another wash i then found this on the web whilst looking for a CAI kit, so i ordered it from the states to give it a go whoops, i need to get round to this at some point it arrived this morning now the hard part but this is for you guys, I'm going to hold off fitting it till tomorrow when I'm at my girlfriends so i can get before and after videos. plus she likes to help do bits and pieces. this must be how junkies feel.
  10. parcel delivered this morning. no customs charges, all in ship shape condition and came very quickly considering. think ill start a project thread with pictures etc. wohoo
  11. its in the uk, the tracking system says "customs clearance processing complete" does that mean I've avoided extra charges?
  12. was gonna say the same about ice hockey, personally I'm a big football fan, but if they made fighting acceptable like in hockey i bet it wouldn't happen, i can see it now " right dickheads, you wanna fight, do it, you two, Van persie, ashley cole get it over with" i somehow think they'd change there minds if they might actually get a smack in the mouth rather than be able to slap each other round the back of the head. i imagine certain players would revel in a good punch up, would make it more interesting for the fans, would offer something else of a speckle, like cheer leader in american football.
  13. This is meant in no way patronising, i am far from an expert in anything zed related, but, Have you tried switching the esp back on, the button may have been pressed. Not sure if it Automatically comes bck on when the ignition is off but thought id raise it
  14. The package has been shipped and is on its way to me. I love getting new toys.
  15. Couple after a wash today, think it approves
  16. They have agreed to try and help me get round the customs stuff by sending it with a sample price to try and get round it if possible. Im sure they will happily do a group buy, he seems more than willing to help with stuff. Ill let you all know how i get on with it, quality, noise etc, before though
  17. Worked it out online to be an extra £40. I have asked if it is possible when shipped for that to be take. Into consideration and if there are ways of avoiding it, never imported anything before so im not sure how it works
  18. Ive just placed my order. Worked out as £203 posted on paypal. I will post pics and a video and first thoughts when i get it. Company are really good to deal with so thats a good start.
  19. doesn't the nismo drop down before into the wheel arch area, meaning you needed to remove the extra washer bottle? was thinking it looked more like the injen one. I've read through the nsx forum again and think I'm going to order one. got nothing to loose and it will be rare over here.
  20. I came across this company whilst doing a bit of research and have been in contact with them over placing an order for their cold air intake. Hadnt heard of them before and i stumbled across them accidentally, it looks like a good quality intake from the pics, but then theyre not going to put crap pics up. I read about them on an nsx forum in the us and they seemed to rate them. http://www.blinemotorsports.com/intakes.html Any opinions on it, layout etc? the price they have given comes in just under £200 delivered from the states so im thinking its worth taking a punt on, unless you more technically minded guys see something i dont.
  21. This is the offending scuff, got a bit more of the bumper than i thought
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